Blade and Sword God Sovereign The latest chapter, Eighth Volume Prestige Shocks Snow Province 0625, mysterious man, floating astronomy

Xie Jieyu 锻嗕綇浜嗐€

濂 殣绾 殣绾 槑锏 槑锏 槑锏 槑锏 浠 浠 涔堬纴鍙槸鍗 涔堬纴鍙槸鍗 涔堬纴鍙槸鍗 涔堬纴鍙槸鍗 湁镣 湁镣 湁镣 湁镣 湁镣 湁镣 湁镣 湁镣

Ding Hao 鑴镐笂镄勭瑧瀹癸纴渚濇棫鍜岄偅涓﹄笅鍗堢殑sunshine 涓€镙穊right and beautiful 锛屽井绗戠潃阆掳细鈥滀粈涔堟椂链欐湁镞Immortal Phoenix Great Saint 钖э纴鎴戜篃寰埚ソ濂囷纴Prestige Shocks Snow Province demon 阆掳纴涓€缁烻now Province Monster Race Screening xistence 锛宨n the End 娈碉纴鎶婃垜镄凧 娈碉纴鎶婃垜镄凧ieyu younger sister 楀埌銆怚 楀埌銆怚mmortal Phoenix Palace 銆戜 銆傗

涓 绉嶉毦浠ョ 绉嶉毦浠ョ 淇 淇 殑鎯婂枩锛屽湪 殑鎯婂枩锛屽湪 ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie

Martial Goddess 鐬ぇ浜嗙溂镌涳细鈥滃彲鈥[€〉彲鏄纴浣犵湡镄勪笉浠嬫剰鈥[€[€

濂 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 涔堛 涔堛

Ding Hao lightly 涓哄ス鎸parkling and crystal-clear 濡傜緤鑴傜帀common 晹镄勪竴缂€崇晹镄勪竴缂 鍙戜笣锛実 鍙戜笣锛実entle and soft 镄勫0 wide full槸链缇庝缇庝缇庝镄勬骞烩骞烩曗曗

鈥滀笉绠’綘鏉ヨ嚜浜庡摢綘鏉ヨ嚜浜庡摢Amp 锛屼笉绠 綘鏄 綘鏄 涔熷ソ鏄涔熺 涔熷ソ鏄涔熺 锛屾垜鍙︻煡阆掳纴闾 釜 釜 釜 釜 粡鍦‵ 粡鍦‵ 粡鍦‵ 粡鍦‵ 粡鍦‵ 粡鍦‵ 粡鍦‵ se se se se se se se纴涓 鏁戞垜锛屽 鏁戞垜锛屽 鏁戞垜锛屽 鏁戞垜锛屽 鏁戞垜锛屽 鏁戞垜锛屽 绠楁槸浠 嚭鐢熷懡涔熷湪 嚭鐢熷懡涔熷湪 嚭鐢熷懡涔熷湪 嚭鐢熷懡涔熷湪 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘 涓嶆儨镄勫コ瀛愶纴姘笉浼氶獥鎴 纴姘 纴姘 閮 笉浼氲缏璐熸垜锛娈 笉浼氲缏璐熸垜锛娈 笉浼氲缏璐熸垜锛娈 笉浼氲缏璐熸垜锛娈 铏 铏 铏 铏 劧涔熷彧鏄竴涓嚒澶 劧涔熷彧鏄竴涓嚒澶 瀛愶纴浣嗙 瀛愶纴浣嗙 瀛愶纴浣嗙 瀛愶纴浣嗙 瀛愶纴浣嗙 涓崭鍓崭唬those Nihility 缂ョ 镄勬仼镐纴鏀 镄勬仼镐纴鏀 镄勬仼镐纴鏀 镄勬仼镐纴鏀 杩欐牱涓 杩欐牱涓 瓙銆傗 瓙銆傗 瓙銆傗

棰梒€棰梒rystal clear and near-transparent 镄勬 姘 纴缁堜簬浠 纴缁堜簬浠 ie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie

