Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 279: Confession is lenient

He didn't think Baishui was so strong.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have capable subordinates, he could be the Four Emperors now, right?

Whitebeard and the others can become the Four Emperors, isn't it because they have many capable subordinates?

Nothing great.

Twenty minutes later, the white water arrived at the devil barque.

"It's still so eerie, Moriah, your habits are really not very good!"

After getting off the boat, Baishui strolled towards the inside.

If you have never been here, you will feel that this place is scary and gloomy, but if you have been here once, you will have no feeling.

It's just that Moriah deliberately made it to exaggerate the atmosphere, and it doesn't have any strength effect.

Walking all the way, nothing happened, as if Moria had known in advance that he was coming.

"Hehe, it still looks a bit like Qi Wuhai, and I didn't embarrass the organization of Qi Wuhai!"

Bai Shui was not surprised. If Moria did not have this kind of intelligence work, then he really failed.

Not everyone is as lucky as Luffy. You don't need to collect any information, and you can advance all the way, constantly fighting monsters and upgrading!

"Hey, this is the resentment that seems to be much heavier than last time, what happened?"

A strong resentment suddenly appeared in Bai Shui's perception, lingering around him and not going away.

But Bai Shui didn't take it too seriously. It's normal for things like resentment to appear on a pirate ship.

Not everyone's pirates are like the Straw Hat Pirates, they are all the embodiment of justice, they don't kill civilians, they are helpful and brave.

Such a pirate group is one in a million.

Most of the pirates are actually quite brutal and unreasonable.

Even in the Whitebeard Pirates, there are many murderers, and Whitebeard himself often does not give money for meals (although it is because of helping the residents of the island where he was born).

But not paying for meals is not something worth promoting in itself.

After a long journey, Whitewater finally reached Moria's castle.

"Molia, long time no see, you seem to have gained a lot of weight!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Bai Shui's words made Moriah furious.

But until he didn't know why Bai Shui came, he knew how to bear it.

"I don't know what you are doing here suddenly!"

Moria looked like Baishui, who was not welcome. Baishui came from afar, and he didn't have to drink a sip of water.

"Hmph, Moria, you should be very clear about what I'm here for. You don't think that the things you do behind the back of the Navy are perfect!"

Bai Shui narrowed his eyes slightly, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, and asked with a smile.

"Oh, then I don't know what I did behind the back of the navy, Longle Baishui, what do you know?" Moria began to talk about Baishui.

He wanted to know what exactly Bai Shui knew.

"Hey, I knew you wouldn't admit it, so I've been prepared to come here!"

"Hey, here is the information I collected about you. There are some things in it that don't seem to be what you Moria, a Shichibukai, should do!"

Bai Shui took out a piece of waste paper from his bosom, shook it in front of Moria's eyes, and then took it back solemnly, as if he was afraid that if he used too much strength, the paper would be broken!

A gleam flashed in Moria's eyes.

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