Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 878 Just ask who else you have

Bai Shui aimed Shen Mie Dao at Steel Gu Kong, and said in a low voice: "Jing Hong!" Seeing Shen Mie Dao hiss immediately, he galloped out, wrapped in a chilling sharp aura, and approached In front of the steel bone empty.


Only when you really face Bai Shui will you know how terrifying he is and how strong the oppression he brings to people!

Even a strong man like Steel Gu Kong couldn't help but gasp when faced with the sudden God Mie Knife, feeling as if the knife had been cut from his soul.

He didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, he agitated his right arm vigorously, covered with armed domineering, and violently bumped away.


There was only a violent explosion of gold and iron, and then, the ground directly under the two people's feet exploded, shaking violently.

"Big fire!"

Just when Bai Shuiyu and Steel Gukong were colliding with each other, he only heard him shout again, suddenly there was a bright light behind Steel Gukong, and a huge red and blue energy fist blasted towards him.

"call out!"

Facing the attack that suddenly appeared behind him, Steel Gu Kong was even more shocked, without even thinking about it, he immediately flashed and disappeared in front of the giant energy fist.

"Steel bones are empty, die!"

As soon as Steel Gu Kong appeared, Bai Shui's lecture came to his ears, and then, that familiar sharp aura came again, and the God Mie Dao was only one meter away from his head!


He didn't have any choice, after covering his head with his arms, he covered his arms with armed arrogance, and was smashed into the ground by the God Mie Dao.


The ground trembled violently, and a huge crater of more than 30 meters was directly smashed out. However, when Baishui released his knowledge-colored arrogance and probed into the pit, there was no trace of the steel skeleton in the pit.

"The speed is quite fast, but unfortunately, this is not enough!"

Bai Shui snorted softly, Shen Mie Dao swirled, and stabbed directly behind him, as expected, the next moment, Steel Gu Kong appeared behind him, his right fist came straight, and Shen Mie Dao collided.

"Grandma Crane, do it!"

Gang Gukong suddenly shouted at Granny He, the commander-in-chief in the battlefield, and then pushed himself back.

Then he took a heavy step in the air with a moon step, and he rushed straight like a cannonball, and the aura on his body became stronger and thicker.


After Granny He heard Steel Gu Kong's reminder, she immediately responded, took out a golden phone bug from her chest, dialed it, and said only two words to the phone bug: Action!

"Bai Ying, you will soon know where my confidence comes from. In front of that thing, even you may not be an opponent!"

Seeing that Granny Crane ended the call, Gang Gukong's face suddenly filled with a confident smile.

"Oh, is it? To give you such confidence, is it the legendary ancient weapon king? Or, is it some other hidden secret weapon?"

Bai Shui had a confident smile on his face, it was undeniable!

For him, after personally burying Im, there is no life in the whole world that can fight against him except the unknown.

If there is any life in this world that can compete with him, it should be Ying Long that Bai Shui met on Lei Island.

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