宸ㄥぇ镄勬侪锽滃拰骞哥锛岀灛闂存饭娌’ 简濂广€

镞犳暟涓棩澶滈噷锛屽钖屾vi囦竴镙囦竴镙囦竴镙姌纾ㄥス镄凷hadow 锛屼篃鍦—ing Hao 杩欎竴宁瘽涔嬩腑锛岀灛闂寸伆椋炵儫鐏€

铡熸湰浠ヤ 銆愪綘鑻ヤ笉绂 纴鎴戜 纴鎴戜 纴鎴戜 涓嶅 銆戠殑鏁呬簨锛屽湪娈嬮叿鍐 銆戠殑鏁呬簨锛屽湪娈嬮叿鍐 喎镄刉 ld ld ld 涓狈 涓狈 涓狈 涓狈 涓狈 h h h h缂ョ 镄勭瑧璇濓纴褰搊 镄勭瑧璇濓纴褰搊 镄勮 浠 浠 浠 浠 欙纴杩欎 欙纴杩欎 欙纴杩欎 欙纴杩欎 簬 簬 鏉ヨ锛屾渶涓 鏉ヨ锛屾渶涓 鏉ヨ锛屾渶涓 鏉ヨ锛屾渶涓 鏉ヨ锛屾渶涓 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬靛钖岀敓 絊 絊 common common 镄勬儏镒纴灏辫浠庢鐢讳笂 Eternal 镄勫彞鍙 maple €



Xie Jieyu 鐩镐俊锛岃 Umbrella Ding Hao 鏁疯own 镄勮杈炪€

浠婃棩turmoil 闄呬 锛屽埌鐜 湪杩欑墖    ㄥ洿锛岃缮 ㄥ洿锛岃缮 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲 潧鍜宲刣isciple 鍦ㄧ湅镌€钖潃锛屽湪杩欐牱镄勫満钖堜笅锛娈ing Hao 鑳芥涓嶉伄鎺╁湴璇村嚭杩欎竴鐣︼瘽锛屽彲瑙佷粬镄勫喅蹇冿纴in the end chain夊澶с€

鐪嬬潃Ding Hao 璇氭宝寰瑧镄勯寰瑧镄勯Xie Jieyu 绐佺劧 夊缑锛宱 夊缑锛宱 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠

寮犲紑鍙岃哕锛宭ightly 鐜粫鐪 墠杩欎 墠杩欎 绗戝娓╂殩浜哄 绗戝娓╂殩浜哄 绗戝娓╂殩浜哄 镄勭 锛岀伀绾 锛岀伀绾 三 三 (3) 殑濞 壋鍙屽 壋鍙屽 壋鍙屽 壋鍙屽 壋鍙屽 壋鍙屽 壋鍙屽Xie Jieyu 娣 娣 this ie ie ie ie this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this thisソ鍟娿€

Ding Hao 鐑儏鍦板洖搴斻

浠栨槸涓€涓﹄粠Earth crossed over Endless Continent 涔嬩笂锛孒uman Race 鍜孧onster Race 涔嬮棿镄勪笘浠f仼镐纴瀵 簬浠栨潵璇 纴骞 纴骞 纴骞 病 夐偅涔堟 夐偅涔堟 夐偅涔堟 镄勭儥鍗 鍝嶏纴浠栧湪杩欎 喎娈嬮叿涓涙滠 喎娈嬮叿涓涙滠 ld ld ld ld ld ld 墡濂嬫枟 墡濂嬫枟 墡濂嬫枟 墡濂嬫枟 墡濂嬫枟 墡濂嬫枟锛屽敮涓€镄勫笇镄勫笇涘涘鏄缭鎶よ鏄缭鎶よ杈杈杈涓涓﹄涓﹄涓﹄浜哄拰浜哄拰浜哄拰嫔弸涓嶅嫔弸涓嶅浼ゅ锛屼粬涓嶆兂鎴愪浼ゅ锛屼粬涓嶆兂鎴愪绾íworld gallium帉涓 帉涓 鏂 鏂 潈锷 潈锷 潈锷 垚涓 О 垚涓 垚涓 垚涓 垚涓 О О О 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥 镄凥

瀵 簬 Human Race 鍜孧onster Race 镄勪粐鎭纴璇村疄璇濓纴浠栫湡镄勬病链夊澶х殑浠e叆镒熴€

镓€浠ヤ粬浠ヤ粬浠ヤ粬崭笉浼Hydrogen 浜唗hose Nihility 缂ョ 镄勪笢瑗匡纴铡 镄勪笢瑗匡纴铡 斁寮冧 斁寮冧 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 溂鍓嶈 镄勪紭绉濂冲瀛愩€

鈥淓lder Brother Hao 锛屾垜瑕佽 浜嗭纴杩樻湁寰埚浜嬫儏瑕佸幓锷烇纴鎴戜 浜嗭纴杩樻湁寰埚浜嬫儏瑕佸幓锷烇纴鎴戜 鐩 鐩 鐩 瓑浣犮 傗 傗 傗 傗 鏂 鏂 鏂 仮澶崭 仮澶崭Ofd full of heroic spirit 镄刉ar Goddess 褰(4) 锛孹 锛孹 Jiejie 鐪嬩 杩滃浜 杩滃浜 杩滃浜 Li Lan 銆丩i Yiruo 鍜孹imen Qianxue 绛夊コ瀛愪竴鐪硷纴鎸Pendant

Ding Hao nodded.

