Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 774: It’s just now, don’t panic

"Well, that's right, the second killer of the world government/government, it seems that you are a warrior with high awareness, and I like dealing with people like you the most!"

Seeing his own words made Guwali hesitate, Tezoro couldn't help but twitched an unknown contemptuous smile, and a playful look flashed in his eyes.

However, this is only a moment, and no one knows except Tezoro.

He pretended to be friendly and friendly, put his hands in his pockets, and sat on the golden seat like this, standing beside him was a muscular Hangil, who was very handsome.

All the fighters of the world government/government looked at me and I looked at you, they all looked at each other in a daze, and then they all looked at their leader, Guwali, and went away, what kind of a man is he who is frightened by someone's words like this .

But of course they didn't dare to say that, they couldn't even remind Guwali to launch an attack.

The world government/government stipulates that only the commander-in-chief can issue orders to the soldiers at the bottom. If the soldiers at the bottom exceed their authority and remind the commander, they will be severely punished.

But their mission this time is to take advantage of the great opportunity that Baishui is not on White Eagle Island to destroy the entire White Eagle Pirates in one fell swoop and cut off Baishui's wings.

Then launch the sharp knife plan on Baiying himself to completely eliminate this unstable factor that makes the sea turbulent.

But what are they doing now? Standing there stupidly, doing nothing! Even these soldiers themselves felt a little ridiculous, but such a thing actually happened to them.

"Hey, hey, Guwali, what are you doing? What are you doing? Are you afraid that the Golden Emperor Tezoro will fail!"

At this moment, an impatient voice came from behind Guwali, and he saw a yellow-haired young man who was only twenty-five years old, wearing a suit, and leading a team of people.

His name is Belushi, the third killer of the world government/government, and he was born at the same time as Guwali. He has a very hot personality and is ruthless. He is one of the seed players that the five old stars are more optimistic about.

Unlike Guwali, Bellus doesn't think about too many other things. He only cares about the results and executes the orders of his superiors.

"Belushi, you should also know that the Golden Emperor Tezoro has a long-term close cooperation with the Tianlongren."

"If we rush in like this rashly, if we damage the goods of the Tianlong people, neither you nor I can bear the responsibility. Therefore, I want to find out the facts before making a decision!"

Guwali glanced at Belushi and expressed his thoughts.

"I said Guwali, when did you become so cowardly, looking around, and being frightened by the words of the pirate golden emperor Tezoro!"

"You have to know, this is a direct order from the Five Old Stars, and even authorized by Lord Im, what are the Tianlong people in front of them."

"Their goods will be damaged if they are damaged. Let the aftermath be left to Lord Wulaoxing and the others. Our task is to use all our abilities to eliminate these unstable factors!"

"That's right, I actually flinched because of the words of the Golden Emperor. Damn it, when did I become so cowardly? Haha, if that's the case, then what are you waiting for, let's go, Belushi!"

After Belushi's analysis, Guwali felt that all the scruples he had just now disappeared.

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