The people of Dizhou regiment appeared here, and the people in Dihuang City knew about it. Therefore, there were a lot of onlookers here, and they all talked about it one after another.

"What's going on here? Why are all the members of the Dizhou Legion here, and what are they going to do?" A man who had just returned from the outside did not know the specific situation and asked questions.

"It is said that someone has found the trace of Yang Tiance, the man before Ling Yaru, the goddess of Zhongzhou. This man is a remnant of the clan and now appears in our Dizhou. Now the Lord of Tianzhou and the cabinet have issued an order to arrest him. Yuntian is recruited."

"What does it have to do with the clouds?"

"Ha ha, I don't think it matters much, but why don't you look at what Yuntian has done recently? How many people have he offended? He is very capable. It is said that Emperor Yu knows the name of Yuntian now, but he is alone. People like him would rather kill wrong than let go. I think someone is looking at him! "

"Is Yang Tiance really in our continent?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know. What happened to the sound that I heard suddenly before?"

"Who knows? Some people say that the alchemy furnace exploded during the gold alchemy, but what the hell knows! But who was the one who was beaten by Yuntian just now? Does this guy seem to be a warrior of immortality? "

There was a lot of discussion. Ling Heng, who had just recovered a little bit, was almost out of breath with an old blood gushing out.


Yang Tiance and others moved forward. They took out a warship and built it on it. They followed the people of Dizhou Legion in front of them. On the other side, Mo Yuntian, Zhang Hongfeng and Zhang Hongxue were the same.

However, the eyes of these guys have been fixed on them, it seems that they have made up their minds to kill them all!

"I don't think there is anyone else from the Lord of Tianzhou coming? What's more, why can't we see one of the five strong people in this continent? " On the way, Yang Tiance asked Ye linger casually. At present, the other party has already opened up the array, but Yang Tiance's face still can't see any expression of panic, calm very much!

"How can we say that Dizhou and Tianzhou are two independent continents, and they are basically different systems. If they both appear now, what will others think? Is it the Terrans who have drawn the legions, or the legions who have subdued the Terrans? " As for the status of Lingzhou people, they can't lower the status of Tianye

"So it is!" Yang Tiance nodded: "so they are all waiting for us outside the city? By the way, there is another problem, that is, the Lord of this continent. Others have always said that he is very powerful, but how powerful is he? "

"What level do you think the strongest person in the world should be?" Ye linger asked.

"Well Well, I don't know. I haven't been in contact with such a strong person before Yang Tiance road.

"Believe you, ghost!" Ye ling'er rolled her eyes and then said, "as far as I know, there are two people who are the strongest in the world. One is the Emperor Yu, and the other is my master, the master of the state. They are both indestructible beings. "

"Only two?" Yang Tiance is completely surprised. Is there any mistake?

"As far as I know, it is true, and the Lord of Tianzhou is only the strong one under them. He has half a step in the cultivation of the realm. It is said that he has been stuck in this position for thousands of years." Ye ling'er said.

"Well, so it is!" According to Yang Tiance's information, it seems that the war between Emperor Yu and zongmen should have been ten thousand years ago. However, at that time, the records were chaotic, so it was always vague. People didn't pay much attention to these things.

However, the reign of the Emperor Yu was established for ten thousand years. The warriors of the undead and the undead had a long life, and it was not a problem for the undead to live for two or three thousand years. As for the environment of immortality, its life span can exceed 5000 years at least. Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to die when you are weak. Therefore, Tianzhou's major has been stuck for thousands of years.

"According to my grandfather, although the cultivation of the Lord of Tianzhou is stuck, he has become more and more terrifying over the years. Many people who have seen him think that he is no longer a person, but a monster." Ye ling'er said.

"All right, all right, I know he's good, OK?" Yang Tiance road.


This somewhat disordered team went out of the city, and no one dared to stop in front of them along the way, so they quickly got out of the dihuangcheng. Outside Dihuang City, there are already two teams waiting for them here!

One of the teams had only three warriors from the undead realm. The leader was Zhang Changkong, and next to him was Lin Guoyun and Xiangge. As for Jiang Xinyuan and baihuaqiong, they didn't show up here. It seems that the five big powers of Dizhou are also incompatible. At least Jiang Xinyuan and baihuaqiong should not get along with these three people, otherwise they would not disappear. There will be fights where there are people, which is normal.

After Yang Tiance and their appearance here, Zhang Changkong three people all scan here, and then go to meet with 100 people.Behind them are a large number of people. Behind each of them, there is an army, a thousand troops. The weakest of them are the warriors of the extremely mysterious realm. In other words, the three warriors from the undead land appear here with 3000 people.

This is the power of Dizhou, and there are not many people on the other side. The first one is a dwarf, a middle-aged dwarf who looks less than one meter, with a full face and five or six men and women beside him. But the strength of these people is terrible, because every one of them is a warrior in the undead!

Dwarfs and others came forward to meet Zhang Changkong and other people as well as 100 people, and then they chatted.

They block the voice, also block the line of sight, so that other people do not know what they are saying, do not let other people know what they are going to do next, everything seems very mysterious!

However, Yang Tiance explored his own perception and found that they had never told the centenarians some facts that Yang Tiance had already learned, that is, there was no Yang Tiance in the mountains and there was no sect stronghold, but they always thought there was such a thing.

What's more, they also revealed that if they can't find Yang Tiance in the mountains, they will continue to look for Yang Tiance after they get out of the mountains. That is to say, no matter what, this time, they must catch Yang Tiance, and they did not say that their purpose in this line is to deal with Yuntian.

