The last treasure left here is beyond people's imagination. It looks like a stone at a moment, but it is like a bead. There is a terrible fluctuation of power on it, just like a real living creature standing in front of you. Of course, there is no pressure, but the huge power contained in it is still so Clearly visible!

"What is this? Is this fluctuation too strong? Can the extremely strong have such fluctuation?"

"Is this something that the Heavenly Master can possess? It's too terrible. What the hell is this? The fluctuation of power is really terrible!"

"The most important thing is to see a real strong man standing in front of you. It's terrible!"

At first, people talked about it at this moment. They didn't know what it was, but it was obvious that it was very unusual.

"This is the original imprint left by our ancestors of Kongtian clan!" With the strong people of the Kongtian clan saying this, the creatures here are in a state of uproar at this moment: "do you know that the difference between our Kongtian people and other races is that we are born naturally from heaven and earth, so our origin is the origin of this space. When the strong one of the sky sky clan grows up, the origin in our body will be completely integrated It is the source of the ancient god of Kongtian family who was injured. If we can refine this source, we will inherit all that is owned by the strong one of the sky and sky. "

"It's impossible!" A creature yelled at this moment: "how can such a thing exist? According to your meaning, it is equivalent to creating an ancient god level creature? If you could inherit all the things in the body of an ancient god, you would trade it out? "

"Yes, it's terrible, and I haven't heard of these things before. If there are such things, I'm afraid you have used them for a long time. Why wait until now?" Others don't believe in evil!

"What they said is very reasonable. After you use such things, there will be a great ancient god level power in your family. It is impossible to give it to us!" The people here are not idiots. At first they were excited to the extreme when they heard this, but they calmed down in the back. Anyway, none of them would like to believe such a thing!

"You're right. If it's normal, we really don't want to trade such things. Moreover, you all know that when a strong man dies, he must be seriously injured or even irretrievably dead. If we can condense the original mark, the strong man will certainly not die. It starts with the war with the holy devil

The strong men of the sky and sky clan seem to have expected such a thing to happen: "the war between the other celestial regions of our divine world and the holy devil heaven has lasted for countless years, and there are countless wars during this period. Our great power fell into a certain war, which was extremely tragic, and we lost a lot. When the domain master was still alive, he would have the great power of the clan The original imprint has been condensed out and has become what it is today. It's just that there is a seal on it. Originally, it was used as the last means of our Kongtian clan. However, the way to untie the seal in the back is lost, which causes a problem, that is, we can't untie the seal on it. "

"If you say that, we can understand that since you can't untie it, we can't, so this thing is rubbish, isn't it?" Said a man!

"Yes, it's not right. The seal on it is getting weaker and weaker. It is estimated that it will be able to untie the seal automatically in ten thousand years. Otherwise, it is OK to find a great power to unlock the seal. One of the reasons why our family trade such things is that our younger generation is getting weaker and weaker, and we need a lot of resources to practice. It's for our own sake. It's good to have an ancient god, but it's not good for the younger generation in the family. We have the crisis of the aerospace clan, but it is not as expected, as long as we have enough resources. We Kongtian clan are the forces under the control of the alliance of killing evil spirits. They will protect us, so we don't need these things. If we can exchange enough resources for the disciples of the clan to practice, this is also a good thing! "

The strong man of the sky clan said such words!

"So it is. I said that how could these guys take out such things? The lack of resources may be an excuse. The most important reason is that the Alliance for the suppression of evil will never allow them to appear strong again. It is better to take out this thing and exchange it for some resources." There are many creatures in the heart of such ideas!

"It's a good thing. It's a good thing. If it's really useful, isn't it ten thousand years? Ten thousand years later, you can refine it and become a great power The creatures here are excited at this moment when they look at the original mark!

"I can exchange all my own things for this treasure. Do you have a look? Are you qualified?" A creature said, and then put a storage ring to the strong man of the sky clan, and then the strong man of the sky clan shook his head to express his dissatisfaction!Then one person after another went up to exchange this thing, but the strong men of the sky clan were not satisfied!

"What kind of things do you want? If the value is too high, we may not be able to exchange it. Of course, it will be useful after 10000 years, but the value is too high. You are not satisfied with the things given by so many people. Do you want congenital artifacts?" As one by one, the strong people of the sky clan are not satisfied, which also makes this group of creatures anxious!

