Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 460 Lu Qi, it's over

"You must not be hit by this energy body, once you get hit, it will be over!" Lu Qi told himself in his heart.

"Is it that easy to avoid it! If you don't let you pay a price, won't you be pestering me every day in the future, and I don't have time to fight with you!"

Seeing that Lu Qi wanted to dodge, Bai Shui raised his mouth, showing a thoughtful expression, his right arm suddenly accelerated, and under Lu Qi's horrified gaze, he pressed the blue ball into Lu Qi's abdomen.


The moment Lanqiu touched Lu Qi's body, it turned into thunder and lightning all over the sky. Lu Qi completely became a doll with no resistance. every cell. The thunder and lightning generated by Lan Dun even illuminated the entire sky, which was extremely dazzling.


Lu Qi's screams came from the thunder and lightning. This Lan Dun is a first-class powerful attack power. Even the power of the thunder fruit is not comparable, and it is slightly inferior.

The thunder and lightning bombardment lasted for a full three minutes, and the pirates who usually offered a bounty of 600 to 700 million are now estimated to be almost the same as a corpse.

Those pirates with a bounty of 800 to 900 million are estimated to have lost most of their mobility and can no longer move. Even if it is a pirate with a billion, it should be difficult to fight again.

But Rob Lucci really surprised Bai Shui. After being severely injured, he didn't lie down unable to move as Bai Shui imagined, but struggled to stand up from a broken board.

" can I, Rob...Lucci...stop...stop here!"

In this ocean known as the Devil Fruit Grave, he actually stood up against a broken deck, his eyes determined.

"Oh, can you still stand up? As expected of Rob Lucci! If that's the case, let's make you unable to stand up!"

Seeing this, Bai Shui frowned, then raised his right hand, and scorching flames flew out, turning into a scorching God Mie Dao.

"Lucci, it's over!"

Bai Shui said in a low voice, and disappeared in place, and then appeared in front of Lu Qi, stabbing forward with the Shenmie Dao.

"Don't think about getting rid of me so easily!"

Faced with the flame knife that was approaching him very quickly, Lu Qi's pupils had shrunk into needles, but his body reacted extremely quickly, and he dodged away before Baishui's flame knife arrived.

"Oh, I actually avoided it, it's ok, Lu Qi!"

Seeing Lu Qi dodging unexpectedly, Bai Shui couldn't help but shrugged his brows again, quite surprised.

"In that case, let's try this trick!"

"Blue Sky Maha!"

When Bai Shui put his hands together, a powerful light erupted around his body, and the surrounding space actually froze.

"How can it be!"

Lu Qi, who was moving at a high speed, suddenly felt that his body could not move, and he couldn't help being horrified, but he couldn't break free from Bai Shui's tricks.

"Now, it's really over!"

Bai Shui came to Lu Qi's side like a ghost, stretched out his right hand, and pressed it against Lu Qi's chest with a shining haze.

In an instant, the hazy light illuminated the entire sky, and Lu Qi screamed sharply.

Originally, if he didn't have the skill of Bikong Maha, he could have survived in Baishui's hands for a long time, but unfortunately, he encountered a space ninjutsu that didn't belong to this world.

As long as he is fixed, he has no chance of winning.

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