Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 856 Marco the same as brown sugar

Handing Cangcun Yeyue to Hongfa is the best result in the current situation. The two of them are not Cangcun Yeyue's opponents. After they are free, they can go to support other pirates.

In other places, all the elders who just appeared on the stage have identified their opponents.

The only woman among all the husbands, the glass fruit capable Isobel, and his opponent is the navy elite vice admiral Storoberry, the middle-aged man with a long beard who always squints and the old god is there.

Sebastian's opponent is Vice Admiral Dauberman, Akainu's loyal younger brother, who is as hawkish as he is.

MR1's originally chosen opponent was Bastiew, but was intercepted by Smokey Lieutenant General Smoker. As a last resort, he had to fight fiercely with Smoker.

And the opponent selected by MR1, Bastiyu's opponent is Jill, that desperate lunatic.

MR2 Feng Kelei and Belumebo are fighting fiercely, MR3 Galtino, his opponent is Aokiji's fanboy, Gurant who has the right arm of the devil.

Valdo's cubic fruit ability user, Galaim, is fighting wits and courage with Navy Vice Admiral Tina.

The rest of the captains and the pirates on the stage are frantically killing the rest of the navy and bottom-level members of the world government/government because they have no opponents for the time being.

However, the former member of the new Whitebeard Pirates Foil Pista, after being injured, did not know that it was because he injured an important part. He was actually fighting an ordinary vice admiral, and he looked quite embarrassed. .

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Foil Vista is just waiting for an opportunity. Otherwise, even if he is seriously injured with his strength, it is not something an ordinary vice admiral can deal with.

Because of the joining of these pirates, the originally almost balanced situation was instantly tilted towards the pirates, and the morale of the navy and the world government/government declined rapidly.

"In that case, let you pirates know what true despair is!"

"Notify Zhan Taowan, let him lead the world government's combat weapons to the battlefield, and let these pirates learn about the background of our navy and the world government!"

Grandma He said to a Rear Admiral beside her. The Rear Admiral nodded, then took out a phone bug and dialed, then said a few words to that side and hung up the phone.

"Is the situation a bit chaotic? Do these pirates think they still have a chance of winning? It's just a cornered beast still fighting, doing unnecessary struggle!"

Im suddenly opened his eyes and took a look at the situation on the battlefield, and couldn't help snorting coldly, his expression quite contemptuous.

Not to mention his presence, even without his presence, the world government and navy still have a trump card that has not been used!

The legendary King of Heaven has the same combat power as Pluto. Once activated, there are not many pirates in the field who will be its opponents!

The battle on the field is still fierce!

First of all, the chief and deputy marshals are here.

Although Marco and Ace are not opponents of Aokiji and Akainu, Aokiji and Akainu cannot easily defeat Ace and Marco, and the situation is very stalemate.

Aokiji felt fine, but Akainu's face was unusually gloomy.

Even if his opponent Marco is seriously injured, as long as he is not trapped by Hai Loushi and does not exceed his recovery limit, he will return to his peak state in a short time.

Let Akainu feel that Marco is like a brown sugar, extremely clingy, but unable to get rid of.

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