Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 251 New Officials Take Three Fires

Other beggars still have dreams anyway, and they will work hard for them. But these people, I'm sorry, Bai Shui really didn't see the light of dreams in them.

In addition to basking in the sun every day, it is basking in the sun.

Guarding him is a major general named Jirac, with a glib appearance.

As for the ability, of course he has it, otherwise how could he become the highest officer of the naval branch stationed in the Great Route.

Moreover, it is still the rank of major general.

Jirac also seemed to know the origin of Baishui, so the room also gave Baishui a place with a better environment.

Backed by mountains and facing the sun, it is transparent and tidy, clean and bright, with excellent Fengshui.

With three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, the area is larger than the room in the Navy Headquarters.

The decoration is also more exquisite!

Aqi liked it very much, and Baishui also thought it was good.

As for how to train these lazy people, Bai Shui felt that he didn't need to worry about anything.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys is just a carrot and a big stick.

To wake these people up, heavy moves must be made, and blood may be shed when necessary.

Of course, the premise is to have the strength to restrain them.

Bai Shui wrote down all his requests for these people on paper, and posted them on the bulletin board, then left as if he didn't care anymore.

He doesn't have many requirements for these people, only a few points: First, the assembly must be completed at 6:30 every morning. Offenders will be punished!

Second, practice eight hours a day, offenders will be punished!

Third, Bai Shui's orders must be completely obeyed. Offenders will be punished.

Fourth, everyone must keep their bodies clean. Offenders will be punished!


Article 20: Check your homework every week. If you fail, you will be punished.

These regulations, everyone is just looking at them, few people will think about obeying them.

Everyone didn't have any idea about Baishui, a very young-looking instructor.

They only think that Bai Shui is young and should be easy to bully.

But they won't know that this is just the beginning of Baishui's killing of chickens and monkeys.

Bai Shui was quite satisfied with the facilities here, at least, he saw a place where he could use to temper his armed domineering - the devil's room.

There's only one thing in there, and that's a lot of spikes.

After entering, turn on the switch, as long as the user doesn't shout to stop, there will be endless sharp attacks until the user stops due to loss of strength.

Baishui tried it, and it works!

It took a day for Baishui to go around the G7 branch, and he had a general understanding of this place.

After understanding clearly, Baishui went home, but it was getting dark, and Aqi had already prepared dinner.

After dinner, Bai Shui and Aqi went to bed early, ignoring the noise around them.

the next day!

Bai Shui, just like everyone guessed, didn't care whether anyone was there to gather, but went to the devil's room on his own.

They thought that Bai Shui should have realized that they were not easy to mess with, so they avoided asking for trouble.

But they didn't want to let Bai Shui go like this, and followed Bai Shui's footsteps to the outside of the Spike Room.

After they entered the spike room, they sat cross-legged on the ground like sculptures, and then pressed the switch.


In an instant, a phantom roared towards Bai Shui, exuding a terrifying sharp aura, all of them bombarded towards Bai Shui, hitting Bai Shui's body with a rubbing sound, and sparks flew.

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