Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 478 A little uncomfortable

The remaining two generals were blocked by Murloc Jinbe and Foil Vesta respectively.

But it was obvious that the two were struggling.

After all, he is a general, and his strength should not be underestimated.

The new Whitebeard Pirates have always lacked a decent pillar. If Whitebeard was alive before, Bigum would never dare to fight it.

However, although the New Whitebeard Pirates lack a backbone, their mid-level combat power is higher than that of the Bigum Pirates.

The other side of the new world!

"Jie Jie Jie, this is really a great opportunity to expand the territory. Marko and the others are all fighting with Bigumamu. Their territory is ours!"

Kaido, one of the double emperors, brought his three disasters and a group of troops to Marko's territory.

It just so happens that they are empty inside, and if they don't snatch the territory at this time, they may have something wrong with their brains.

But is there really such a smooth thing?

of course not!

When Drought Jack landed on the island with heavy steps, what greeted him was not the panic and shouts of the crowd, but the violent artillery fire from the navy and the pacifists who could not see the edge.

And at the moment when Jack landed on the island and was attacked, huge warships emerged from the sea, and the whole sea was surrounded, and Kaido and the others were completely trapped.

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy. I just said that Marco is so smart, how could he leave such an obvious flaw, so he knew that the navy would definitely not miss me!"

"It's easy to calculate, that's all, let's get away first!"

Kaido is not a fool, he immediately understood what was going on.

After seeing the team leader, his expression became a little dignified.

The leader of the team was not beyond his imagination, and it was Fujitora, one of the admirals, with a smile.

"Hehe, Mr. Kaido, I think it's better for you to put down your weapon!"

He opened his mouth with a smile, sticking out his blind stick, just like an ordinary soldier, and he didn't see any strength at all.

"Haha, Fujitora, you are so old, why do you still like to say such childish words, can you make me surrender, or use your means to prove it!"

Kaido took a sip of wine with a smile, and then his body became bigger, and the whole air instantly became extremely heavy because of Kaido.

"Then it seems that we have to show our strength, otherwise, Mr. General will not let us go!"

Plague Quinn smiled contemptuously, his sharp teeth made people feel chills.

Although the figure looks fat and chubby, but to become one of the three disasters, Quinn certainly cannot be weak.

"Then let me be your opponent! A dangerous person like you cannot be handed over to others!"

The tea dolphin held a toothpick in its mouth, pulled the wooden shoes, and took a casual step forward, its eyes almost narrowed into slits, staring at Quinn so hard that Quinn couldn't help but feel chills.

To become a general candidate, the strength is not low!

"Then it looks like my opponent is you, Flame Calamity Ember!"

Tao Tutu also took a step forward, her beautiful eyes staring at Yan Calamity, who was dressed in the costume of a large undersea prison, her eyes were extremely unfriendly.

She naturally knows the details of Yan Calamity, so she is even more unkind to Yan Calamity.

In her eyes, everyone who betrayed the navy is unforgivable, except Baishui.

"Come on then, little girl!"

It is naturally impossible for Yan Calamity to be weaker than Taotu in terms of aura.

"Come on, Fujitora, let me see if you, the admiral, are as tough as White Eagle!"

Kaido charged at Fujitora with a mace in his hand, every step made the ground tremble violently, cracking cracks as thick as arms.

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