Supreme Emperor of Swords
Chapter 1291
杩椤 ammonia 鏄疘mmortal Rank powerhouse 镄勬 娈靛悧锛
锲涙楠涓€鐗回渿鎯婏纴镙渿鎯婏纴镙湰灏湰灏病湰灏Meng Qi 鏄浣曟嫎杩囨潵闾d袱浣岹od Realm powerhouse 锛岃€屼笖鐪嬭捣鏉ヤ粬涔熸牴 Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real Real岖嫍common 锛岄殢镒忓鏉€銆
涓 镞 镞 箣闂 箣闂 纴鍐崭篃娌 ° ° ° 湁浜 暍琛ㄩ湶鍑 笉婊 笉婊 ° °
杩欎竴鍒 纴 纴 many 浜 兘娣 兘娣 鍦 鍦 夊埌浜咲 夊埌浜咲 ing Hao 镄勫ソ锛岃捣镰佸湪 Ding Hao 韬 world world first powerhouse 镄勬椂 chain 欙纴涓濇娌 ° C湁灞曢湶鍑虹洓姘斿噷浜虹殑濮挎€侊纴涔熸病链夐殢镒弇ake a move 鏉€鎴畐orld powerhouse 锛屽弽 chain 掓槸闀囧帇鎴树贡锛屾槸涓€浠d粊钖涳纴key孧eng Qi 鍙﹄笉杩囨槸鍒Argontal Realm 锛屽氨濡傛娈嬫毚锸e紶锛屾棩钖庡彧镐曟槸娌°C湁浜鸿兘澶熷埗琛$殑浜嗕粬锛屽彧镐旽eaven Road World 鐪熺殑瑕侀櫡鍏ヤ竴鍦箧ark 镞朵唬浜嗐€
鈥渉a ha ha 锛屽崄镞ヤ箣钖庯纴 chain皧瑕佸緛璁↖nquiring Sword Sect 镊翰镊向鏉€Ding Hao 锛屽湪Inquiring Sword Sect 镄刴ountain gate 涔嬩笂锛屽姞鍐旾mmortal Dao Supreme 涔嬩綅锛屽埌镞跺€檞orld 钖勫ぇSect 锛屽繀椤诲嚭宁绀硷纴濡傛灉 chain夐偅涓€澶ect 鑳嗘暍涓嶆潵锛娈ing Hao 鍜孖nquiring Sword Sect
Meng Qi 澶х瑧锛屾仯镒忔斁绾碉纴锸e紶鍒
璇濋煶钀 笅锛孎 笅锛孎 eatherfolk 镞忕殑powerhouse 浠紬鏄熸嫳 chain 坈ommon 绨囨嫢镌€Meng Qi 绂诲紑銆
鐣欎笅锲涙 钖勫ぇ锷垮姏鍜孲 钖勫ぇ锷垮姏鍜孲 upreme powerhouse 浠琹ook at each other in blank dismay 锛屾暍镐掍笉鏁 (4) █ performance 涓 缁忔槸阒 缁忔槸阒 樀鑳嗗瘨锛 樀鑳嗗瘨锛屼笉鐢卞缑涓箧ing Hao 鍜孖nquiring Sword Sect 榛 捶锛孧 Qi eng Qi become an Immortal 锛屾病変変鐩镐鐩镐鐩镐 Ding Hao 杩樿兘鎸′綇浠栥€
Ammonia 鏄疍 Hao Martial Dao 绁炶瘽镄勭粓缁撱€
镞犳暟浜哄 屼笉鏄粙 屼笉鏄粙 屼笉鏄粙 屼笉鏄粙 阒 阒 阒 忓悜浜嶥 忓悜浜嶥 Hao 锛屼絾鏄嵈镞犺兘 Hao 锛屼絾鏄嵈镞犺兘涓哄姏銆
Meng Qi become an Immortal 镄勬秷鎭纴濡傞緳鍗烽common 鍦ㄦ暣涓狧eaven Road World 杩呴€熷湴浼犳挱寮€鏉ャ€
Key 孧 eng Qi 瑕佸緛璁↖nquiring Sword Sect 锛屼篃浼犻亶浜嗗悇鍦€锛屼篃浼犻亶浜嗗悇鍦
浠朾ecome an Immortal 涔嫔悗锛宖irst 涓︻珛濞佸璞”Ammonia Hao Hao 锛屽彲 佷粬瀵笵 佷粬瀵笵 Hao 镄勬 ㄥ ㄥ ㄥ ㄥ 浠囨仺涔嬫 浠囨仺涔嬫 ㄥ緢澶 緢澶 緢澶 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 an an an an an an an an an an an an an Im Im Im Im Im Im Im鍏╳orld 浜虹殑闱 (1) 墠锛屽 璐 ing Hao 镄凪artial Dao 绁炶瘽锛岃 镌 镌€Ding Hao 涓娄綅銆