Xie Jieyu 绂诲紑镄勯潪宁竤traightforward 锛屽寲浣滀竴阆揻lame flowing light 锛屾帬杩回昵绌猴纴鐬棿娑埚け銆

涓 鐩撮粯涓崭綔澹 鐩撮粯涓崭綔澹 殑銆怐 vine ivine Eyes Monster King 銆戝湪杞 绂诲紑涔嫔墠锛岀獊鐒跺紑鍙 绂诲紑涔嫔墠锛岀獊鐒跺紑鍙 锛 锛 锛 凄 凄 凄 凄 锛屾垜鐬庡瓙 锛屾垜鐬庡瓙 锛屾垜鐬庡瓙闄や简銆怚mmortal Phoenix Great Saint 銆戜箣澶栵纴浠庢潵娌°C湁浣╂湇杩囦粈涔堜汉锛屽氨绠楁槸浣犱滑 Northern Region 闾d綅闾d綅supreme 镞犱Screening xistence 锛屼篃鈥[€〉樋鍢匡纴浣嗘槸鎴戜粖澶╃湡镄勫浣犲埉鐩浉鐪嬶纴浣犳槸涓﹄汉鐗╋纴涔熶笉鏋夋垜浠皬濮愬浣犱竴寰 鎯呮 鎯呮 鎯呮 鎯呮 锛屼 浜嗕綘锛屼粯鍑 浜嗕綘锛屼粯鍑 浜嗕綘锛屼粯鍑 浜嗕綘锛屼粯鍑 偅涔埚ぇ镄勪唬浠 偅涔埚ぇ镄勪唬浠

鈥滀粈涔堜唬浠凤纻鈥滵ing Hao 蹇冧腑涓€璺炽€

鈥滀綘镞╂櫄浼氱煡阆撶殑锛娈ing Hao 锛屽皬濮愬ス鏄湡镄勭湡蹇冨浣狅纴Old Blind 绠楁槸鍐嶆眰浣犱竴娆★纴鍗冧竾涓嶈杈滆礋濂广€傗€

璇濋煶钀 笅锛屻 怐 怐 vine ivine Eyes Monster King 銆戝拰銆怟ui Ox Monster King 銆戝寲浣沧粴婊歮onster qi 铏 厜锛屾秷澶卞湪浜呜 厜锛屾秷澶卞湪浜呜 厜锛屾秷澶卞湪浜呜Taiwan

鈥滃澶纴浣犵湡妫掞紒鈥漧ittle girl Ding Ding 灏唖word pellet 鎶涜缮缁橷ie Yue 锛屼竴闂猼eleport 鍒 简 D Ding Hao 镄勮窡鍓嶏纴濂跺0濂Helm 皵鍦 珫璧 珫璧 澶 澶 媷鎸囷纴鈥滃濮愪 媷鎸囷纴鈥滃濮愪 浜嗕綘锛屼笉浠呬粎寰楃 Province Province Province Province Province Province ster ster ster ster onster God Palace 銆戠瓑锲涘ぇ Monster Race 瀹炲姏锛岃缮鎯 笅浜嗘洿澶 殑楹荤 殑楹荤 殑楹荤 殑楹荤 锛屽澶纴涓嶈杈滆礋濮愬鍝 紒鈥 紒鈥

The voice has not fallen.

杩欐棭镡熺殑little girl 鐢╀ 鐢╃緤 鐢╃緤 掕 掕 掕 掕 掕 掕 掕 箣涓 箣涓 箣涓 箣涓

Ding Hao 鐪嬬潃Xie Jieyu 绛変汉杩滃幓镄勬楠钖戏纴蹇冮噷绐佺劧 chain変竴涓濅笣镄勬媴蹇с€

“Ding Ding Ding… Ding Hao, you dare to collude with Monster Race…” [Profound Frost Divine Guard] Head Feng Chao Eyes seem to be thinking of something, a bit stuttering, thinking that he caught Ding Hao A handle, after all, [Profound Frost God Palace] has been the most hated of human-monster collusion for so many years. Once discovered, it must be severely punished.

With this handle, at least you can do some trading with Ding Hao.


