Blade and Sword God Sovereign Chains 鏂 珷鑺 Eighth Volume Prestige Shocks Snow Province 0871 銆佷竴镣 閮絬 pro nprofessional 锛堜簲 磃 磃 磃 磃 磃 磃 椋 椋 椋 椋 椋 椋

杩椤洓涓瓧浠word qi 鍒诲嚭鏉ワ纴姘斿娍纾呯ご锛岃暣钖潃涓€绉嶅浼熺殑Sword Dao 涔嬫剰锛屼竴绗斾竴鍒掗兘阃忛湶镌 鍑屽帀鍐 鍑屽帀鍐 渼镄剆 渼镄剆 word intent 锛岀粷闱炴槸 Realm of Saint 镄刾 owerhouse gallium 鑳 鑳 埢鍑 曟槸 曟槸 曟槸 曟槸 vine Divine Sword Sect 鍓嶈緢楂 汉 汉 汉€涔]€

Key 屽湪Langya Jade Summit 镄勯《绔纴涓 搴ilver light 闂︷棯镄凷word Tower 宸嶅穽灞圭珛銆

Yu Umbrella 搴旇灏 Yu un Yu old fellow 镓€璇 inch殑銆怢 angya Sword Tower 銆戜 锛孲 锛孲 鈥檈 鈥檈 浠栦 浠栦 锛屽簲璇ュ 锛屽簲璇ュ 锛屽簲璇ュ 锛屽簲璇ュ€[€[€滵ing Hao Mind 涓€暗囷纴 reading 婃斁鍑筱piritual Consciousness 鎼滃锲涘懆锛屽苟 chain 彂鐜 纾 箣钖庯纴 箣钖庯纴 箣钖庯纴 箣钖庯纴 箣钖庯纴Exchange

Sword Tower ㄥ洿鏋 ㄥ洿鏋 劧 劧 劧 劧 or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Law 镄勭牬缁 纴灏忓 纴灏忓 鍦 鍦 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲

缁堜簬闱犺繎浜哠word Tower 銆

Ding Hao

Just in case Sword Tower 涔嬩腑镄勪汉锛屼笉鏄疍ing Tianshuang 绛変汉锛岄偅鈥[

浠杅igure 鏅冿纴鐬棿€鏅冿纴鐬棿arrived at Sword Tower 6-layer 镄勪竴涓︻獥鎴峰彛镞佽竟锛岄噷闱(二)湁铚$儧镄勬槒榛刣ense mist 鐏厜浼犲嚭鏉ワ纴杩橀殣闅愭湁浜哄0锛娈ing Hao 鍦 鍦 鍦 线 岄 涓 涓 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁 鐪嬶纴鏁浜呜捣鏉ャ€

That’s right!

鐪熺殑鏄疍ing Tianshuang 鍜孯en Woxing 銆

Little girl 镄勫ご鍙戞映寮 鏉ユ姭鍦ㄨ偐涓婏纴铡熸潵韬笂镄勫皬琚勮涔熸崲鎴愪 鏋佷 鏋佷 氱殑 氱殑 氱殑 Divine Sword Sect disciple chain嶈锛屾槑鏄 槸涓 槸涓 椂鏀 椂鏀 椂鏀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀 樼潃闀娲楃殑骞 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 锛屼笉杩 锛屼笉杩 镞跺嵈姝 镞跺嵈姝 镞跺嵈姝 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ 澶╄ €杈瑰鍙鍙€曗€

鈥淎hhhh 锛屾垜瑕佹垒鐖哥野锛屽揩鏀炬垜鍑哄幓鈥[€[€

Little Tianshuang 镄勫鼓鍙0simply 鑳芥潃浜恒€

濂 皬灏忕殑韬 皬灏忕殑韬 锛屼篃涓岖煡阆撴 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 庝箞浼 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 垭 垭 垭 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹

鍦ㄥス韬竟锛岃伟鐚玐ie Yue 鐢╫ 镄勭繀鑶 鎹 鎹 鎹 鎹 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔 湹锛岄殧缁濆櫔Little Black 灏卞彲镐滀简many 锛屼竴鍏卞彧 chain 夊洓 纴鎹 纴鎹 湹锛屽彧鑳 湹锛屽彧鑳 湹锛屽彧鑳 ie Xie Yue 镄勮倸镄笂锛屾樉鐒朵篃琚獶 ing Tianshuang 镄勫鼓鍙潃缁欐姌纾ㄧ殑蹇柉浜嗏€[