"Hundred people long, I have definite information. Before that, there was a vibration in Dihuang mountain range, which caused a space crack. It seems that there is a small world which has not been detected. If that's right, there are countless resources waiting to be explored. However, the appearance of space cracks also let the creatures inside escape. This time, we met those creatures. All of us listened to the command of the centurion and killed all these creatures. Otherwise, once the people of the clan got the resources inside, it would be a disaster! " Zhang Changkong said.

"According to the order of the regiment headquarters, this time we must cooperate with you first. As for other things, we don't care! " A hundred people have a long way to go.

"Well, let's go."


"I see. So it is. No wonder why I chose Dihuang mountain. It turns out that the reason why I chose Dihuang mountain is that these animals have different plans. The cloud sky played by Laozi is just a small part of the big plan of these animals. I can get rid of them. The mountains are dangerous, they can let themselves die quietly, but their main purpose is for the small world. Originally, the strength of these people does not need the Legion at all. I am afraid it is because of the creatures in the small world that they need the combined attack skill of the Legion. " Yang Tiance nodded repeatedly in his heart. Now he finally knows the reason of the matter.

As for the so-called Yang Tiance, they knew for a long time that Yang Tiance could not be met in the Dihuang mountain range. The Legion is the most loyal force in Zhongzhou. It is not easy to ask them to take action, so there are a lot of excuses!

"Hum, this time, there will be resentment and revenge. I want you to steal chicken and not eat rice!" Yang Tiance said in his heart!


This time, the team became huge. Thousands of people marched towards the Dihuang mountains. The momentum was overwhelming. It seemed that anything that appeared in front of them would be crushed by them, and there was no force to resist them.

"Come on, tell the king of beasts that the Terrans are in the mountains!" When the Terrans stepped into the Dihuang mountains, the mysterious beasts found their tracks. Then some intelligent Xuan beasts came to look for death and were crushed to pieces by the huge team!

Then some intelligent Xuan beast will run away crazily, and report the information to the powerful Xuan beast in the mountains.

For these things, people all know, but no one cares, because they are too strong, there is no Xuan beast can resist their power. Originally, the top five of Dizhou could hold the Xuan beast here. But now, with so many people marching forward, even the seven grade Xuan beast can only avoid its edge, what can they do?

The Dihuang mountain range was originally a forbidden area for people, but now it has become a back garden. No matter what kind of danger it may be, it does not exist for people here.

"If I used to walk in such mountains with my own small team, I'm afraid every step would have to be careful. But now it's really cool to run over them. What's more, I've been paying attention to danger before. Now I'm in the mood to see the scenery. Unexpectedly, my mood is different. This originally dangerous forest has become beautiful. " Yang Tiance and his team are moving forward. Yang Tiance looks around and is very leisurely.

There are huge trees growing in the forest. Some trees are thick, powerful, vigorous and full of green. In some places, the flowers are in full bloom and the air is fresh. And there's a lot of rain in the valley.

There are waterfalls flying down 3000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky way is falling nine days!

Ye ling'er was very nervous at first, but looking at Yang Tiance's leisure, she didn't think much about it. Instead, she found the beauty of the forest just like Yang Tiance. She couldn't name some plants, but there was a twinkle of light on her body, just like a star. It was very beautiful. Looking at the beautiful things appearing in front of her eyes, she thought about other things It seems to be a sin.The little wolf never cares about others, as long as it follows Yang Tiance's side. However, the appearance of the little wolf in front of people is not a little wolf, but a fierce and domineering beast. As for big mouth, what it looks at is food, especially those powerful Terrans. It secretly plans to find a chance to eat all these people, which can enhance its strength.

"Well, now you are very leisurely, but at the end of the day, you can't cry out!" The team is moving forward, and Yang Tiance's posture is also seen by many people. These people hate each other in their hearts. They swear that they will make these guys look good.

A good period of time passed in a twinkling of an eye. They went on all the way, rolled all the way, and finally met the first obstacle.

They have already stepped into the depths of the mountains, and their speed is really too fast. It has been nearly a day. If we let them go to the place they want to go at ease, this is the really strange thing. Now there are obstacles, and they all feel that this is very normal.


There is a roar above the sky at this moment, people can see a huge creature spreading its wings to them, its wings are really too big, after the wings are opened, it blocks the sky and the sun, even the light of the sun is blocked!

This is a bird with three heads and a ferocious one horned bird on its head. Its wings are huge and cover the sky and the sun. The fierce and powerful breath comes from its body. It is a three headed sky winged beast with the strength of seven grade Xuan beast.

This kind of mysterious beast is very terrible. It is basically equivalent to two or three of the same level Xuan beast. The three heads can control a kind of mysterious Qi of heaven and earth respectively. If you really want to grow up, it is the king of Xuan beast!

But after it appeared, there were four or five equally huge breath in this moment.

There is a black tiger in the north, with a body as big as a hill. In the south, there are always Thunderbirds with countless lightning flashes. In the East, there is a tree shaking its body madly. There are many Xuan beasts and Terran corpses hanging on the tree. The branches are deeply rooted in the corpse. These corpses also emit a strong breath before birth, which is very terrible.

Finally, there is a monkey holding a Bing iron stick, which is as huge as the hill!

Among these mysterious beasts, the three headed heavenly winged beasts are the most powerful. At this time, they appear in all directions and encircle the Terrans who appear here. In addition to these Xuan beast kings, there are countless dark shadows in the sky, on the ground, underground, and even in the nearby river. It seems that all the mysterious beasts of the whole mountain range are gathered here!


There are countless mysterious animals here, they have their own strong breath to crush the Terrans that appear here in the past.

There are a lot of mysterious beasts here, not only many, but also so many that it is hard to count them. It makes people feel scared. There are too many, so many of them make people's scalp numb.

But even if so many mysterious beasts appear here, the human face here has not changed at all, but is very calm. The atmosphere between the two sides is changing.

It looks like a big war is on the horizon.

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