Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Four hundred and seventieth chapters are dead


After killing Sinkski, Shenmie Dao slashed heavily on the island.

The island lasted for less than a second before it was cut in half by the God Mie Knife and slipped into the sea, splashing a tsunami of wild waves.


Even the sea was cut with a terrifying large wound more than 200 meters long, with intensely burning hot steam, which could not be closed for a long time.


After killing Sinkersky, Bai Shui absolutely couldn't let Shi Nake go. After dispelling Thunder God, Shen Mie Dao aimed at Shi Nake who was trapped in the Eight Dragon Columns.


Shi Nake had no chance to resist at all, so he was pierced through the chest by the God Mie Knife, and then, under the terrifying temperature of the God Mie Knife, just like Sinkski, he was turned into a piece of dust, and he will never exist in this world!


After killing the two of them, Bai Shui's body suddenly softened and he knelt down on the ground, then spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as wax paper, and he panted violently like a bellows.

"As expected of the world government/government, there are still a few brushes, but you probably didn't expect it, my strength has exceeded your imagination!"

Bai Shui lay on the surface of the sea, grinning weakly and whispering to himself.

"However, it's not the world of Naruto after all. It's still a bit difficult to use the ultimate move, especially the one that consumes energy like Thor!"

"This time, you will be shocked, but since you have come to the door, then I have nothing to hide. I will not be attacked if no one offends me. Since you have offended me, then you should do well." Get ready!"

Bai Shui stood up while supporting a carp on the sea surface, and stumbled towards the Qingguo Kingdom.

World government/government!

"They are all dead, how is it possible!"

Wulaoxing with an octagonal beard looked at the two burnt life papers and couldn't help being taken aback.

Logically speaking, there should be no one in this world who can kill the two of them.

After all, each of them has the strength to fight against the generals. Together, even the world government/government commander-in-chief Kong is a bit difficult to kill them.

But, when Bai Shui was assassinated, both of them died?

"Longer Baishui, is it so terrifying?"

The five people looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Even if it is them, it is impossible to do such a thing.

Of the five of them, not everyone has the strength of a general. Only the master who wears the second-generation ghost has the strength of a general.

The rest are weaker than the general!

Being able to command the navy depends only on the supreme power of the world government and the forces in its hands.

"It seems that it's time to start the extermination plan!" Wu Laoxing, who was holding the second generation Guiche, opened his eyes and said, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Indeed, people like Longer Baishui will definitely affect our cooperation with Devil Fruit Tree, and must be killed!" Wu Laoxing with a forked beard nodded in agreement!

"Since this is the case, let's give the navy an order. At the same time, our people will also be sent out. Longer Baishui can't keep fighting. He is also a human being, and he will always get tired!"

Wu Laoxing with scars on his face grinned ferociously.

"so be it!"

The other two had no opinion.

Naval Headquarters!

"Has Wulaoxing finally attacked Baishui? It's just that he didn't expect his attitude to be so firm this time. He actually wanted to dispatch half of our navy's personnel at once. Do you really want to kill Baishui so much?"

It is naturally impossible to hide the order of the five old stars from the retired Sengoku and Karp.

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