涓庢钖屾椂锛孎eatherfolk King Court 宸茬粡钖戝叾浠栧悇澶у娍锷涘彂鍑 简 Immortal Decree 锛岃姹 悇澶 娍锷涙棤 娍锷涙棤 condition 镊f湇浜峄eatherfolk锛屽惁鍒横eng Qi 鍑 潃浜咲 潃浜咲 ing Hao 涔嫔悗锛屽 瑕佷 瑕佷 镊﹄笂闂ㄥ緛璁纴鍒 镊﹄笂闂ㄥ緛璁纴鍒 椂 欐敾镰磎 un un un un un un un un un un un un €
镞犳暟锷垮姏鍜宲owerhouse immediately In线Inquiring Sword Sect Inquiring Sword Mountain Range 锛屼粬浠揩浜崄eng Qi 镄勬帆濞侊纴涓嶆暍涓嶅幓锛屽悓镞朵篃鎯鐪嬬湅锛屽潗闀噖orld 鍏崄澶 镄凞 镄凞 ing Hao 锛屽湪Immortal 镄勯 鍓嶏纴鑳 鍓嶏纴鑳 鍓嶏纴鑳 敮鎾戝涔咃纴鍗 敮鎾戝涔咃纴鍗 敮鎾戝涔咃纴鍗 敮鎾戝涔咃纴鍗浉淇ing Hao 镄勪汉锛屼篃璁や负杩欎竴鎴桡纴 Ding Hao 蹇呰緭镞犵桠銆
Disappoint Ding Hao 灏歨ave not become an immortal 銆
Inquiring Sword Mountain Range surrounding 锛屾棤鏁 褰眆 褰眆 褰眆 褰眆 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑 妯︻殑凣od Realm powerhouse 鍑 幇鍦ㄨ 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 泦浜嗘暣涓狧 aven 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾 垎涔嫔叓涔濆崄镄凾
鏄旀棩those 涓嶪nquiring Sword Sect 鍏崇鍏ect 锛屾镞 篃阃夋嫨浜嗙珯鍦ㄤ竴杈癸纴 篃阃夋嫨浜嗙珯鍦ㄤ竴杈癸纴 chain変簺 Sect 鐢氲呖鍑哄姩锷涢噺锛In In Inquiring Sword Sect 镄刴ountain gate 锛岀敓镐旾nquiring Sword Sect disciple 鍜娈ing Hao 绛変汉阃冭蛋锛屽埌镞跺€横eng Qi 澶ф€掞纴璐g綒涓嬫潵銆
Time passed by.
Inquiring Sword Mountain Range Forged owerhouse Awards
浣嗕 镓 € € € € € € 绉 镄勬槸锛孖 镄勬槸锛孖 qui qui n ring 镄勬槸锛孖 qui word qui word word word word 潵镄勭伨闅撅纴娌 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅 湁浠讳綍镄剅湅鍒癐nquiring Sword Sect disciple 渚濇棫濡 mon omom 琛岃 egg 鍦╩ ountain gate forging o palace range 锲涘懆镄勯槻鎶ormation Law 涔熸 夊紑钖纴 chain Ding Hao 绛塈nquiring Sword Sect 镄勯珮灞傦纴鐢氲呖閮 镄勯珮灞傦纴鐢氲呖閮 夊 夊 Meng Qi 镄勬潃鎴瑷 锛屽仛鍑 锛屽仛鍑 锛屽仛鍑 锛屽仛鍑 浣旷殑锲炲簲銆
Nobody knows.
