Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 282 When did you become so strong


Moria couldn't resist at all, and was pushed back by the white water again, and the shadow in his mouth spit out a large piece again.


Moria felt aggrieved for a while, knowing that it would be better not to use this trick, but now it is irreparable.

"Bang bang bang!"

Moria had no power to resist at all, and couldn't keep up with Baishui's rhythm.

To control this trick requires extremely strong mental strength, but Moria obviously thinks too highly of himself.

So much so that now, he can only be beaten passively aggrieved.

But being beaten was not without benefits, the shadow in his stomach had almost vomited after being beaten for so long, and he began to recover a certain amount of agility.

"Shadow Horn Gun!"

Moria waved his hand again, and a phantom that was more than twice as fast as before flew forward, and his breath became much more condensed.

"I finally recovered a little bit of strength, but it's a pity, it's over!"

Bai Shui said in a low voice, his figure disappeared in front of Moria, and then appeared behind Moria, kicking him out.

"Shard Bat!"

Sensing that there was danger behind him, Moria hurried back to defend, and a large shadow bat flew out, successfully stopping the kick.

"Shadow Mage!"

Moriah shouted, and a black Moriah solidified from the shadow bat, and then punched the white water.


Bai Shui didn't dodge at all, and collided with Shadow Mage with one foot, a violent wave broke out, and the sound of gold and iron was extremely crisp.


Baishui increased his strength suddenly, and even sent the Shadow Mage and Moriah flying, and Moriah had no time to react.

"call out!"

With a flash of white water, it turned into a phantom and rushed towards Moriah.

"Damn it, shadow corner...!"

Seeing Baishui attacking him, Moriah wanted to launch an attack to stop Baishui, but before he had time to launch, Baishui had already appeared in front of him and smashed down again.


Like a sandbag, Moria was blasted heavily into the ground. The ground trembled continuously, and a large pit of more than 20 meters was smashed out.

"Molia, give up, you can't use your opponent, don't you understand the strength gap between you and me?" Appearing beside Moria, Bai Shui pointed a gun at Moria's head and said .

In the whole battle, Bai Shui completely crushed him.

He has no power to resist.

"Damn it, when did you become so strong!" Moria said viciously, spitting out the blood from his mouth unwillingly.

"I don't know why I have become so powerful, but I am improving every day, and you are just spinning around, of course you will feel that I have become very powerful!" Bai Shui rubbed his nose, pretending to be a / forced .

"Okay, Longer Baishui, this time I admit it, go back and tell the Warring States, I will restrain my actions in the future, and I won't do anything too loud!!" Moria stared at Baishui, gnashing his teeth.

"Hmph, very good, I'm relieved if you have this awareness!" After hearing this, the right gun in Bai Shui's hand disappeared, and the aura that made Moriah startled also disappeared. Bai Shui changed into that harmless expression for humans and animals again.

"Molia, remember what you said just now, if you dare to violate the agreement again, you won't let you go as easily as today!" Just when Moria couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, Bai Shui came again unexpectedly said a word.

"Hmph, don't worry, I, Moriah, still want to save face. I won't turn my back on me like you navy!" Moriah sat up from the ground and snorted.

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