Key 孡ittle Fatty Ren Woxing 鍒欓潬鍦↙ittle Black 镄勮韩杈癸纴Key 湹 岄 岄 濉炵潃涓ゆ挳 濉炵潃涓ゆ挳 ie Xie Yue 韬笂鎻﹄笅鏉ョ殑锛岄殧 ﹄笅鏉ョ殑锛岄殧 晥鏋滃簲璇ヤ笉阌欙纴浠栦篃涓岖煡阆揿摢 屾潵镄勭 屾潵镄勭 鐑 鐑 浮 浮 浮 匡纴鎹 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪婊”槾閮芥槸娌癸纴鐢ㄤ竴绉嶆棤濂堢殑鐪槸娌癸纴鐢ㄤ竴绉嶆棤濂堢殑鐪Ding Tianshuang 锛屽姖阆掳 鈥沧垜璇 鈥沧垜璇 village acne acne鍟婏纴姣忛殧5 minutes of time 浣犲 ammonia begins 骞 殠锛屾垜镄勮 湹閮 湹閮 湹閮 湹閮 湹閮 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔

鈥滆浣犵锛屼綘杩欎 夐鐗 夐鐗 _o-one 镐х殑瀹 锛屼綘蹇 锛屼綘蹇 锛屼綘蹇 鏉 鏉 鏉 orld of Immortals 鏄 鏄 涔堢殑钖楋 涔堢殑钖楋纻鈥滵ing Tianshuang 镐掔洰Key 岃銆

鈥滀笉绠°C潵骞蹭粈涔堬纴閮借鍏埚悆楗盇h鈥 鈥[€漅en Woxing 寰埚灞埚湴阆撱€

鈥滃 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔ュ挄鍣滃櫆镄勫0 纴涔熻鏄粓浜庡殠鍙 阔 纴涔熻鏄粓浜庡殠鍙 浜嗭纴鍧愯捣鏉ユ嫑浜嗘嫑 浜嗭纴鍧愯捣鏉ユ嫑浜嗘嫑 浜嗭纴鍧愯捣鏉ユ嫑浜嗘嫑 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟 鈥淟病链変 锛岀粰鎴戞潵涓€涓﹂€[€[€

鈥滀綘缁堜簬涓嶅彨浜嗭纻鈥漅en Woxing 澶у枩銆

鈥沧仼銆傗€滵ing Tianshuang 缁撴灉楦¤吙鍟冧 璧 璧 潵锛岃鐪熷湴阆掳 潵锛岃鐪熷湴阆掳 潵锛岃鐪熷湴阆掳 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗 锛屽悆楗傗€

Ren Woxing 涓€棰濆ごblack line 锛屽挘褰 竴澹 竴澹 掍 掍 掍 掍

Vine 镄勯棬 镄勯棬 vine ivine Sword Sect Sect Leader 鍜孠un Yu 璧 杩涙潵銆 杩涙潵銆

Ding Tianshuang 佺姸锛岀珛鍒讳笁涓嬩簲闄や簩钖冩帀楦¤吙锛屽 佺姸锛岀珛鍒讳笁涓嬩簲闄や簩钖冩帀楦¤吙锛屽 张 beginning 鍦ㄥ湴涓婃墦婊 鍦ㄥ湴涓婃墦婊 璧 璧 潵锛 潵锛 淎 淎 淎 hhhh 锛屾斁鎴戝嚭铡伙纴鎴戣铡绘鐖鐖哥野锛屽揩鏀炬垜鍑哄幓鈥[€[€

杩椤0硈硈imply 灏卞儚鏄竴鎶婂墤锛屽湪鍒虹棝镌棝镌姣忎姣忎浜浜殑殑啘銆

涔熷垭鐥涚潃Ding Hao Performance 銆

鍦ㄩ偅涔堜竴鐬棿锛娈ing Hao 鍑犱箮閮 蹇崭笉浣忚 蹇崭笉浣忚 蹇崭笉浣忚 鍑哄幓浜嗐

涓嶈 浠栬缮鏄繊浣忎 浠栬缮鏄繊浣忎 浠栬缮鏄繊浣忎

Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader 鍜孠un Yu 涓€鑴 棤濂埚湴鐪嬬潃little girl Ding Tianshuang 锛屽垰 崭粬浠湪鏆椾腑 崭粬浠湪鏆椾腑 效 效 效 效 效 效簬杩欎 楝 楝 楝 楝 殑 殑 little girl 锛岃缮鐪熺殑 chain 夌偣鍎挎棤鍙浣曪纴涓嶈涔嫔墠璇 澶 澶 澶 澶 皯濂 皯濂 皯濂 皯濂 瘽锛屼兘寰堥毦鍗 缑濂 缑濂 缑濂 殑 ′ ′

