Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 437 Okay, I'll give you this face

"You take good care of your injuries, and when you recover from your injuries, we will leave the navy, okay?"

"Well, it's all up to you!" Aqi nodded and responded obediently.

"Okay, that's it, you just got out of danger, go rest first, and leave the rest to me!"

Although Bai Shui wanted to say a lot to Aqi in his heart, he still held back considering Aqi's physical condition. Let's wait until Aqi recovers to say those words!

Anyway, he can afford to wait!

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would be so proud, even you came here in person!"

Suddenly, as if sensing something, Bai Shui lowered his head, and said in his heart with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then I'll go out first!"

Bai Shui raised his head, but it had already changed into a sunny smile.

"Hey, Marshal Akainu, long time no see!"

As soon as he walked out of the door of the emergency room, he happened to meet the oncoming red dog. Bai Shui stretched out his hand and greeted him with a smile, but the smile was like a fox, which made the yellow monkey who came along with him feel a little thump.

Looking at his appearance, it is obvious that he knows that he is waiting for someone to come. Since he knew that he was waiting for someone to come, it was a bit difficult to handle, at least, the set of rhetoric he had prepared before was not easy to use.

"Bai Shui, I can only say sorry for what happened to Aqi, but don't you think you went too far?"

Akainu is Akainu, and he will never compromise when speaking, even if it has been discussed before, but with his nature, he will naturally not say any words of compromise.

Moreover, from his standpoint, he represents the interests of the navy, and he can't give away his bottom line at the beginning. Regardless of whether it will be useful to disarm him, at least he has to try it first.

But obviously, such things as dismounting Mawei will not work for Baishui.

After all, Bai Shui has never been a person who will be threatened. He has the capital and naturally has the confidence.

"Hehe, Marshal Akainu, I will not let anyone who hurts Aqi be spared, because this is my principle!!!" Bai Shui looked at Akainu without backing down, and said word by word.

But no matter how you look at it, the smile on his face seems to be provoking Akainu.

The atmosphere instantly became tit-for-tat, depressing and uncomfortable.

"Well, Baishui boy, don't be so angry, give me some face, let's just let this matter go, and the navy will compensate Aqi accordingly, how about it!"

When Huang Yuan saw that something was wrong, he immediately changed the subject.

"Okay, I still have to give the face of General Huang Yuan. After all, Aqi is fine, and the murderer has already received the punishment he deserved!"

After hearing this, Bai Shui did not refuse, but agreed with a smile on his face.

"That's good, that's good!"

After receiving Bai Shui's affirmative answer, Huang Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was most afraid that Bai Shui would not agree, otherwise, with Chi Quan's temperament, there would inevitably be another quarrel with Bai Shui.

"Master Marshal, it's okay to deal with it like this!"

After dealing with it, the yellow monkey cunningly dumped the blame on the red dog.

"Well, no problem, since that's the case, then this matter is over!"

"However, the navy will never allow you to leave as soon as you say it! When you first joined the navy, you should be very clear about the rules of the navy. Leaving the navy at will is equivalent to defecting, and everyone in the navy will punish you!"

The red dog changed the subject, but the face of the yellow monkey became ugly in an instant.

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