鍗佹棩镄勭 瀹 瀹 纴杞灛鍗 纴杞灛鍗 纴杞灛鍗 濄 濄
绗崄镞ョ殑镞ュ嚭镞跺埢锛岃 澶刬 澶刬 mmortal light 缂粫锛屾垬榧撹 paddle 楦 o 纴鏁 board 崈 Featherfolk 绮鹃攼 Army 绌 腑寮 阆掳纴杞 阆掳纴杞 阆掳纴杞 阆掳纴杞镄勬垬杞rinding press 铏氱┖锛屽拞鍝€屾潵锛岀敱鍗佸叚鏉lood dragon pulling carriage 锛岀湡镄勫疀濡 瀹 瀹 瀹 唚 唚 唚 orld common 銆
Meng Qi 涓€琚璼carlet-red long gown 锛屽惫绔嬩簬鎴樿 涔嬩笂锛宻 涔嬩笂锛宻lowly key 屾潵銆
浠栫殑姘斿娍婢庢箖锛屽偛 嗗洓 嗗洓 嗗洓 纴鍑岀┖ 纴鍑岀┖ 凄 凄 凄 凄 凄 凄 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂 锛屾椂闂钖с€傗€
澹 煶婵 钻 ′ 湪 湪between Heaven and Earth 锛岀姽濡俆hunder Tribulation 銆
Inquiring Sword Sect mountain gate 涔嬩腑锛屼竴鐗囧畨闱欍€
綘鏄竴浠典綘鏄竴浠upreme talent 锛岀粰浣犱竴涓﹄綋闱(3) 殑姝讳骸锛屼綘鑻ヨ嚜瑁侊纴鎴戞垨璁 彲楗 彲楗 In In Inquiring Sword Sect Innate涔嬩笅disciple 镄勬€у懡锛屼綘镄勫悗浜 懡锛屼綘镄勫悗浜 篃鍙 篃鍙 姝 姝 姝 eng eng Qi Qi Qi Inquiring Sword Mountain Range 锛屽 寰楁剰婊 寰楁剰婊 纴阆Hao细鈥凄 ing Hao 锛屼綘own 鍐冲畾钖э紒鈥
煶鍦╥ 煶鍦╥mmortal light 涔嬩腑婵€钻★纴浼犻亶锲涢纴浼犻亶锲涢
鏁板崄鎭殑镞堕棿杩囧幓锛孖nquiring Sword Sect mountain gate 涓婏纴渚濇棫瀹夐润涓€鐗囷纴娌°C湁浜哄洖绛斻€
Meng Qi 镄刢omplexion 锛屽喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴阆掳细鈥滃师鏉ユ様镞ヤ竴浠upreme talent 锛屼篃鏄椽鐢熸€曟涔嬭緢锛娈ing Hao 锛屼綘瑕佸仛缂╁ご涔岄缇钖楋纻浼戞 垜姣佷 垜姣佷 In Inquiring Sword Mountain 闂ㄣ€傗€
The voice fell.
Inquiring Sword Sect mountain gate 涔嬩腑锛岀粓浜庢湁浜哄嚭鏉ュ洖搴斻€
镞犳暟浜洪兘鐬ぇ浜嗙溂镌涳纴杩欎竴娆”嚭鏉ョ殑浜猴纴渚濇棫鏄笂涓€娆uan Yanghao 鏉€鍒癐nquiring Sword Sect mountain gate 镞跺€欑殑Little Fatty Ren Woxing 锛岃 Umbrella 鍙堢槠鍙堣儢镄勫浼欙纴灞 珛鍦ㄨ櫄绌 珛鍦ㄨ櫄绌 珛鍦ㄨ櫄绌 珛鍦ㄨ櫄绌 珛鍦ㄨ櫄绌 椊浜嗕竴澹 椊浜嗕竴澹 椊浜嗕竴澹 椊浜嗕竴澹 椊浜嗕竴澹阆掳0阆掳阆掳鈥沧垜Honored Master 璇翠锛屽锛屽鍦ㄤ綘鍦ㄤ綘com an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an銆傗€
Meng Qi 涓€镒c€
鈥滃ソ锛屽緢濂斤纴Ding Hao 锛屾棦鐒朵綘杩树笉镊︻煡锛岄偅鎴戝厛鏉€浣犵殑disciple 锛屽啀鏉€Inquiring Sword 闂ㄤ汉锛岀湅浣犲嚭涓嶅嚭鏉ャ€傗€
The voice fell.
Meng Qi 鎶落锛屾浈镌Ren Woxing 鎶揿幓銆
The time of the void is suddenly distorted.
“Immortals with regards to the World is unparalleled?” A clear voice came from the Inquiring Sword Sect mountain gate. It was Ding Hao’s voice, which was so serious that it was very familiar to the countless powerhouses. And the one that came out at the same time was one blade one sword.
The knife is a golden flame blade.
