Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 815 Then I will perform an operation for you to take it out

"What? My body was tampered with by Wulaoxing, so what should I do, Brother Baishui, is there any way you can take out these chips! I didn't expect to be controlled by Wulaoxing to hurt you!"

As soon as he heard that his body had been tampered with by Wulaoxing, and that he might be controlled by them in the future, Bai Xiong immediately became anxious, and quickly asked Bai Shui if there was a way to remove these chips from his body.

"Hahaha, don't worry, since I told you this, it means that I have a way to take out the chip in your body!"

"But you have thought about it, the process of taking the chip may harm your body, are you sure you want to continue?"

Bai Shui first raised his head and smiled, then his face became serious, looking at Bai Xiong, he almost asked a question.

"I'm sure, I absolutely can't tolerate the chips in my body that can operate my body. I don't know when they will manipulate me through these chips. I don't want to hurt Big Brother Baishui and Big Sister Aqi!"

The white bear looked very serious and nodded!

For him, the safety of Baishui and Aqi is more important than his life. If the lives of Baishui and Aqi are threatened because of him, he would rather commit suicide.

"Since you are so sure, then I will start, the process may be a bit painful, please be patient!"

Bai Shui stood up, took out a bottle of red liquid from his arms and handed it to Bai Xiong.

"This is a muscle relaxation potion. After drinking it, the process will not hurt so much!"

After Bai Xiong took the muscle relaxation potion, he raised his head and drank it without thinking about it.

"Then I'll start!"

As he said that, a red and blue energy knife emerged from Baisai's hand, it was suspended out of thin air, and when it reached the side of the white bear's head, he cut the knife off.

Although he drank the muscle relaxation potion, Bai Xiong still felt a slight pain when Bai Shui cut his scalp with the energy knife.

But there is no turning back when opening the bow, and Bai Shui is well aware of this truth.

He continued to extend the incision on the white bear's head. When the incision was almost extended, Bai Shui's eyes suddenly focused, and the energy knife in his hand turned into thin tentacles and penetrated into the white bear's head from the incision. .

The chip that Wu Laoxing penetrated directly into Ice Bear's head was five in total, and each chip was only as big as a thumbnail, and it was extremely fragile and easy to break.

At that time, you need to find a professional doctor to take it out.

But this is not the key issue. Baishui believes that these chips are directly related to Wulaoxing. If these chips are damaged, they will naturally sense it immediately.

At that time, who can guarantee that these chips will not have the ability to self-destruct?

If not, it's luck. If there is, Bai Shui will probably lose the general Bai Xiong.

However, the final result was quite optimistic. Baishui took out the five chips inlaid in Baixiong's head intact with his skillful manipulation technology.

"Okay, it's done, you rest for a few days, the wound will probably heal!"

Bai Shui clapped his hands and heaved a sigh of relief. Before he succeeded, even he didn't dare to guarantee that he could do it.

"Okay, I see." Ice Bear nodded.

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