Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 706 You are a ruthless person

"I've been in charge of the Colosseum for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen such a result, Bai Ying, you really are a ruthless person!"

Charlie couldn't help but think of the words he said to Baishui when he just took over Baishui.

"Longer Baishui, I know you were brilliant in the past. But you have to be clear about one thing, you are just a waste now, your fate is in my hands, if you want to continue to live, you have to listen to me of!"

"According to what you once said, this makes people under the eaves and has to bow their heads!"

"Of course, I won't force you to do some degrading things, but it's impossible for you to be as carefree as before!"

"In my eyes, you are just a dog now. Of course, you don't need to live like a dog!"

When Charlie said these words, he was full of contempt and disdain. After all, Bai Shui had already been imprinted with the mark of a Tianlong slave.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have forced him like that. I still underestimated his spirit. He would rather choose the method of dying together and become a useless person again than become a slave at our command!"

"Forget it, as expected of the Five Emperors who once stood at the top of the pirates, they are ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to themselves!"

He thought that Bai Shui wanted to die together to get rid of this humiliating life, but he didn't know that Bai Shui was only at a disadvantage because of touching the wound, and that's how he ended up in this fate.

However, Baishui's coma was not a big loss to Charlie, at most, he was reprimanded by Saint Dorma.

Charlie is not like Shabak, who needs to be humble to please St. Dolma.

Charlie's ability to take charge of the Colosseum has already explained the problem. Because he himself is a Celestial Dragon.

"Clean it up and prepare for the next battle. I thought this guy would create more benefits for me!"

Charlie sighed and gave the order indifferently.

Of course, Charlie did not forget to explain this matter to Saint Dolma.

After all, the white water was brought by St. Dorma, and the ownership belongs to him. Now that the white water is useless, it is still necessary to talk to him.

"Cut, I was mistaken. I originally thought that I could make an interesting toy and create good benefits for me. I didn't expect this guy to be so ruthless. Forget it, throw him to the pile of dead people!"

Saint Dorma didn't care much about Baishui's life and death. After hearing Charlie's description, he had already lost his mind about Baishui.

Even if he was lucky enough to recover from his injuries, it is impossible for him to regain his strength, because he was injured too badly by Babak, and it would be extremely difficult to recover.

However, when Saint Dorma flaunted the news to a certain world government/government official, he directly received a message from Im, wanting to know where Baishui was.

When Im heard that the bones of Baishui's whole body were smashed to pieces, the look in his eyes made St. Dolma feel as if he would be eaten.

"I didn't expect you to pass me by like this. Could it be that this is your life, and God made you die!"

As the instigator, the person who sealed Baishui's whole body ability, Im really knows what it means to have all the bones broken.

Can't stand without breaking!

This is the only way to break Im's seal.

But obviously, even those heroes did not have such ruthless confidence.

Because no one can guarantee that the body can recover again after being broken, and that the foundation will not be damaged.

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