Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 422 Explode, Sky Breaker


Like two planets colliding together, the sea surface and the sky all changed color.

The violent explosion lit up the entire sky, and the endless power vented in all directions, as if to tear the entire sky apart, causing the sky to wrinkle like clothes.


Level 4 Luffy's face couldn't help but change. The power of this sky-shattering gun completely exceeded his expectations. With his level 4 strength, he couldn't resist. His body was repeatedly repelled in the air and slid down the sky like a meteor.

"Hey, Luffy, wish yourself good luck, I hope you can hold on!"

When Luffy was about to retreat to Marco's side, Bai Shui clenched his right arm suddenly.


Bai Shui yelled, and then, the sky-shattering gun exploded under Lu Fei's horrified gaze!

No one expected that Bai Shui would be so decisive that he would explode as soon as he said it.

None of the weak people present could feel the horror of the sky-shattering gun. They really couldn't imagine how powerful the explosion of the sky-shattering gun would be.

"Damn it!"

Even the people at the bottom of the sea couldn't help but change their expressions. Even though they were separated by such a deep sea, they still felt extremely horrified by the power of this blow.

"It's over!"

The word suddenly popped up in Marco's mind.

Originally, for a strong man like him, such an idea should not have appeared, but there is no way, Bai Shui's attack is too terrifying, maybe even a strong man at the level of the Four Emperors will not be willing to face him This blow.

"How can you just die here!"

"I'm the man who became the One Piece!"

In stark contrast are the two brothers Ace and Luffy, whose eyes are full of unyielding will, almost condensed into substance through their eye sockets.

"Great Flame Restrains Flame Divine Obstacle!"


The two shouted angrily, and then, Ace waved his hand and opened a huge fire field, like a shrunken version of the sky cover, covering Luffy's side and everyone in the new Whitebeard Pirates.

And Luffy, like a piece of flattened rice cake, broke through the fire area and formed an irregularly shaped shield inside the fire area, constantly exuding a crimson aura.

"In that case, Longer Baishui, let's fight to see whose life is harder!"

Seeing this, Marco focused his eyes, spread his wings, and then closed them in front of him. The flames on his body suddenly swelled up. He was like a huge warrior, enveloping Ace's fire field.


This was an explosion of unimaginable power. The aftermath of the explosion was comparable to a plasma cannon. All the substances in front of the aftermath of the explosion were crushed into fine powder and completely disappeared in this world.

Even the vast sea has been hollowed out into a huge semicircular tiankeng, exuding intense scorching heat, the sky cannot recover for a long time, and still maintains a ruddy posture.


Everywhere in the world, there is only this one voice left, as if the thunder from the nine heavens descended on the human world, there is almost no sign of life around.

Except for the scattered scorched black 'corpses' floating on the sea surface, this place has almost become a forbidden area for life, the sea water is turbid, and there are some pieces of meat and wood vaguely mixed in it.

At this moment, at the end of the sea and the horizon, a white naval warship slowly approached!

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