The sword is the silver ice sword.
This one blade one sword, coming slowly, is not so beautiful, and has locked Meng Qi away.
Others still don’t think anything, but Meng Qi has changed its complexion in an instant, an unprecedented danger that instantly envelopes him, as if Death God’s sickle was hooked on his neck for a moment, just pull it gently. Will harvest his life.
“I am a fairy, do you want to defeat me? Stupid!”
Meng Qi sipped, he abandoned Ren Woxing, and the immortal light bloomed. The light was twisted around the void. Law was instantly confused. For God Realm powerhouse, this change is undoubtedly fatal. It is depriving most of the Divine Ability of God Realm powerhouse.
Behind Meng Qi, the 12 Pairs golden wings spread out, covering half of every day, and a slight shock, just look at the entire sky Immortal Dao feather arrow shot, toward the one blade one sword indiscriminate burst.
“Haha, under Immortal Dao, they are all ants, let’s accept it!”
Meng Qi laughed.
But the next moment, his smile suddenly solidified on his face.
Because that one blade one sword, there is no force of Immortal Dao, but the light is released, and the Immortal Dao feather arrow of the entire sky is submerged like a sea water. It has not waited for his reaction, xiū xiū, and then the pain Come……
Entire sky Golden feather splash.
Meng Qi roared in horror. He found that the 12 Pairs wing of his own was instantly cut off by the Gold Blade Silver Sword. The blood stained the sky, even the light of the Immortal Dao, could not withstand the attack of the Gold Blade Silver Sword.
The wing is the source of the power of Feather Race, and Meng Qi’s strength plummeted.
“How could it be…” He was completely sluggish. Gold Blade Silver Sword made him feel the shadow of death. Immortal Dao’s power was broken. In front of this pair of soldiers, he was like a chicken, but he could not resist.
at the same time.
Among the four squares of the void, countless sounds holds breath cold air.
Seeing the powerhouse of all parties in this scene, the eyeball is simply shocked. This is really a scene of the heaven defying level. The successful transcending Tribulation succeeded as Meng Qi of Immortal Rank, and it was instantly lost. !
Many powerhouses stared at the eyes of own and couldn’t believe what they saw.
In particular, countless Feather Race powerhouses, including Feather Race Great Emperor, are like petrifying common, stiff in the void, they come from King common of Monarch Overlooking The World, but now they instantly become like a chicken, like a clown common.
They can’t believe why Immortal will fail?
The Gold Blade Silver Sword floated on the sides of Meng Qi’s body, shaking slightly, giving off a sharp and unmatched breath that completely suppressed him.
“Waste your wings, leave you one, let’s go.”
Ding Hao’s voice came out again from the Inquiring Sword Sect mountain gate.
The same voice, if the first time, let everyone feel common, then this time when the sound, everyone feels shocked, listening to the ear is like hearing the king’s command common, bursts The throat is dry.
“Even Immortal has been defeated… Is this already Ding Hao already an anemmortal?”
“No, there is no Immortal Dao breath, and have not become an immortal. How can you defeat Meng Qi!”
“Heavens, is Ding Hao going to create a new myth?”
It’s awesome and I can’t understand this scene.
“No, I am not willing, I am Immortal, how can I lose? I am the first person, first place Immortal Rank, Ding Hao, how did you do in the end?” Meng Qi is crazy, His confidence is broken instantly.
At this moment, he is really like a soup clown.
Obviously, his experience of become an Immortal will become a joke forever.
He will be nailed to the shame column forever.
He can’t figure it out, why is it?
Then Ding Hao will not say more at all, just a word –
On this day, Feather Race Immortal Rank powerhouse was defeated and killed half a life.
In the face of the powerful [Blade Crazy Sword Foolish], Feather Race is like a housewife.
Feather Race Great Emperor personally apologized, swallowed his breath, left with Meng Qi, and the imposing Feather Race Army fled.
Ding Hao took the Inquiring Sword Mountain Range and didn’t show up. He defeated Immortal Meng Qi. It was even easier than defeating Yuan Yanghao. Simply created an impossible myth. After this battle, the entire Heaven Road World was The snoring, the power of Ding Hao, makes countless people feel desperate.
It turned out that Immortal, in the eyes of Ding Hao, is just a joke nothing more ——
There was a small bug before, and the time for Ding Hao to return to Earth should be 2014. It has been modified, and some pirated versions have not been modified. This is outside the author’s ability.
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