Yang Tiance has just solved the battle. Although Yang Tiance's strength seems to be more and more powerful now, if he duels with the two guys before they have any shadow, Yang Tiance doesn't know how much effort it will take to win them. Now it's good, but there are some changes!

Before the battle, Yang Tiance felt that the array of Daxueshan mountain would not be so weak and could only defend. However, there was no sign of attack. Yang Tiance almost gave up. However, the sudden outbreak later made Yang Tiance very happy and expected!


When the huge roar was delivered to this place, it was only a sound wave. However, the sound wave was a little too terrible. Yang Tiance's face turned white. Even if it was pure sound wave, it was definitely not acceptable for ordinary people.

Chen Jinyu and Ling Yaru have been affected to some extent. Their faces are pale. When the sound wave is transmitted here, it is only the sound, but it does not contain other things. However, this kind of most primitive thing is sometimes the most powerful!


The sound shakes the whole big snow mountain, which had no problem before. At this time, a great avalanche occurred. The whole huge mountain directly collapsed from the top, just like the top of Mount Tai. No one can resist it. Although Yang Tiance's strength is amazing, now he can only guarantee himself. It is possible to break the avalanche by force, but the whole thing is A big snow mountain will be affected!

In desperation, Yang Tiance exerts his supreme power and leads others out of the range of the great snow mountain. If the array of the big snow mountain can withstand the avalanche, it is naturally the best. If not, there is no way to do it!

In this way, there is still a chance to save the great snow mountain. If he forcibly resists, the force will definitely destroy the mountain directly. Therefore, it is better to go first!


Yang Tiance and others looked at the big snow mountain from the sky. The buildings of the big snow mountain were shining in the array. The avalanche directly hit the big array of the big snow mountain with infinite powerful power. The big array roared and roared. Finally, the whole building of the Great Snow Mountain had a landslide at this time, and half of the time, it was directly covered!

"This..." Chen Jinyu face such a thing, her face became pale a lot, such a thing, really is not what she wants!

"Master, it doesn't matter!" Ling Yaru took Chen Jinyu's hand!

"Boom Yang Tiance also wanted to comfort Chen Jinyu, but the second roar came again, which made his face completely changed. What in the end can make such a powerful force? This is just incredible!

"Well, we'll talk about it later, but the voice!" Hearing the huge roar again, Chen Jinyu also shifted her mind!

"If there is no mistake, it should be Nangong letter." Yang Tiance took a deep breath. No one can make such a loud voice. It can only be nangongxin. Now nangongxin is attacking Yudu!

"Nangong Xin?" Chen Jinyu took a deep breath!

"Senior, we have no time to waste here. Let's go to Yudu." Yang Tiance said.

Chen Jinyu nodded, and then the four of them were directly taken away by Yang Tiance to Yudu. Along the way, Yang Tiance's mind became heavy. Nangongxin was definitely a very difficult existence. There were three demons under his hand that were comparable to the immortal realm!

There were five before. They were stopped by the snow mountain. Two of them died under the attack of Yang Tiance, and there were three left. These three are very difficult to deal with. With Nangong Xin, I don't know what will happen!

The speed of Yangtian was very fast. He took other people back to Yudu. At the same time, he used the method of hiding breath to hide their breath, and then he looked forward to the past!

Before Yudu, great changes had taken place. Outside the whole Yudu City, starting from the moat, all the ground seemed to be trampled by some ancient beast. It was a mess, and countless demons were rampant, which could make this place barren for thousands of years!

The array of Yudu is opened, and the light covers Yudu, the moat, and the statues at the gate of Yudu are releasing the wave that makes people fear to the extreme.

The world rippled with a breath that made countless people color. Almost all the creatures were looking at the figure above the sky. At this time, this figure looked at Yudu from above!

His face was cold and cold, without any expression. At this time, he was followed by a demon. There was a huge killing intention in the world!

It seems that he has just attacked Yudu, because there are still waves of terror on the big array of Yudu. He attacked Yudu twice with peerless divine power, and the whole Yudu was shocked by it, but he also resisted his attack!

"Is this nangongxin?" Chen Jinyu and her maid in waiting for the first time to see such a terrifying creature as nangongxin. They were taken by each other's momentum and felt that they were difficult to breathe!They are reading Nangong letter. Yang Tiance is not reading Nangong letter. His eyes are full of starlight, and the whole person's eyes become extremely deep. Yang Tiance looks at it carefully, and then there is a star river in his eyes!

Yang Tiance is using his strongest strength to look at nangongxin. At this time, he suddenly finds that nangongxin's body is not right. There is a knife light in his body that is constantly sweeping out towards the outside, and even has already split his body!

Yes, it's just that he's hiding well now. In addition to such things as the star eye, it's impossible for other people to see the current situation of Nangong Xin!

"He was hurt, and the knife light continued to hurt his body. Not only the Terran body would collapse, but even his demon body would disintegrate again. He was in danger!" Yang Tiance saw such a situation and immediately understood the current situation at this moment!

Nangongxin's body is not right. If he is careless, he will collapse completely. What he has to do is to take back his head as quickly as possible and install it. In this way, he will have enough strength to wipe out the knife light in his body!

"You are a little too anxious, now you are anxious, you have flaws, this war is your death time!" Yang Tiance said in his heart!

Nangongxin is a very difficult person to deal with. Basically, there is no flaw. Even if there is a flaw, it is not so easy to deal with. Now, he even shows his weakness in front of Yang Tiance. Before, he thought it was very difficult to deal with nangongxin, but now

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