"Did you really fail?" The sky cover body shakes for a while, almost didn't fall to the ground!

The whole three eyed Terran are all dead in this aspect. If this attack fails, will their previous efforts have no effect?

If you fail, the small world will disappear, and so will they.

It's over, it's over, it's all fucked up, it's all over!

"Yang Tiance, what did you say to me before?" Tian Fu's eyes turn red in a moment. It seems that they want to choose people to eat. They are crazy to the extreme!

"Shh!" Yang Tiance turned his head and made a gesture to Tianfu!

"Well?" The day covers a Leng, other people are in this moment stupefied.

"Don't worry. He's Yang Tiance. You know, he's Yang Tiance. He never does anything that he can't be sure of." The wolf of the North covers the sky!

Big mouth also quickly nodded.

"But..." Tianfu doesn't know what to say.

Yang Tiance closed his eyes at this moment. There are some things that he really can't say to the clan leader, because they can't understand them. It can be said that without him, the clan leaders and other people can't even see the boundary wall, let alone see the scene before, because all these belong to space!

There are countless layers of space, even hundreds of millions of layers. There is no special means. No matter how strong a person is, even if he can destroy this small world with one blow, he can not see the boundary wall of the world clearly.

In addition to Yang Tiance, who was originally a child God, and his understanding of space was absolutely beyond anyone in the world. Therefore, there was a scene like that before for people here to see. All this is because the sky array arranged by Yang Tiance showed everything to them from another space!

Yang Tiance, at the moment, carefully perceives his own divine power, and then goes to the opposite side with the track of the light column. Now he must be quick, because the power of the boundary wall to recover is also extremely terrible. If it is slow, once the boundary wall is restored to integrity, there will be no hope!

Yang Tiance's perception came to the boundary wall of canglan continent with the power of the array. He did find that the boundary wall of canglan continent was intact, but he did not show any disappointment on his face, not because of anything else, but because Yang Tiance felt a crack in the boundary wall at a deeper level at this moment!

"Ha ha ha ha ha, OK, OK!" Sensing back to the body, Yang Tiance immediately burst into laughter at this moment.

"What? Is it true that things have turned around? " The rest of the people here were stunned, and then all of them were ecstatic.

However, Yang Tiance had no other time to say anything to them. He immediately manipulated the array under his feet. All of a sudden, the big array he arranged absorbed all the forces it could absorb. Then, the flags in the big array flew up at this moment!


Then a strange space wave broke out at this moment. All the bricks in the array were shining, and then pieces of bricks broke apart at this moment, including the countless bricks used in the altar, which had been taken out of their power!

The bricks are smashed, and an array of energy rises at this moment.

These forces are released, integrated with the rules of the small world, and then instantly instilled on the surrounding flag, and the great energy array is directly printed on the flag.


At this moment, all the flags emit color light. The color light above all the flags rises to the sky at this moment, and then shoots towards the canglan continental boundary wall. The space crystal stones above the flag shine at this moment, and then the colorful light disappears at this moment!

The flag of war is constantly shaking. This process is enough for a continuous tea Kung Fu before it stops completely!

Then the flag fell back to its original position, all the bricks were turned into powder, and the big array had been destroyed in principle, but the big array did not. There was a ray of light on the flag in a special way, covering the whole small world. It seemed to be drawing the power of the small world.

In the middle of all the flags, the previously dark blue circle has now disappeared, leaving only a dark blue circular pattern composed of light. The light is entangled in it and looks dense and chaotic, but it seems to contain the principle of heaven and earth.

"This..." Apart from Yang Tiance, none of the people here know what is happening now.

"It's done!" Yang Tiance said such three words in his mouth. Only Yang Tiance knew what had just happened. The light column opened the boundary wall, and then Yang Tiance followed him all the way to the boundary wall with the banner of war sweeping many forces!

In fact, the boundary wall can be said to be perfect, but it is not, because Yang Tiance found a crack in the weak space on the other layer of the boundary wall. The flag of war swept many forces, and directly entered the canglan continent from the crack of that weak space with the power of space!Then the force forms on the opposite side, supporting the space passage.

The strength just swept out by the flag did not only do this. He opened a hole in the wall of the small world, and the power of the flag broke out also fixed the boundary wall here.

The opposite boundary wall is fixed, and the boundary wall here is also fixed. The passage through which the flag passes is constructed into a space passage.

Yang Tiance succeeded. However, this passage can't pass through. If you want to pass through this space, you can only rely on the space of the flag. Standing in the array, the crystal stone of the battle flag space will automatically open a space and bring people through the space channel.

Space is mysterious, different, and has its own characteristics. Even a mosquito can't fly through the space channel constructed in front of us. However, if we take a leaf, there are 18000 small worlds in it.

Therefore, people can't get through it, but the things that the flag opens up automatically can transmit people to the opposite side at will.

"I don't know whether it's the opposite continent or not." Yang Tiance's eyes burst out a burst of blood light, he has used his best efforts, but now did not go to see, he really did not know the opposite is Dizhou.

He still has accounts to settle.

"Did you succeed?" The three eyed people here really don't know all the secrets in it, how it works and how it works. They don't know everything, but now they know it's successful!

At this moment, the sound of cheering completely rang up, countless three eyed people cried and laughed, fell into the madness!

Yang Tiance, big mouth, North wild wolf and so on are all excited to the extreme, this is finally going to leave here.

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