Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 489 Don't Give Me a Chance to Cut You Down

"I hope someone will kill me by following you, otherwise, don't blame me for killing you!"

Shiliu of the Rain, an extremely murderous person, was expelled from Jinjin City because he killed all the prisoners.

"Haha, don't worry, you know that in today's world, someone will definitely cut it for you, I'm afraid you will be soft when you cut it!"

"Okay, don't gossip, let's divide into two groups, let's go!"

Bai Shui is not a person who is good at chatting, and after explaining what should be explained, he set off on the road again.

"This guy is probably the most unreliable captain I've ever met!"

After Baishui left, Xiliu couldn't help shaking his head, and took the boat to the other side.

The person he is looking for is very simple, the evil king, the Moonlight Hunter!

Because he was a little familiar with these people.

New Whitebeard Pirates, headquarters island!

"Bai Ying, you are finally here!"

The sudden arrival of white water made the pirates guarding here breath a sigh of relief.

There is no way, there lives a woman who is powerless but has a lot to do with it.

If one is not good, Bai Shui will be provoked, and it is the kind that will never die.

Even if all the white beards are alive, they probably don't want to provoke people of Bai Shui's level, let alone now!

"Thanks for your hard work, Aqi, I will take it away, and say thank you to Marco for me!"

Bai Shui picked up Aqi, and thanked them grandly before leaving.

"Don't worry, I will!"

After Aqi was picked up, all the pirates couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Next, let's find Moria first!"

Whitewater's first target was Moria.

No way, Moria is the closest to him.

Although Moria has almost disappeared without a trace since the war on the top, but as a bounty, there are more than 300 million big pirates anyway, how can it be possible to hide it if it is hidden!

Although Moriah's power almost completely collapsed after the top battle, there are still some. It is still unrealistic for him to hide completely.

"The White Beard II is also a candidate for consideration, but he needs to be equipped with a counselor who is wise enough!"

"Miss Ba Jin, absolutely can't keep it, it's absolutely bad for this old woman to keep it!"

Bai Shui needs to be responsible to Aqi. Part of the reason why he formed a force is because he needs a certain deterrent force to protect Aqi.

"The World Destroyer seems to be good too. Speaking of which, I caught him in with my own hands. I hope he hasn't been abolished now!"

"However, only Shiliu is the top combat power, so that won't work, but where can I find a few top combat powers?"

"Whitebeard II is definitely not enough, unless we can find someone with high enough intelligence to cooperate with him!"

"Hawkeye is good, but he is not the kind of person who would join other people's command!"

"Blackbeard is fine too, but he, who didn't get the shocking fruit in the original book, is at most the strength of a captain of the second team!"

"Unless, let him eat the Zhenzhen Fruit! But it's not good to offend Marco and the others like this!"

"Forget it, you can't eat the Zhenzhen fruit, can you eat other things? There must be a devil fruit that suits him!" Bai Shui thought.

In fact, if all the people Bai Shui imagined are in place, his power will instantly approach a group of emperor-level pirates.

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