Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 419: The White Water That Absorbs the Energy of Heaven and Earth

"Target Moby Dick, Miles of Sunshine, shoot!"

When Baishui gave an order, the entire sea surface was immediately covered with pitch-black bombs. Even Marco and the others dared not underestimate such a dense rain of bombs.


Ace made a shooting gesture with his hands, and a series of finger-thin fireballs flew out, colliding with the bombs coming from the bombardment.

"Rubber rubber...rubber slap!"

Luffy entered the second gear in an instant, his hands danced like phantoms, his armor hardened, and he actually came into direct contact with the bomb.

"Three Swords Style Black Rope Tornado!"

Sauron couldn't bear it any longer, and he slashed out three swords, slashing out a sword energy comparable to a hurricane, and in an instant, a large part of the bomb group was missing.

"Oh, it's very powerful, then we can't lose!"

Seeing this, Marco frowned in surprise, and then, the entire right arm was completely turned into a sea of ​​flames, and then condensed into a huge fist.

Then, as if waving his hand, the huge fire fist swept away a large number of bombs in an instant, and the whole sky roared violently.

"The sea flows over the shoulder!"

The murloc Jinbe stretched out his hand and grabbed it, as if he had grabbed something, and then threw it over his shoulder.

Seeing that the ocean current turned into a wall of water under Jinbei's control like a good baby, blocking in front of the bomb.

"Ordinary bombs really can't do anything to you, so what about this one?"

Seeing this, Bai Shui looked indifferent, then raised his left hand and pulled the trigger.

"Infinite bombardment!"

When the words fell, the gun in Bai Shui's hand seemed to be possessed by a demon, and the crazy bullets rushed out desperately, turning into fist-sized light bullets, covering the entire sea area again!

It was comparable to the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu's blow to the top against the yellow ape!

Back then, Marco was able to block the blow of the yellow ape, so naturally, there was no problem in blocking the blow.

In fact, Marco really thought so!

But unfortunately, Baishui is not a yellow ape!

Seeing that Marco was about to make a move, his right hand gun was aimed at Marco immediately, locking him tightly.

"call out!"

An incomparably sharp and swift light cannon rushed straight in front of Marco, leaving him no chance to stop the sky full of light cannons.


Now, even Marco couldn't help scolding.

In the arena, someone who can block the sky full of light bullets. He was the only one, but was stopped by Bai Shui.

"Jie la la, as expected of an admiral of the navy, he is really powerful!"

Foil Vista's eyes were scorching hot, but his face was incomparably solemn.

"Da Yan Jie Yan Emperor!"

Helpless, Ace had no choice but to fight, launching the strongest move!

A huge fireball blocked the Moby Dick in this way, exuding shocking heat, and the scorching seawater was constantly tumbling, even people like Shi Ping felt uncomfortable.


Why is it said that only Marco can block the light bullets all over the sky?

Because the light bullets are almost endless, although Ace's Emperor Yan is powerful, he will be exhausted before Baishui, because the consumption of this move is too great.

Only Marco, who will continue to regenerate, can use relatively small damage to resist this move.

Because this trick does not consume much white water, especially after white water awakens.

All the energy between the heaven and the earth can be absorbed as the power of Bai Shui, replenishing his exhausted physical strength.

The most obvious ones are the energy of light and wind.

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