Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 425: The Secret of the Devil Fruit

It can be faintly seen that in the transparent light cluster, there is a fruit-shaped thing, which is constantly absorbing the energy transmitted from the meridians.

If Bai Shui was conscious, he would immediately recognize what this fruit-shaped thing was? That's right, it's the energy fruit Bai Shui ate.

The secret of the Devil Fruit is only known to twenty people from the former One Piece and the current One Piece, and the rest have no understanding at all.

I only think that devil fruits are things that give everyone strength, and they are treasures that can become stronger.

But if you know the secret of the devil fruit, it will be very clear that this thing is actually a time bomb.

Because once this thing is eaten, there will be a connection with the devil fruit tree. The deeper it is developed, the stronger it will be controlled by the devil fruit tree.

Although the devil fruit mother tree doesn't have too many unfavorable ideas for these people, once someone wants to tell this secret, they may be punished by the devil fruit mother tree as soon as they arise.

The corresponding person will be deprived of most of their vitality, leaving only a dying light for a month, lingering on their last breath.

Roger, the previous One Piece, died here.

That's why Raleigh is so silent about One Piece's secret. Of course, it's okay for him to say it out, and he's not a devil fruit capable user.

But it was impossible for Wulaoxing to look at Leili and tell that secret. They will definitely send someone to kill Lei Li, and then block the news.

The same goes for white water.

Baishui's development of energy fruits has reached a relatively high level, so almost all of his Xiantai is occupied by things like meridians.

This is the encroachment phenomenon of devil fruit!

Perhaps it is difficult to understand this way, but if the devil fruit is regarded as a remote terminal, the matter is very simple. All devil fruits are remotely controlled by the terminal of the devil fruit tree.

But at this moment, the meridians in Baishui's body that should have been very round and complete have become fragmented, and even the energy fruit that should have been very illusory has become more and more solid.

If you understand devil fruit, one thing will be very clear.

If a devil fruit is solidified in the current owner's body, it means that this devil fruit will reappear in a certain corner of the world and be eaten by a new person.

At that time, Baishui will also lose all his devil fruit abilities.

Opposite to the transparent light group is a purple light group with a very noble color. Its volume is one-third smaller than the transparent light group, but the aura it emits is as much as twice that of the transparent light group.

If you look carefully, you will see three red, blue and white energy bodies of similar size floating inside the light cluster.

Every energy body feels very dangerous, especially the red and blue particles, one gives a sense of wildness, and the other gives a sense of mania.

It seems to be able to tear the sky, tear everything.

The white particles are relatively restrained, but they should not be underestimated either.

The purple light group also exudes light, which is strange, but it is an aura that does not belong to this world at all, simple and vigorous.

If Bai Shui was conscious, he would recognize what this thing was at a glance! That's right, it's the Blood Succession Boundary of his last life in the Naruto World - Yan Dun, Lan Dun, Boiling Dun.

There is also a very interesting situation, every time the purple light cluster lights up, the meridians under the transparent light cluster will be more severely broken.

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