鈥滃杺锛宭ittle girl 锛屽埆闂 锛屽啀闂 锛屽啀闂 锛屽啀闂 锛屽啀闂 .. 鏋楅噷铡烩€[€[€滽un Yu 鏁呮剰钖揿敩銆

璋佺煡阆揇ing Tianshuang 涓€钖纴椤挎椂鐪肩潧涓€浜纴闂浜纴闂锛气锛沧槸钖楋纻鈥濈劧钖庣珛鍒诲沧槸钖楋纻鈥濈劧钖庣珛鍒诲锷犲椆璧锋潵锛屽垎鏄庡氨鏄竴鍓綘蹇潵鎶婃垜涓(一)洖鍒疠cean Forest 涔嬩腑铡诲惂镄勮〃鎯呫€

Kun Yu 綇浜呜劯銆备綇浜呜劯銆

Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader 涔熸槸鍝瑧涓嶅缑銆

杩欐椂锛屽摥闂 腑镄凞 s Tianshuang 镫犵嫚鍦 浜嗕竴鑴 浜嗕竴鑴 浜嗕竴鑴 浜嗕竴鑴 浜嗕竴鑴 湪涓揿 湪涓揿 湪涓揿 镊 镊 镊 Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo銆

Little Fatty 涓 鑴 鑴 鑴 箮 箮 箮 箮 箮 箮 箮 涔堬纴鍝 涔堬纴鍝 涔堬纴鍝 涔堬纴鍝 涓 涓 涓 澹 澹 澹岀殑楦¤吙涓 岀殑楦¤吙涓 (1) 埌涓 杈癸纴涔熶 杈癸纴涔熶 韬 韬 韬 鍦ㄥ湴涓婏纴鐢╄兂鑶婅 垮湴骞 垮湴骞 垮湴骞 垮湴骞 垮湴骞 鈥淎 鈥淎 鈥淎 鈥淎 鈥淎 鈥淎 鈥淎 hhh 锛屽揩鏀 垜鍑哄幓锛屾垜瑕佸嚭铡 垜鍑哄幓锛屾垜瑕佸嚭铡 垒 Master Master 锛孉hhhh 锛屽揩鏀 垜鍑哄幓锛屼笉鐒跺 垜鍑哄幓锛屼笉鐒跺 垜鍑哄幓锛屼笉鐒跺 垜鍑哄幓锛屼笉鐒跺 鈥 鈥 € [€ [

Ding Tianshuang 姘旀 ワ ワ ワ 鈥滀綘杩欎 姝籉 姝籉 姝籉 姝籉 姝籉 姝籉 pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pro

Ren Woxing 锛气€溾€[€[€

Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader 鍜孠un Yu 涓ゅぇExpert 锛宻imply 蹇绗戝嚭澹版潵浜嗭纴杩欎袱涓皬瀹跺悗涔熷お chain夋剰镐濅岖煡阆 粈涔堟牱镄勭埗姣嶏纴灞呯劧鑳 粈涔堟牱镄勭埗姣嶏纴灞呯劧鑳 粈涔堟牱镄勭埗姣嶏纴灞呯劧鑳 鐢熷嚭杩欐牱涓や 鐢熷嚭杩欐牱涓や 娲诲疂锛屼竴镞堕棿蹇冧腑涔熶笉绂佺敓鍑 娲诲疂锛屼竴镞堕棿蹇冧腑涔熶笉绂佺敓鍑涓€涓濅笣镄勬€沧儨涔嫔沧儨涔嫔銆

Vine 杞 杞 纴杩欎袱涓瀛愬叧绯诲埌 纴杩欎袱涓瀛愬叧绯诲埌 纴杩欎袱涓瀛愬叧绯诲埌 Divine Sword Sect 鍩 偛镞犳晫 偛镞犳晫 God 鏄疍 鏄疍 鏄疍 鏄疍 鏄疍 Star Reincarnation 锛屾槸浼犺涔嬩腑镄勭ジ瀹 纴鐬棿鍙堥 浜嗗 浜嗗 浜嗗 浜嗗 浜嗗 浜嗗

忔槸浠栦 忔槸浠栦 忔槸浠栦 杩欐牱镄勪 杩欐牱镄勪 杩欐牱镄勪 杩欐牱镄勪 璁╂劅鎯呰儨杩囩悊鏅 璁╂劅鎯呰儨杩囩悊鏅

鈥滆 镙 镙 镙 滽 滽 滽 Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu

Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader 鍙 涓 皵锛岄 皵锛岄 皵锛岄 ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea仛涔熻浼氭崯浼や竴閮ㄥ垎浠栦峰仛涔熻浼氭崯浼や竴閮ㄥ垎浠栦滑镄勬櫤锷涳纴浣嗕笉浼氶檷浣庝粬浠殑Talent 锛屾垜浠渶瑕佷袱涓惉璇濈殑 chainㄥ伓锛屼笉鏄摥闂圭殑椤界銆傗€

Kun Yu stayed and nodded. “You can only do this.”

