There is a text here, which is not written in today's writing, but in ancient divine script. It is very complex and contains the wisdom of heaven and earth. Even if you see this text for the first time, you can understand the meaning of each other.

"I came here to wait for two days. I thought you felt my strength and would try my best to stop me. But you let me down."

"In this case, I'm gone. Next, you'd better not chase after me, and try to break through your own cultivation. You people's strength is too weak. Even if you send them to me for swallowing, you are not qualified. Practice well and wait for me to take your medicine. In addition, I still don't understand what the so-called Emperor Yu means. Does he want to send people to me to swallow up and improve their own strength? "

"Those ants don't have to come. If you want to make a big medicine for me, you'd better try to upgrade your cultivation to the immortal realm! Otherwise, all of you will gather together until I set up a blood refining array to refine all of you, so that I can improve my strength. "

The inscriptions on the tablet are all words. However, after seeing these words, Yang Tiance and his colleagues saw a figure appearing on the stele in a trance and laughed at them.

"Rampant!" At this moment, the national master was in a rage and ran down the inscription with a fierce hand. With a bang, a powerful wave of power broke out. The inscription was smashed into powder, but in the next moment, a black air burst on it and swept across all directions.

Yang Tiance and their ugly faces snorted coldly, and then their bodies suddenly retreated. Finally, all the people who stabilized their bodies saw a burst of blood light in their eyes. They were even more angry at this moment, and they were extremely angry.

"Dog, I'm going to eat him. Damn it, I'm so angry. I'm so angry. It's too damn arrogant Big mouth said angrily.

"What should we do now?" Angry return to anger, but now we still have to face the most realistic problem, that is, no matter how to say, the devil is the strong side, and other people, even if they are angry again, they are still so weak in front of the devil.

"What else, no matter what, we have to go to the last place to have a look. If we don't go, it's really hard to say." National Teacher road.

"That is to say, but now the strength of the devil has far exceeded us. Will it not be safe for us to pursue it again?" Lin Tianjiao is really a generation of Tianjiao. If there is no such person as Yang Tiance, there are several people in the whole world who can cover his popularity.

But he is not that kind of unwise person, now he is very clear, they are not necessarily the opponents of the devil, the devil really wants to kill them, they are likely to be unable to resist!

"Maybe we can't deal with demons, but I don't believe that we can't deal with demons with the power of the whole world." The national teacher took a deep look at the others.

"Well, needless to say, let's go and have a look. What's more, the devil's strength is more and more terrible. After integrating his body here, I'm afraid no one can know. Maybe by the time we go, the devil has already left. It's not really dangerous now. It's really dangerous when you're in the back. " Yang Tiance road.

According to the national master's words, Yang Tiance and they are not fools. Naturally, they know that they can't deal with demons. Can't the Emperor Yu deal with them? Out of all have come out, even to deal with the devil do not go, this let the Jade Emperor how to think!

"Well, let's go." They all nodded.

The national master released the shuttle, and Yang Tiance left the Arctic and headed for the last western pole of the four poles of heaven and earth.

"Tiance, are you sure?" Ling Yaru saw that others had gone to prepare and quietly walked to Yang Tiance's side and asked.

"Grasp, his strength is so strong, I really do not have the assurance to kill him." Yang Tiance said: "but don't worry, even if his strength is all restored, he can't deal with us. I believe I can still do it. But it's only for us. I can't control more people. "

Ling Yaru heard this, deeply sighed, full of disappointment!

"Roar, kill you, kill you!" All of a sudden, two roaring voices rang at this moment. Yang Tiance's perception swept through and found a thing immediately. That is, the two ice spirit children in the Arctic land have awakened, and they are also crazy.

Yang Tiance and Ling Yaru walked over. He pointed out that the magic power of the light from tomorrow was injected into the two children. They gradually quieted down. But looking at the people around, the blood thirsty resentment in their eyes still did not dissipate. If they did not solve the happy knot, they would live in hatred in this life!

"The devil has nothing to do with us. We are also going to deal with him. If you want revenge, you'd better make yourself stronger first." Yang Tiance pointed out again, and then all kinds of information about the devil were transmitted to their minds, which made them have a lot of understanding of the devil.

"You two will follow me after that." Ling Yaru looked at the two children, a touch of heartache in his eyes, and then went to touch the two children's heads."You see, if you can't really kill the devil, then next, our end may be no better than Bingling clan." Yang Tiance road.

"Damn it, don't worry. I will kill that son of a bitch. I dare to be arrogant in front of us. I'm tired of bending him!" Big mouth angry way.

Most of the others have no and all of them have no interest in the devil.

"You two carry the last hope of Bingling people. Make great efforts Yang Tiance looked at them and said that there was an exotic treasure in the two children's bodies, which should have been put into their bodies by the strong of Bingling clan when they were about to die.

Although the devil is not interested in actively killing them, he can turn the shrimps into vermicelli by any action he makes. The reason why they are still alive is not without reason!

"Call my sister later, and I'll take care of you." Yao Yao also went up to say to the two children.

Yang Tiance wants to go to the western boundary. The quickest way is to go over the transmission array. They have to pass through Zhongzhou, and then take other transmission arrays to the West!

"Ahead, but the master of the Chinese nation?" When Yang Tiance and they stepped out of the transmission array in Zhongzhou, there were fierce waves coming from outside. There was an army with a huge number of people waiting outside.

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