Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 239: Nothing will happen

Bai Shui's strength seemed unfathomable to them, and they did not dare to make any actions that would cause misunderstanding.

"Hey, let's go, it's really depressing to have a rare opportunity to go shopping ruined by them like this!"

Bai Shui held Aqi's catkin and left here.

Baishui home.

"Bai Shui, is this really all right? If you hurt a Colonel/Colonel privately at the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Warring States won't trouble you!"

"There is also Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, if you don't show face like this, others will really not remember you!" Aqi asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Aqi, Marshal of the Warring States Period is not so stingy, and Sokus didn't care about it in the first place, so he didn't dare to say anything!"

"As for what Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan thinks, that's up to him personally. If he can't get along with me in this matter, I, Baishui, won't be a soft persimmon either!"

"Of course, the best result is that this matter will pass like this, and neither of us will mention this matter to each other!"

"I'm not afraid of getting to the bottom of it. Anyway, I'm the one with the upper hand. Even if the Marshal of the Warring States Period didn't see the actual situation, with his mind, I guess he can guess to a certain extent!"

"Don't worry, it's fine!"

Bai Shui patted Aqi's hand and gave him a reassuring smile.

"En!" Aqi nodded lightly, and stopped worrying about this matter.

"I'm hungry!" Aqi said to Bai Shui.

"Okay, you wait, I'll get it for you!"

Hearing this, Bai Shui smiled, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

And what about Sokos?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable. A paper of complaint was sent to Warring States. In the complaint, Sokus almost described Bai Shui as a heinous monster and a malignant tumor of the navy.

This caused the Warring States' favor towards Sokus to drop a lot.

Originally thought that he could take over his father's class in the future, but now it seems that he is completely useless.

With this kind of psychological quality, being a major general is flattering him.

So, after reading the complaint, the Warring States handed him to the alpaca beside him and ate him.

Just never mention it again.

Just kidding, exchanging a Sokos for white water, Warring States is not so stupid.

What's more, the truth is not necessarily what he said.

He knew exactly what kind of person Bai Shui was.

This matter is over.

Sokus naturally told his father Huoshaoshan about this matter, but what he got was an unprecedented punishment.

He never expected that his father, who has always been benevolent, would change his face after hearing the news.

Like he provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked.

Huoshaoshan certainly didn't want to provoke Baishui.

He is the popular man in front of the Sengoku and Garp, and it seems that Akainu also appreciates him a little bit.

Even General Huang Yuan, who has always been lazy, mentioned Baishui in admiration.

Such a person will definitely sit in those three positions in the future.

Offending such a guy at this time is definitely not a wise choice.

Huoshaoshan personally came to the door to apologize, which Baishui did not expect, and he still underestimated these elite lieutenant generals.

That's right, to be able to work in this position for so many years, it is impossible to have no city government.

Of course, Huoshaoshan came to the door in person, and Baishui could no longer be as rude as he was with Sokus, and received him with the courtesy of a junior.

Baishui's approach can't fault it at all.

The matter passed like this.

Time will make people forget the past.

After being idle for half a month, Bai Shui received the task again.

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