Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 817 Just don’t pick soft persimmons

"Forget it, let's take a step and see!"

Akainu couldn't help sighing, and picked up the documents on the desk to review again.

Seeing this, Aokiji also immersed himself in the approval, while Fujitora continued to drink tea with his old god.

White Eagle Island.

White Eagle Island, which seemed a bit empty at first, suddenly became a bit crowded and noisy because of the sudden swarming of pirates from all over the place.

All the pirates who thought they were strong came here thinking of trying their luck.

But in fact, the pirates who were able to come to the New World White Eagle Island have already proved their strength.

Arriving at White Eagle Island to participate in the selection itself is an external assessment. If you can't even reach White Eagle Island, what is the use of such a pirate Baishui.

The method of selecting crew members is still the same as before, but this time, Baishui added an in-person trial to guarantee loyalty.

The first round is the audition, all the pirates are divided into ten batches, and each batch will have a scuffle. Each batch lasts 30 minutes, and those who are still on the field after the time expires will enter the second round of selection, and so on, until the final 5,000 elites are selected.

This is a matter that takes time, and Bai Shui has been paying attention to it silently.

While Baishui was conducting selections, a big battle quietly broke out in the New World.

No one expected that after Yimu's attack on the White Eagle Pirates failed, he would non-stop turn his finger on another imperial power in the new world, the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Yes, he took aim at the Beasts Pirates, not the Red Hair Pirates.

This news shocked the entire sea.

Even Kaido himself was shocked.

He couldn't figure it out at all, his own strength was obviously stronger than the red hair's, but Im just chose himself instead of being picky!

This news, Bai Shui can be said to be expected, but also somewhat unexpected.

But if Im attacks the red-haired pirates, Bai Shui will definitely not watch, and will help. In this way, Im has no chance of winning. That's why he aimed at the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

"Sure enough, there is Im's consistent style. First deal with the powerful ones. After the powerful ones are dealt with, the balance of the entire world will be broken by your own hands. At this time, you can join forces with the navy to launch a war of siege by imperial forces. Obviously, it will be much easier! "

"It's just that the Hundred Beasts Pirates are a tough group, maybe their teeth will be broken!"

"It seems that I found out about my cooperation with the red hair, hehe, what a dog nose, world governments!"

For the world government/government joint navy to encircle and suppress the Beast Pirates, neither the Red Hair Pirates nor the White Eagle Pirates intend to lend a helping hand.

Beast Kaido is not the kind of guy who will cooperate with others peacefully. Therefore, in the face of the upcoming war, no matter whether it is white water or red hair, they all agree that only after he is dealt with can they concentrate on fighting the enemy together.

So Baishui will send someone to talk to Hongfa. It's just that I didn't expect that Im's attack speed would be so fast!

"In the end, if there are no accidents, Im will successfully destroy the Beast Pirates." Bai Shui sat on the roof of Baiyun Castle, looking down at the battle below, thinking in his heart.

"It's time to call up the heroes scattered on the sea. Without their participation, it is indeed difficult for me and the red-haired pirates to fight against the world government and navy!"

"But I just don't know if Marko and the others will join!"

"I hope they will join, at least this is a bitter thing, if we lose, they will have a hard time in the future!"

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