Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 496 Blackbeard, do you want to rebel?

"Thief haha, I am very happy!"

Hearing this, Blackbeard immediately laughed out loud, and the deep and somewhat hoarse voice couldn't help but be a little creepy.

"Weihaha, as long as I can go out, I'd be happy to be your little brother!" Bashas had no objection either.

"Bondiwalt, what about you?"

Baishui let go of Blackbeard and Bashas in turn, and then turned his attention to Bondiwalt.

"Follow me, and you can continue to take revenge on the world government/government. I believe that you should still resent the world government/government very much in your heart!" Bai Shui said bewitchingly.

He knew what Bondiwalt's short rib was.

"Okay, I promise you, but you must also release my three subordinates!"

Bondiwalt also agreed, he hates the world government/government, he wants revenge on the world government/government.

"No problem, just right, I want to find someone too!"

Bai Shui naturally agreed with all his heart. His three subordinates are not bad, especially the murloc, who is strong and considerate in doing things. He is indeed a good talent.

"So, everyone, let's go, I think the partners outside should be in trouble soon!"

After releasing these four people, Bai Shui clapped his hands and walked in front, intending to step out of the door.

"Thief haha, Longer Baishui, go to hell!"

But the moment Baishui was about to step out of the door, Blackbeard made a move.

I want him to be inferior to others, what a joke.

"Dark water!"

Blackbeard stamped Bai Shui's back with his palm, and secretly activated his fruit ability.

"Thief haha, no matter how strong you are, you will lose its effect in front of my dark fruit ability, go to hell!"

Blackbeard didn't intend to say anything at all, he thought that after using the dark fruit to control Baishui, he punched Baishui's head.


Naturally, Blackbeard returned in vain, blocked by a layer of blue protective wall.

"How can it be!"

"How can you not be affected by my dark fruit, how is it possible!"

Blackbeard took two steps back in shock, his face was covered with panic sweat, his eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.

"Haha, Blackbeard Titch, do you think I, who know your fruit ability, will be defenseless against you? If I am not fully sure, do you think I will invite you to join me?"

Bai Shui liked to see such a shocked expression on a hero like Blackbeard.

"So, in order to let you be more honest under my command in the future, and let you know what the fate of betraying me is, I'd better use some tricks!"

Bai Shui stretched out his hand like this, and the four of them felt as if their bodies had been fixed, unable to move at all.

"Tichi, you know, in order to control you, I found this thing specially!"

Bai Shui made seals with both hands, and then tapped on Blackbeard's head. After a slight flash, a black imprint of a bird in a cage was engraved on Blackbeard's head.

"what did you do to me!"

Bai Shui released the space seal, and Black Beard rubbed his head, sweating in panic.

"Hehe, this thing is called a bird in a cage. I won't explain what it means. In short, if you go against my ideas in the slightest, Tiki, I can take your life at any time!"

"Of course, in order to punish your reckless behavior just now, I will show mercy. Let you first experience this feeling that life is worse than death!"

Bai Shui smiled all over his face, and swept across the faces of the three standing people, making the three of them feel a chill down their backs, and then made a handprint.

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