The battle between the two sides became more and more fierce. At this time, Yang Tiance found that the blood red color in Zhang Changkong's eyes had been completely diffused. That is to say, they were about to lose control of their desires. After being filled with endless desires, they would burn up completely. They would be completely crazy and become walking dead without reason.

Like the midget's poison, the three eyed Terran's innate powers are defensible, and they spread out irregularly, affecting everyone here. So this makes Zhang Changkong and others attack, become more and more violent, at the same time, they also lost the rules, some chaos up!

In the face of their current state, it is a good time for Yang Tiance to launch an attack.


After the big mouth let out a burst of drink, under Zhang Changkong's three people, a huge lotus flower appeared directly, and then spread out to cover the three people. Each petal of this lotus flower is different, and each petal represents a kind of mysterious power and rules.

This move is just one of big mouth's killing moves. It has extremely terrible power. In addition to Yang Tiance's metamorphosis, as long as other people are covered by this lotus flower, there is only one end, that is, death!

The lotus wave spread out. Among the three people who were about to lose their sense, Zhang Changkong's eyebrows were full of white light. Only a bead came out of his eyebrow. The white light released by the beads covered Zhang Changkong's body, and Zhang Changkong's blood red eyes instantly recovered to Qingming.

"Go After Zhang Changkong regained his pure brightness, he subconsciously looked at the things that let it protect himself until Baodu automatically came out to protect him. At this sight, he was scared to death, and suddenly he was in a cold sweat.

In a flash, he came to Zhang Tianyang's side and rolled Zhang Tianyang around him. Xuanli broke out of the lotus area. I have to say, Zhang Changkong is so lucky. As long as he is slow, even if he recovers Qingming, he can't avoid the big mouth move, but he just escaped here in this period of time!

Zhang Changkong fled here, and the rest of the other people did not have such good luck. Lingheng is surrounded by the lotus flower with big mouth, and then the big mouth's body disappears in place. A huge mouth appears in the sky, and runs straight to Lingheng to swallow it up!

"Damn it!" Zhang Tianyang is also Zhang Changkong beads to restore their own Qingming, and then they found such a scene, immediately feel sad for Ling Heng, Ling Heng is dead. Even if the father and son have the idea of rescuing Ling Heng, they have no means. But they see Yang Tiance and ye ling'er, and the northern wild wolf beside them!

These two people actually body shake under, run to Yang Tiance, they killed.

"Good coming!" Yang Tiance secretly said in his heart, and then he made a hand. A ray of light appeared in front of Yang Tiance. As soon as he reached out, he grasped the light in his hand. It was a sword leaf.


When this sword leaf appeared, a gust of wind blew naturally between heaven and earth. Where the wind passed, everything was cut to the extreme, and the sound of puffing and hissing appeared in the air. The whole world seemed to have turned into paper before this blade!

Yang Tiance, who holds the Tianshen sword leaf, feels something that he couldn't feel before at this moment. At this time, he feels that the sky god sword leaf is in his hand. He can sweep everything, cut the whole heaven and earth, and break through everything. An inexplicable momentum rises from Yang Tiance's body, which makes Yang Tiance have invincible momentum.

"No!" After Yang Tiance's momentum appeared, Zhang Changkong and Zhang Tianyang, the father and son, had their eyelids jumping and their hearts throbbed!


However, Yang Tiance didn't care so much about them. His body, holding the God sword leaf, rose into the air directly. At the same time, a huge virtual shadow appeared behind Yang Tiance. It was a virtual shadow of the emperor of heaven to suppress the Six Harmonies and eight wastelands!

When Yang Tiance wields this sword, the shadow behind him seems to instill all the power into the leaves of the Heavenly God sword. Therefore, when Yang Tiance makes this sword, there is a huge sword which is nearly thousands of feet long and passes forward.


After the appearance of the sword awn, the power burst out of the body is really terrible. The sword has not really hit these two people, and its arc light cuts the space into space cracks at this moment. This attack is no weaker than that of Yang Tiance when he was in the chaotic star region. On the contrary, it is more powerful and unstoppable!

"No, go!" Zhang Changkong let out the sound of drinking, and he felt that the sword was absolutely irresistible, even if they were warriors in the immortal realm. What was Yang Tiance's hand? But now he has no time to think about such things, he just want to take his son to escape here.

"If you want to go, do you still have such a chance?" Yang Tiance's face appeared a wisp of smile, and then the beads which had not been shown before suddenly appeared, directly appeared in all directions of Zhang Changkong's father and son!

Fix the water!One of Yang Tiance's assassin's mace is actually a lot of things. After all, he has killed so many enemies. The things in his hands are absolutely not ordinary products. However, compared with the Heavenly Sword leaves and beads, these things are too poor. Therefore, if you don't do it, you must see blood if you use it!

After the appearance of the fixed water bead, a mysterious force broke out directly, which fixed the void where the father and son were. The area where the water bead was located was as if time and space were all fixed. The father and son were frozen in place.

Yang Tiance's sword was cut at this moment. The huge sword was nearly a thousand feet, just like a terrorist attack from the God. As for the power of the sword, it was beyond the recognition of the father and son!


The sword fell down at this moment. The terrible sword directly cut the father and son's bodies at this moment. The mysterious power, rules and protective devices on their bodies had no effect. They were directly cut by the sword awn. When the sword awn cut their bodies into two sections, the sword awn exploded completely at this moment The fierce sword spirit spreads thoroughly in the whole world. Zhang Changkong and Zhang Tianyang's father and son's bodies are ground into powder in an instant. They are dead without a corpse!

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