Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 247 Dirty training ground

They were constantly trained by fierce and ugly big men to do all kinds of strange actions.

But whoever dares to stop for a short while, what awaits her is a horrible punishment, the skin is torn apart, and it is a trivial matter to throw it down to feed snakes and tigers.

What I fear most is being locked in a small dark room and being driven crazy.

No one dared to stop. When they came here, their lives were not their own.

And in it, there is no shortage of princesses from a certain kingdom.

But what does it matter, Sirius and their goods are sent directly to the world government.

As long as the person caught is not a member of the world government/government. That has nothing to do with them.

Circus is the king here.

No, as soon as he saw him coming back, two women came over immediately.

One moved a bench for him, and then stood behind him.

The other person, holding a glass of mellow red wine, handed it to Circus, then walked behind him and massaged him.

From the beginning to the end, neither of these two people spoke, as if they were dumb.

Circus enjoyed the meticulous service of the woman.

But he didn't know that Bai Shui came here following his footsteps.

Bai Shui didn't feel much until he saw the scene inside with his knowledge.

But after seeing the scene inside with knowledge and knowledge, I only felt that the hormones in my whole body were accelerated, and something in my body raised its head involuntarily.

Then, there was endless anger and fear.

Fortunately, he got home in time, otherwise, Aqi might be one of them.

"Is the most dangerous place the safest place, ha ha, very good!"

Bai Shui let out a deep sneer, took out the phone bug, and connected to Zhan Guo's phone.

But it may be because of the influence of something in it, the signal is not very good.

But Bai Shui's meaning was still conveyed accurately.

The Warring States was shocked, he would never allow such a thing to happen under his nose, and immediately issued an order to send a major general and fifty colonels/colons to join Baishui.

While Bai Shui was talking with Zhan Guo, someone in the room couldn't help frowning, as if they had discovered something.

"What's wrong, monkey!"

Seeing this, Serius, who was enjoying the service of a beautiful woman, asked.

The man whom Circus called a monkey was a hideous man.

He has slender hands, no clothes, thick hair all over his body, and a beard that grows to his cheeks. He sits on the body of a beautiful slave.

Lice are constantly jumping on his body, just like a monkey, except for a pair of eyes that are extremely bright, as if they can see through everything.

"It's nothing, maybe I got it wrong!" The monkey's voice was rough and piercing, like rubbing against glass, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Be careful, this is the headquarters of the navy after all. Although the most dangerous place is the safest place, if the navy finds out about our whereabouts, we won't be able to walk around!"

Circus frowned slightly, and reprimanded slightly.

"You don't need to tell me this, of course I know!"

The monkey gave Circus a cold look, took out a handful of snot from his face, and handed it to the mouth of the female slave under him.

The female slave immediately opened her mouth and swallowed the monkey's big dirty hand, and then, like licking ice cream, cleaned the monkey's big hand clean.

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