When Yang Tiance and others went to find Xiao Wanli, Bai Hengdong went out to meet the people of Yuanwu college. Now he and several tutors are standing at the front of the team to lead the way for each other. They have done a lot of courtesy, which can be regarded as giving each other enough face. After all, he is the president of Baiyang college!

Beside Bai Hengdong is a tall man in black clothes. He has no expression on his face. His face is ordinary, but there is a breath of cold to the extreme. It seems that he is like a piece of ice. His momentum is very strong, and it seems that he is stronger than baihengdong.

Bai Hengdong is talking to him, but this man just nods haughtily. The cloudy day is just his name, the president of Yuanwu college!

There are five young people, three men and two women, behind the cloudy day. The breath of these people is almost the same as that of the cloudy day. It is very cold. There is a fierce killing intention between the eyes. These guys are really not ordinary people. They have killed a lot of creatures.

Of the three men, two were tall, almost like Lin Shaobai. Their muscles looked like iron, impregnable.

The shorter man was said to be short, but it was also relatively small. He was almost as tall as Yang Tiance, and his figure was slightly thin, but he actually walked in front of the other two guys, and the other two had no complaints about it.

In addition to them, there are two women. They are actually twins. Both of them belong to the type of tall stature. Moreover, they are protruding and backward warped. They have a unique style. Their faces are delicate and delicate, but they are infected with the grim expression on cloudy days, and there is no smile on their faces.

Yang Tiance felt their breath carefully. Then, at this moment, he could see that there were three martial artists in Xuanmen, one of them was a female, the other was a tall boy, and the last one was actually a relatively small one.

"Of the five geniuses, three of them are martial artists in the Xuanmen realm. Moreover, the breath is pure without any frivolity. They are all trained by virtue of their abilities. It's a little scary. " Yang Tiance said in his heart.

In addition to these people, there are also a group of young people behind them. These must be other students of Yuanwu college. None of them has a cultivation level lower than level 9. Their faces are very young. They all have a sense of arrogance.

The people of Baiyang college are not idiots. Those with low accomplishments can't see anything, but those who have improved their accomplishments all change their faces at this moment. The people from Yuanwu college, no matter from what aspect, their accomplishments seem to be better than those from Baiyang college!

"Teacher, why are you so ugly?" A student asked the tutor. The tutor whispered about the strength of the students of Yuanwu college. The student turned pale when he heard this. Then the words spread slowly, and the whole college was worried at this moment.

"If the strength of these people is really so strong, then is it possible that our college can not win even the opposite one? Will all the so-called places be opposite? " A student murmured to himself.

This is the voice of a lot of people, they can't imagine how others can be better than their own college people so much.

"So this is the people of Baiyang college!" One of the people opposite said this in a whisper.

The people of Baiyang college, who are better trained, suddenly changed their faces and were very ugly. They heard the contempt in this voice. However, now the people of Baiyang college can't speak because they are very strong.

Bai Hengdong's face had not changed. He brought these people here, and then called out to the cloudy day. At this moment, the two of them went to the challenge arena. As for the students brought by cloudy days, they all sat on the seats arranged for them by Baiyang college.

Under the leadership of Xiao Wanli, Yang Tiance and other five people also sat on their own positions.

The five of them were behind Xiao Wanli, and their breath was stronger than others. Therefore, they attracted the attention of the students of Yuanwu college in the opposite direction. After feeling the breath of Yang Tiance and others, many of them began to laugh, but their smiles were so stiff and unfeeling.

"Is this a mockery of us?" Said Lin Shaobai.

"Nonsense!" Fan Sha's eyes were a little red.

"Shut up, the strength of the opposite is better than you, but we don't want to beat all the people on the other side. We just need to win a few games, that's enough." Xiao Wanli said.

Hearing his words, Yang Tiance shook his head helplessly, which is simply a dream. He glanced at the other side. Maybe Yang Tiance could win the other one, but Yang Tiance didn't really think that the people around him could beat them.

"Fan Sha, Lin Shaobai, you two had better prepare in mind. I want you two to win!" Xiao Wanli finally came up with such a sentence.

"Well?" Hearing this, Yang Tiance was stunned for a moment. Then he understood Xiao Wanli's plan and what he was going to do. It turned out that he was shooting fire against the two warriors who had not reached the Xuanmen realm.Yang Tiance understands this idea. Because of the training, the college will definitely provide a lot of materials. Then, there will be a quota. Otherwise, it will be too bad.

However, Yang Tiance is not optimistic about it, because the two warriors in Xuanmen are better than the people here, except Yang Tiance.

"Silence, silence!" Bai Hengdong stood on the challenge arena and said, "Dear tutors and students, let's welcome the president of Yuanwu college and his students." Hearing this, a burst of intense applause appeared at this moment.

"So I declare now Bai Hengdong continued to speak, but was interrupted.

"Ha ha ha ha, old man, why don't you invite us when something like this happens in your college? We can cheer for you

Hearty voice spread out, a group of people in this moment quickly came here.

Yang Tiance looked directly at the place where the voice came from. At present, he saw many acquaintances. They were all the people who had met at the auction at the beginning, and they were all the respected elders of Baiyang city.

Seeing this, Yang Tiance sighed in his heart. Although the overall strength of Baiyang college is not as good as that of Yuanwu college, this network is really incomparable.

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