Quiet, dead silence!

All of a sudden, the whole battlefield was quiet at this moment. People were staring at the situation in the sky, and they didn't know what to say. It was a hundred leader, a hundred strong leader. Basically speaking, he was the strongest one in the opposite area. The leader of this group of people on the opposite side was worthy of being a strong one!

How can we say that killing three people can be regarded as the normal situation?

What happened in front of me made people here stunned!

"This What happened? " Someone asked himself, he still can't believe such a thing in front of him. One hundred of the strongest people here are long. Now he is set in the void like this. Are you kidding me?

Bairenchang's body was shaking, and he was about to speak. But the next moment, with a bang, the spear inserted into his body suddenly trembled and exploded directly. The powerful force suddenly rushed out and destroyed the centurion here.

"Hiss, who on earth refined this weapon, so vicious?" Yang Tiance said in his heart that he saw a lot of things. Naturally, the power of weapons is needless to say. They are full of lethality. Relying solely on their lethality, all the mysterious weapons with a hundred people's length are the best. However, compared with this weapon, they are not of the same level and are directly destroyed.

When the spear explodes, in addition to the power of rules and metaphysics, there is something else that makes people feel extremely terrible. Among them, there is a force that can directly corrode the vitality. If the vitality in the body of the undead environment warrior loses its function, the undead environment warrior will be completely abandoned. According to the power of this weapon, let alone an immortal No matter how many warriors there are, it's not a problem. A spear is a warrior in immortal territory!

"It's impossible. I haven't seen them use weapons for so long. What are you now? All of a sudden, you gave me this kind of thing? "

"Even if you have Xuanqi, you can't have such great power!"

"At first glance, these three eyed people are the kind of waste that they don't know how to use when guarding the treasure mountain. Who in the end refined this mysterious ware?"

A hundred people have died for a long time. Other people floating in the sky are stunned. They are too unprepared for such a thing to happen. What should we do now? Are you still fighting? If the three eyes had more spears, no matter how many people went, they would be dead!

To tell you the truth, the deterrent force of the spear is so terrible that the mouth of the spear is subconsciously shivering. Now it doesn't know if it can stop the spear!

The three eyed Terran made a stir. The surviving three eyed Terrans of the five elements and the three eyed Terrans who were fighting were shouting with excitement. Now that 100 people are dead, their joint attack skills are broken, and all the personnel are scattered. Now these people face so many three eyed Terrans, the strong ones are the meat on the chopping board!

"If you want to kill me, it's really hard to kill me. Now you're in trouble!" Yang Tiance looks at the other side and smiles.

The hatred of Yang Tiance has reached a point. Ling Heng is gnashing his teeth now. The smile on Yang Tiance's face is too dazzling in his eyes, which makes him angry to the extreme!

"They should not have more spears. If they had more spears, I'm afraid they would have gone. Why wait until now?" Zhang Changkong also saw the smile on Yang Tiance's face! Yang Tiance killed his relatives, and his killing intention in his heart has made him almost uncontrollable.


The three eyed Terran king did not care. He raised his right hand and thought of a fierce wave in front of him. All of a sudden, the three eyed Terran warriors who were still alive here had no scruples. At the next moment, they turned into streamers and rushed towards the opposite side. Each streamer is like a meteor. It's so terrible that it kills this group of people in front of them in a twinkling of an eye!

"What are you waiting for? Come out and kill In the face of such a situation, Zhang Changkong, as one of the strongest in Dizhou, directly stood up and sent out an explosive drink.


Hearing this, Zhang Changkong immediately felt the space not far behind them vibrated at this moment, and then a whirlpool emerged out of thin air. This is a big whirlpool. Of course, compared with the space passage of the three eye Terran is much smaller, but it is not so small as to let them transmit what they want from it!


At this moment, a strong breath diffuses and suppresses this void. Each breath has a powerful power to the extreme. It seems that it has the ability to destroy the heaven and the earth. It is too strong, because it is the terror power that the undead can release.

If it's just a small amount, it's nothing, but Yang Tiance felt dozens of such powerful breath at this moment!

At this moment, all the three eyed Terran warriors who killed the past stopped their own steps, because they felt the breath of incomparable terror coming from inside, and every breath was no weaker than them!

A strong man in armor came out laughing: "old man, I said, you can't do it. It's better to gather all the people. Push it one time, and you can get anything you want. But you have to come by yourself. How about now? I still need Lao Tzu's helpThis man is holding a huge mace and wearing ferocious armor. Yang Tiance can see that this is the president of the weapon refiners' Union!

"Dad Well, what happened? Maple and snow Another middle-aged man rushed out of it. He looked at Zhang Changkong and cried. After scanning the whole battlefield, his face became very ugly.

"Dead, he killed it!" Zhang Changkong pointed to the way of heaven.

And in this process, there are many warriors coming out of it. Many of them are from Tianzhou, and others who don't know where they are. Anyway, they are all warriors in the immortal territory. In a flash, the number of warriors in the opposite undead territory was more than that of the three eyed Terran!

There are dozens of people who can stand on the edge of the sky and can not resist the force of death.

One of them, with his blood red eyes, looks at Yang Tiance. This man is Zhang Changkong's father. Naturally, he is Zhang Changkong's son. Now his children are all dead in Yang Tiance's hands.

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