The commander of the Zhongzhou army is threatening the whole field. There is no one here who dares to say more at this time, saying that the matter in front of us should be over as soon as possible, and that we should not waste time. However, Yang Tiance's face flashed a little surprised, the northern wild wolf and big mouth, Ling Yaru are also like this!

Not just them, but in the whole place, except for the warriors of the undead, others were surprised!

"The chief of the army has revealed too many things." Yang Tiance secretly said that before, they had always thought that this was to identify his identity. If he was really the descendant of the previous generation of national teachers, then Yang Tiance would succeed to become the Pope. Otherwise, he would be in danger, and he would be regarded as an evil devil and killed. At the same time, there are so many people here. This is to put pressure on the master and let him come forward to get rid of Yang Tiance.

However, there is a false proposition, that is, even if Yang Tiance is hated again, will he be targeted like this? This was originally involved in the struggle between Emperor Yu and the national master. Then, was the struggle between them just about the fate of Yang Tiance?


Yang Tiance's brain is really too flexible. In a moment, he analyzes the things here. He is in a dead end, and these people are all coming to force Yang Tiance to set a dead end. However, the most important thing is the fight between the national master and the Emperor Yu!

Judging from the present situation, is it the position of the pope that they are fighting for?

In other words, no matter whether Yang Tiance is the pope or not, there will be a person who will inherit the position of the Pope. This person should be arranged by the Emperor Yu. Moreover, many powerful people here are here to support this person's position. Yang Tiance is just a victim before the real event!

"Damn it!" Yang Tiance's heart is filled with anger. Judging from the current situation, no matter whether he is a real descendant of the national master, I'm afraid they will eventually define themselves as not a descendant of the national master, but an evil devil. They want to kill people!

If they want to kill people, they can have countless ways!

How can he break the game now? To admit, we need to prove ourselves. How can he prove that he was not, and how can he deal with a series of murderous moves coming from others?

According to the truth, most of the people here are from the Emperor Yu. Where are the real masters?

It should be Yang Tiance's help, but the national teacher didn't appear!

"Well, since all the commanders have spoken, let's go on!" The left leader spoke at this time, and he fixed his eyes on Yang Tiance: "Yang Tiance, I'd like to ask you now, who are you? Where do you come from? Are you a disciple? What kind of magic skill do you practice

When the left cult leader said this, he had no expression. However, this series of words was like a sharp sword. He went straight to Yang Tiance and killed him. If he couldn't say anything, Yang Tiance would be really dangerous. People in the hall now fixed their eyes on Yang Tiance and wanted to see what he said?

The infinite pressure is suppressed from the front. Most people may have already collapsed in the face of such pressure. However, Yang Tiance seems unable to feel the pressure. He stood up and laughed: "you asked so many questions, but it seems that you didn't ask the key points. Should you ask me if I am a descendant of the previous generation of national teachers? What do you want to do with all this mess? "

Yang Tiance's laughter belongs to the kind of ridicule. This is obviously aimed at the left leader. According to the meaning of Yang Tiance's words, he said that the left leader deliberately seduced him and misled him!

The laughter was so harsh that one could not help frowning.

"Well, are you a descendant of the previous generation of the master of the state?" The left leader snorted coldly. His face could be seen clearly. At this time, there was no expression on his face. However, people here obviously felt that the left leader seemed to be unhappy!

"Eh? Well, I want to say that I am. Do you want me to prove how I am the descendant of the national master? If I can't prove it, you're going to kill me right away? And if I say I'm not, am I just a sect demon? Will you kill me, too? " Yang Tiance looks at the left leader!

At the same time, his eyes also became fierce at this moment, and severely scanned all the people here. Except those who really cared about him, all the other people here were very unfavorable to him. If Yang Tiance died here today, all these people were his killers!

"I said, don't talk about him. You can say whether you are the descendant of the national master!" The leader of the left cult really didn't want to waste time on Yang Tiance. He stood up from his seat all of a sudden. A powerful momentum rushed out and suppressed Yang Tiance!


Yang Tiance's whole body seemed to be suppressed on him by a huge mountain for a moment. All his bones clattered at this time. The general pressure is absolutely impossible to possess such prestige. This pressure is suppressed on Yang Tiance after the fusion of the left cult leader and the space here. He is a strong man who can not destroy the environment.Yang Tiance has a bitter smile in his heart. He is strong enough to keep the environment in half step, but there is still a big gap between him and him!


Yang Tiance took a deep breath. At this time, the situation was very unfavorable to him, because he seemed to have no way to break the game. No matter what they said, the people here wanted to kill him. They could find countless reasons. No matter what, without breaking the game, Yang Tiance would surely die. However, waiting for death, this is not Yang Tiance His personality, a strong momentum on his body to the sky!


The space around Yang Tiance's body vibrated at this moment. The powerful momentum collided with the momentum suppressed by the left cult leader. The whole void was twisted at this time. Although there was no hot scene, now the surrounding empty space was distorted, as if the space was going to be broken!

Yang Tiance opened the pressure, there was sweat on his forehead, at this time he was very difficult.

"I have never said that I am the descendant of the national master, and I have never said that I am the successor of the Pope." Yang Tiance looked at the people around him and laughed at this moment. At the same time, the momentum of his body exploded again, directly crushing the pressure of the left cult leader on him.

At this time, countless people's pupils contracted fiercely. The left leader didn't exert all his strength. They knew that, and the leader of the left cult had no way to suppress Yang Tiance to his mouth. What he said was the degree that the left leader wanted to hear. How could we stop the leisurely mouth of the people in the world?

He just wanted to teach Yang Tiance a lesson!

However, after all, this is the pressure of a strong man who can't destroy the environment. Yang Tiance has been broken!

"I, Yang Tiance, have been on the right track in my life. I don't know what you people think today, but I will never follow the route you designed for me. I must say what I want to say, and I will say it clearly. After that, I will not answer any questions. As for what you want to do to me, I will take all of them! " Yang Tiance slowly said such a words, proud in the world!

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