Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 441 Big deal being a pirate

"Stop, don't move, if you still think Aqi is okay, just stand where I am!"

Just when Baishui was about to take the first step, the tattooed man suddenly yelled, making Baishui stop.

He said coldly: "If you still want to live, I advise you to ensure that there is nothing wrong with Aqi. If he hurts a hair, I will let you see the King of Hades immediately!"

"Of course, if you don't want to live, or don't believe that I can do it, you can continue!"

"However, when the time comes, let's see if it's your hand speed or my Baishui's speed. You should know what I was good at before!"

Bai Shui looked at the people present, and suddenly grinned, showing his white teeth, looking like a handsome guy with red lips and white teeth, but it made all the people present shudder.

It was only then that everyone remembered that Bai Shui seemed to be very good at speed from the very beginning.

"Killing you guys, I don't think it should be difficult for me!"

"Besides, I believe that based on my strength, it should be very difficult for the navy to chase me down. The world situation is so turbulent, it should be difficult to deploy a general-level combat force to arrest me."


Everyone began to hesitate a little. They didn't want to die. They finally climbed to this position. It would be a pity to die.

Moreover, it was because of a weak woman who had no strength to restrain a chicken.

"Of course, if you are not afraid of losing your reputation, go ahead and see how you naval officers who bully weak women will deal with your subordinates!"

Perhaps seeing that these people were still hesitating, Bai Shui threatened again with a smile.

"Don't try to provoke us, anyway, since you killed my son, there is no possibility of reconciliation between us!"

"Since according to your analysis, we have no way out no matter what, so we can only fight with our backs. At worst, we don't want to wear this suit and become a pirate!"

But obviously, compared to the hesitation of other sailors, the tattooed man's thinking is much clearer and more decisive.

"Hehe, that means there's nothing to talk about, right?"

After hearing this, the smile on Bai Shui's face suddenly subsided, and changed into that sneer look, looking straight at the tattooed man, and slowly raised his arm.

"Don't move, if you move around again, don't blame me for being rude!"

But the tattooed man knew Baishui's strength very well. When he saw this, he immediately exploded, shouted sharply, with a trace of panic in his expression, revealing a gap.

"Hehe, I asked if I didn't?"

However, Bai Shui didn't listen to his words. When the words fell, he had disappeared in place, and appeared in front of the two navy guards guarding Aqi, raising his hand and pointing!


The left and right arms of the two marines were broken at the root, and blood was splashed everywhere.

Then, he stepped forward with his right leg, stretched out his hands, and Aqi fell heavily into Bai Shui's arms.

"not good!"

When he saw Bai Shui disappearing in front of him, the tattooed man yelled that he was not good.

Aqi is the last bargaining chip in their hands. If Aqi is gone, they will be giving away food in the face of Baishui.

They all know how strong Baishui is.

But unfortunately, when he turned around, Aqi was already hugged by Bai Shui, completely safe.

"Then it will be you guys next, how do you want to die?"

With a dangerous smile on his face, Bai Shui glanced across the faces of everyone present, sharp as a knife.

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