Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 284 Give me training recruits

"That's it, you and Baishui will help me train new recruits for a month!" Warring States did not give Karp a chance to refute, even without Baishui present, so he decided where Baishui and Karp would go.

What a 'dominant' marshal!

"I have no objection. Anyway, I have nothing to do recently. Why don't you go and lead the recruits? Hehe, I really miss the feeling of training people!"

When Bai Shui at home heard the news, he couldn't help showing a sinister smile, which made people shudder.

Whenever Bai Shui showed this expression, he was definitely not thinking of anything good.

"Haha, no problem, Bai Shui and I went to train new recruits, and we met two good seedlings in the East China Sea, Bai Shui, I think you should be interested!!" Garp did not refuse, and agreed with a smile.

"Okay, since neither of you has any objections, let's set off immediately, time is tight, don't delay!"

The Warring States period was vigorous and resolute, and Bai Shui and his wife were not given any time to rest and prepare.

Bai Shui originally wanted to take a day off, but the order of the Warring States Period had been issued, so he obeyed.

A certain island on the great route.

Baishui and Garp arrived here on a warship.

Along with Baishui and Karp, there are also Karp's new apprentices, Kebi and Bellumebo.

The two of them are about to join the training of these people. Karp, as the trainer, still has this right.

"Welcome two adults to visit the base on this island!"

The news that Garp and Baishui were coming had already spread throughout the island, so when the two arrived, the island's port was already full of welcome teams, their voices extremely loud.

If it weren't for their habit of only pulling banners, Bai Shui would really have the feeling of returning to the previous Celestial Dynasty again.

"Okay, okay, don't do these rituals, it's meaningless, let's go!"

But Garp didn't like this ceremony very much, and waved his hand, looking a little unhappy.

"Hehe, Lieutenant General Garp is like this, well, you guys should leave first, and we will all gather in the training square later, understand!"

Seeing that everyone was stunned by Karp's expression, Bai Shui had no choice but to take a step forward and said with a smile.

"Yes, Major General Baishui!"

Hearing this, everyone saluted Bai Shui in unison with a loud voice.

Bai Shui didn't dare to ask too much, so he quickly returned a salute.

after an hour.

The recruits from the entire branch were all gathered in the training square. There were not many of them, but each of them looked a bit lacking in masculinity, giving people the feeling that they were not very strong.

This is normal, that's what recruits are like, otherwise, how can they be called recruits.

Although they are recruits, they still know that they don't speak at the rally.

Therefore, a hundred or so people gathered in the square, and it was considered quiet, except for the occasional whispering, there was no other movement.

After a while, Garp and Baishui came hand in hand, and the officers on the island followed Baishui.

Karp spoke first: "I believe you all know what you will experience in the next month, so I won't say much! As long as you work hard, this month is definitely worth the money!"

"I'm in charge of your general direction, and Bai Shui is in charge of your training specifically. I believe you should have heard his name more or less. Well, I won't talk about it, let him talk about his plan!"

Karp said so little, of course, and it is indeed very concise.

Bai Shui took a step forward and said, "Well, let me introduce myself first. My name is Long Er Bai Shui, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

"For the next month, you will train with me. Well, I am not very demanding. There is only one thing. Everyone must obey my orders, understand?"

Baishui has inherited Karp's concise style, no nonsense.

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