
Yang Tiance took Ling Yaru out of the capital of Yudu at the fastest speed, and then flew towards the snowy mountain. The national master and others are now going to the Yudu city wall to guard the Yudu City, and the weak left behind taishangxuanmen.

Now all of them are armed. Although their breath and fluctuation are not much better than before, their combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

”Tiance, is master OK? " Ling Yaru asked Yang Tiance.

The old eunuch came to taishangtian Xuanmen and said some things. The demons launched an attack and bloody washed the people outside the city. I don't know how many warriors have been killed. It can be said that there are countless deaths and injuries. They are all greedy people who sweep away outside the city of Yudu. The main reason is to kill the demons. These demons can earn meritorious service for them.

Although this was a spontaneous act, Emperor Yu acquiesced. At first, these people were very cautious, but they became more daring. They would not go deep. They wandered around in a safe area, looking for solitary demons to kill, or killed many demons. However, things in the back changed completely. When the demons attacked with demons, they didn't know how much at the first time People are completely killed here!

But the person who should really care about these is the Emperor Yu. Although Yang Tiance is not a real indifferent person, it is really up to the Emperor Yu to take charge of this situation. Yang Tiance and the royal family have broken up now. They have no such qualification!

But the old eunuch's mouth jumped out of three words, big snow mountain!

When hearing these three words, Yang Tiance and Ling Yaru's faces changed in an instant. Then they quickly went to the side hall and found the location of the big snow mountain. There are too many others that can't be seen now, but there are at least two strong black spots staring at Daxueshan at this moment.

Two black spots rush to Yudu from two directions. The big snow mountain is added in the middle of the two black spots. When ordinary forces encounter them, they will be defeated by destroying them. However, a big snow mountain suddenly appears, which completely changes the color of these demons. They can't attack the snow mountain!

Then two demons comparable to immortality, with other demons and spirits are attacking the snow mountain.

Can the big snow mountain resist two things that are comparable to the undead? Yang Tiance thinks that it is very suspended, basically there is no such possibility, and these demons and Demons belong to the relatively powerful speed. First, they surround the big snow mountain!

If you can't rescue the people in the big snow mountain in a fixed time, it will be too late when countless demons pour in!

Yang Tiance and Ling Yaru can't give up Chen Jinyu, because the other side is kind to them. Yang Tiance makes up his mind to rescue Chen Jinyu and ask other people to be led by the national master. He and Ling Yaru set out. At the beginning, the national teacher was not willing to give up Chen Jinyu, but under the current situation, can there be any other choice? What's more, Yang Tiance can save people and leave. It's not a big problem!

"I wish the teacher would be OK!" Ling Yaru was very nervous all the way. Yang Tiance comforted her many times, but she was still nervous!

"Don't worry, Daxueshan is not an ordinary place. Even if Nangong Xin comes, it's very difficult for him to kill him!" Yang Tiance road!


Finally, the two of them got close to Daxue mountain. At first sight, they were carrying two magic creatures. Nearly a hundred Terrans or Xuan beasts were attacking Daxueshan crazily. The first two magic creatures were the flame giant Yang Tiance had seen before. Its body was like rock slurry. The other one, Yang Tiance had never seen, but it was also very powerful , the powerful breath of the indestructible environment rises to the sky, arrogant and overbearing!

It turned out to be a living creature with a human body but huge wings. His body was full of evil spirit!

That nearly a hundred demons, demons have some strength comparable to the undead!

The difference between demons and demons is that demons have been transformed into real demons. As for those demons, they are pure killing creatures, without the existence of intelligence. In fact, demons are a kind of contempt. The gods in the divine world never think that magic is a kind of life. Therefore, these creatures that have not become gods are called demons!

And their own name is different, they are called the devil!

No matter what they're called, they're really damn things.

"Heavenly policy!" Ling Yaru saw the current situation directly on the urgent.

At the moment, the snow mountain is shivering under the attack of demons. The big snow mountain is very big. Yang Tiance and Ling Yaru can see that dozens of shields are combined into a light curtain to cover the main buildings of the mountain!


The strength of the two demons is incomparably strong. They lead other demons and demons to vent their attacks on the array of the snow mountain, especially the two demons. One of them directly turns into a flame light column and fiercely bumps into the shield of the snow mountain!

Another pair of wings incited, the sky suddenly changed color, the sky appeared countless black clouds, this guy instilled the strength of his body into the clouds, countless black lightning from the sky split.

Boom!Fortunately, the big array of the great snow mountain is composed of dozens of arrays. If it was not for this, the great snow mountain would have been broken, but it was so. The big snow mountain array was still collapsing, and a large number of arrays collapsed and burst, sweeping out a torrential storm, tearing up the heaven and earth, and huge cracks appeared in the space!

"Don't you insist Yang Tiance secretly said in his heart that he had no time to comfort Ling Yaru. He was trying to observe it. If something happened, don't be impulsive, you must be calm!

"What should I do with Tiance? I see that the formation is about to be broken. Then..." Ling Yaru anxiously to Yang Tiance road.

"It's not supposed to be like this, all right, let's go!" Yang Tiance said that it is not the best time to attack at this time, because it is too difficult to kill two demons at one time. If you can't do it for a long time, other changes will happen!

But in the next moment, Yang Tiance's face changed!

Because at this moment, there was a sword spirit on the snow mountain!


This sword is so powerful that it seems to be even bigger than the snow mountain at that moment. It blocks the sky and blocks the sun. The terrifying power makes Yang Tiance pale. The ordinary immortal warriors can't resist it!


Although the huge sword spirit is big, it is too fast. The sky is torn when the sword light is shaking. The huge clouds are broken by the sword Qi and disappear.


The huge sword Qi killed the living creatures with two wings, and the terror and pressure enveloped the whole audience and shocked everything!

"Let's go!"

Yang Tiance instantly saw the best opportunity to shoot!

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