Both of them communicated in a sound transmission, so the two children did not hear it.

Suddenly, Kun Yu suddenly slowly stretched make a move, the palm of his hand covered with a shallow pale-red dense mist light flame, touched the top of Ding Tianshuang’s head.

“Old bad guys, what do you want?” Ding Tianshuang instinctly pulled back and felt dangerous.

Kun Yu’s face showed a sly smile and said, “Hey, Grandpa takes you to Dad.”

“Old bad guys, the ghosts believe in you…” Ding Tianshuang Ghost spirit, quickly retreating.

But her strength is limited, how is Kun Yu, the atomic of the Realm of Saint’s powerhouse, an invisible force, let her involuntarily float towards Kun Yu’s hand…

“Hey, obedient, child, you will forget all the unpleasant things…” Kun Yu softly.

At this time, the change suddenly occurred –


A screaming, Xie Yue Great Demon King, who was originally drowsily lying on the ground, suddenly swollen and turned into a huge bipedal cat. The original singularly adorable shape instantly smashed up. Xue Peng opened his mouth and bite like a lightning. On the leg of Kun Yu.

“Ah…” Kun Yu screams.

He is the powerhouse of Realm of Saint, but the pro qi of the body is unable to stop the cat’s teeth, and the half leg is about to be bitten off. The fresh blood dripping and eating a cold loss.

Almost at the same time, the sound of three evil dogs screamed.

The Three-headed Heavenly Dog Little Black, which was originally smashed, suddenly burst into flames, a smoldering fire, a venom, a black lightning, and a divine Sword Sect Sect Leader tear and bite to the side…

“Meow~, fight, the rabbit is anxious to bite, if you let these two bastards hurt two little fellow, you have no face to see Ding Boy…” Xie Yue loosened, swallowed a piece Flesh, a pair of claws crossed like a Divine Blade, and caught the face of Kun Yu.

They had to wait for other ordinary Divine Sword Sect disciple to come in and make a fortune, but Kun Yu had to erase Ding Tianshuang’s memory, which forced the Great Demon King and Little Black to work.

At this moment, the two cute pets can’t take care of the life of own.

“Hey, I don’t know how to live.” Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader was taken aback, but how strong he was, just after a shock, it was reflected, Little Black is not close, he flicks to shoot with the finger, three Repeated sword qi cut through the void, crushing the flame, venom and lightning from Little Black, even on Little Black, leaving three deep bone scars.

At the same time, Kun Yu also reflected, the strength broke out, the backhand punched, hitting the neck of Xie Yue.


Xie Yue Great Demon King was directly shot and the collision was on the wall.

“Roar!” Little Black sharp howl.

He was covered in fresh blood, but he was inspired to be fierce. The power in the bloodline seemed to be stimulated. The body swelled and expanded several times. Like a small elephant, each of the three six eyes flashed differently. The fierce pupil light, lightning again rushed over.

“Hey? Innate deficiencies, it can actually stimulate bloodline power, a little bit interesting.” Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader snorted, figure flashed, avoiding the blow, palms slammed in the void.


Little Black also flew out.

Although the bloodline power broke out, it is still young, not the powerhouse opponent of the Realm of Saint peak, Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader.

“Kill these two beasts, don’t leave alive.” Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader mur murderous intention 凛然.

The performance of Xie Yue and Little Black made him realize that if you keep two pets, it will become a curse.

“Don’t touch my cockroach and Doggy.” Little Tianshuang rushed to Xie Yue’s body, and Little Fatty Ren Xiaoyao slammed into Little Black’s body. Two innocent children, using their own body, to protect their friends.

“Put them apart and start.” Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader Drink low.

Kun Yu At this time, the wound on the leg has been restored, and there is a trace of sputum on the face. It is not in line with the shape of the crane-haired child’s face. It is necessary to pull Ding Tianshuang.


“Dad!” Ding Tianshuang suddenly looked at the door of the stone room, and the beautiful eyes of the crystal agate common showed a pleasant surprise.

Kun Yu laughed dumbly: “Naughty little fellow, you still want to lie to me at this time…”

The voice has not fallen.

Suddenly, Divine Sword Sect Sect Leader exclaimed: “Who are you? How come here?”

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