“Roll!” Ding Hao’s head is also Buhui, a backhand punch.

A purple dragon shape fist energy light column whistling, the sound of dragon’s cry resounded through the world.

Feng Chao Daxie, can not resist this level of power, was blown by a pound of blood arrow, the whole person was directly hit and disappeared into the distant horizon.


The remaining [Profound Frost Divine Guard] look at each other in blank dismay.

Their status is special, why have they been treated like this, simply is the opposite, but Ding Hao’s strength is too terrifying, sluggish, and few people can’t say a word, slickly pull the tail toward Feng Chao was taken away in the direction of the flight.

[Profound Frost Divine Guard] After all, the identity is special, Ding Hao does not want to really kill Killer.

Otherwise it is easy to cause a big disaster for Inquiring Sword Sect.

However, this account will be calculated in other ways sooner or later.

Ding Hao thought about [Divine Eyes Monster King] and shofar little girl Ding Ding before leaving, unconsciously just arrived at the crowd.

Li Yiruo, Li Lan, and Ximen Qianxue have different expressions and don’t know what they are thinking.

Little dolphin Meng Meng seems to understand, Ding Hao with the eyes of a round black jewel, Xie Yue is a smirk of take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, falling on Ding Hao’s shoulder, screaming Snoring.

Song Que and Bai Quanshui are both very special, but they are all human, and naturally they have seen a little clue.

But they will never take care of this kind of thing.

The unreliable Fatty, even quietly gave Ding Hao a thumbs up, sound transmission said: “Brother Ding, you are so brilliant, I can’t think of even the beautiful and beautiful banshee Martial God, can’t escape you. The clutches of the palms are amazing!”

Ding Hao almost fell from the void.

“Song Que don’t talk about it, it’s not what you think…” Ding Hao quietly sound transmission.

“Without explanation, the explanation is conceal, ha aha. To be honest, brothers I always want to taste the banshee. Brother Ding, you might as well teach me how to go back, how should the Monster Race woman Ah in the end?” Song Que squints at the sound transmission.

You Uncle!

Mistaken bad friend!

Ding Hao blushes and ignores this lascivious Fatty.

At this moment, a small hand of sparkling sparkling and crystal-clear quietly reached over Ding Hao’s palm, Ding Hao turned back, and saw Li Yiruo look into other places, a look of serene, The little hand is tightly holding the palm of the old one, not saying a word.

Song Que, who was squinting at the side, saw this scene and suddenly grew up and stunned.

Well, you are a Brother Ding. It’s really a person who doesn’t want to be a teenager. Even Yiruo is seduce by you. You won’t be a demon cultivation that has specialized in hook-ups.

Going back to must and discuss teaching with him.



“It turns out that in his hands, there is a card like Supreme Item, but fortunately today is not the day of the final battle.”

Just after Ding Hao and others left the Thousand Frigid Peaks, a black figure appeared like a ghost, slowly appearing on the ice peak not far away, and a sly smile appeared like a devil.

“No problem, just a broken Supreme Item nothing more, there is a way to deal with it.” A voice, from the body of this black figure.

As if in a body, there are two Soul commons.

“Demon Master, what do we do next?” asked the black figure.

“Your Evolving Heavenly Demon Supreme Dao has not yet cultivate to the small accomplishment realm. It is not easy to fight with Ding Hao first, and let him be proud of it for a while. You just lurk down and cultivate the Cultivation Technique as long as [Great Evolving Heavenly Demon Supreme Dao] can have small accomplishment, and it is not too late to challenge Ding Hao. At that time, let alone Ding Hao, even the entire Endless Continent, you can also go sideways!”

Another voice Hidden Fathomed is authentic.

“It’s my luck to get the Demon Master’s advice.” The figure said.

“ha ha ha, know it, think about me, the world, the endless Continent, who can help me? You can rest assured, as long as you listen to me, let you become the master of this continent sooner or later, I want you to do Just help me find the God World channel and help me return to God World nothing more.” Demon Master’s voice laughed.

“could it be that really have God World? Is the World where the gods live?” The figure couldn’t help but ask.

“In this world, not only Endless Continent, a Plane, the so-called God World, but the name I used to call nothing more, actually just another continent, but it is much more abundant than Endless Continent…” That is called The person of Demon Master sighed: “When I fled God World, there was only one soul left, so I had to send the existence of your Sea of ​​Consciousness. Don’t worry, as long as you can go back to God World, I will Give you more.”

“Thanks to Demon Master.” The figure nodded.

In the next moment, the figure turned into a flowing light, and it seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye.

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