Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 767: Be My Woman

"Death Bite!"

Su Beisi opened his ferocious mouth, accelerated again in the air, and aimed at Tiya's snow neck to bite.

If Su Beisi confirmed this, Tiya would be killed on the spot.

"call out!"

As soon as Tiya thought about it, she saw the iron tail that was shining with cold light, and it spun around in the air, then tore through the air barrier again, and stabbed at Su Beisi's back.


The speed of this iron tail was really as fast as thunder, and it rushed behind Su Beisi in the blink of an eye.

Even Su Beisi couldn't help shivering, said unwillingly, gave up the attack, turned into a phantom, and disappeared in front of Tiya.


After forcing Su Beisi back, Tiya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but before she recovered, she felt a sudden sense of crisis coming from behind her, causing her pupils to shrink into needles instantly .

"Rage Hunting Fist!"

Su Beisi's fierce voice sounded in Tiya's ears, and Tiya turned pale with fright. Before she could mobilize the puppet's defense, she felt a powerful force attacking her body, which completely exceeded the limit she could resist.


The clear sound of bone cracking sounded, and Tiya was immediately blasted out like a sandbag, spraying a big mouthful of blood mist in the air.

"I have fully figured out your strength, but you don't know mine at all. Do you really think I'm that good? Are you kidding me?"

After finishing speaking, Su Beisi turned into a phantom and disappeared in place again, and then appeared in front of Tiya, with a violent right arm, and slammed down again.


Tiya spit out a mouthful of blood again, her body tore through the air all the way, and then slammed into the ground, causing the ground to tremble violently, and knocked out a broken pothole nearly fifteen meters in size.

"Jie Jie Jie, now you can't protect yourself, I want to see how you can protect your daughter!"

"Don't struggle anymore, this is your destiny, you can't escape my palm, from the moment I saw you, I decided to let you be my woman!"

Su Beisi went straight to Tiya, lifted her up like a chick, as if he was convinced of Tiya, and his hot eyes almost melted Tiya.

"Captain, we have captured Siqi!"

At this moment, the excited voices of the pirates came from behind Tiya, and they saw a girl who was about seven or eight years old held hostage by them, her face was full of horror, her eyes were red, and she was pitiful .

"Hahaha, very good, how about it, Tiya, think about it, whether to die or choose to be my woman!"

Seeing this, Su Beisi laughed triumphantly again, fixed his eyes on Tiya's graceful body, full of confidence.

He knew very well how important Siqi was to Tiya, and for Siqi, Tiya would definitely agree to him.

After all, when Tiya first boarded the boat, Tiya willingly accepted all unfair treatment for the sake of Siqi.

"You... despicable!!"

There was a flame of anger in Tiya's phoenix eyes, but she was completely unable to move because of her serious injury. On the contrary, she tore the wound because of anger, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Haha, despicable? Of course, labor and capital are pirates, isn't it our nature to be despicable! Have you ever seen any pirate who is not despicable, you are probably living in a dream, Tiya!"

Su Beisi seemed dismissive of Tiya's scolding, and told him that he was despicable? funny! In the adult world, there is no right or wrong, only winning or losing.

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