"Yang Tiance, what do you think?" The guys around Yang Tiance asked Yang Tiance!

"What do you think? Stand and watch Yang Tiance said, don't mention it. He's excited about this thing, and his things can be exchanged for this thing, but it's really unwise, and Yang Tiance always feels that there is something to happen in the future!

With the passage of time, the strong face of the sky clan looks ugly!

"Ha ha ha ha ha, clan chief Fenglei, I think they can't exchange any good things for it. In my opinion, how about my terms?" The old man of the Alliance for killing evil said this. After thinking for a long time, the strong man of Fenglei clan agreed to this matter with a ugly face.

"The relationship between the sky clan and the alliance of killing evil spirits is not as harmonious as it seems!" Yang Tiance's eyes brightened. He came here to unite all forces to deal with the evil killing alliance, but Yang Tiance obviously found that many of the Kongtian people were completely tamed and accepted their orders. From the current situation, the Alliance for killing evil forces insisted on this thing. The Kongtian clan refused, but there was no way. The alliance offered conditions to want it, and the strong members of the sky clan were dissatisfied Meaning, and the sky clan can not protect this thing, so things have become like this.

Things fall into the hands of the elderly, and the creatures here sigh one after another. It's really a pity that such good things can't fall into their own hands.

After the last transaction of this group of creatures, this trade fair will be completely over, and Yang Tiance and they will leave!

"The sky clan is really extraordinary. There are a lot of good things. Moreover, they have so many treasures. I think they are strong. But they are suppressed by the alliance of evil spirits. However, it has nothing to do with us. This time is also a long-term insight." Big mouth said to Yang Tiance!

"You've got a lot of bargains, but we're not as lucky as you are. We've all exchanged some things in this trip, but the value of your stone is not comparable at all!" Ao Yun's sour way.

"Hey, I've been with Yang Tiance for so many years. This is what I should get. But don't be jealous. If there is something really good for you, I believe he will get it for you!" Big mouth way.

"Well, well, don't say it. I always feel like I'm being watched!" Xue Yun interrupted them!

At the end of the fair, Yang Tiance and his colleagues strolled around the sky city. The sky city has a special flavor, especially the beautiful women of the Kongtian nationality. They have a very good figure and a beautiful face. Yang Tiance enjoys the beautiful scenery here just like enjoying the scenery, but Xue Yun suddenly said this!

"Do you feel the same way?" Yang Tiance spoke quietly. He had always felt like this before. He thought it was his own illusion. But now Xue Yun also said this, which is very unusual!

"Yes, I don't know if we were targeted by people before we used medicine to exchange God's liquid for God stone, but I don't know who is targeting us!" Xue yundao.

"Well, forget it, let's go!" Yang Tiance's eyes twinkled for a moment. If it was really as Xue Yun said, Yang Tiance didn't mind, nor was he afraid. But at this time, he was not sure what happened!

They are very vigilant, so after the trade fair, they did not walk together with other creatures, deliberately avoided them, and at the same time hid their own breath. If there are still creatures that can stare at them, the strength of each other may be really extraordinary!


After hearing Yang Tiance's words, they had a wave and disappeared in the same place. The space here came in from the outside, either there was Kongtian people leading the way, or they had to move the way to open the space, but they didn't need to go out. They planned to leave the place directly. It was not easy to catch them!

Yang Tiance and the heaven and earth are integrated into one, and they can go to any place where the strength covers their mind. But when they do this, suddenly a strong breath crowns into their perception!


In the face of such a person, or a living creature, Yang Tiance will never show any mercy. Ao Yun, Dazi and Yang Tianye all burst out the power of terror at this moment, and they hit each other fiercely and directly. However, a long sword appears outside the body of the opponent. The sword flies and turns into a shield that keeps swimming away to protect him Their body, they hit the divine space directly, there are cracks, but the opposite block their attack!


Yang Tiance's body showed his body shape from the void, and the other party also showed his true face at this moment. This happened too fast. A firefight between the electric light and flint exhausted his powerful power, but they didn't hurt the opposite side. At this time, they had gone out of the heaven and earth and came to the heaven!"What are you going to do?" The life on the opposite side also shows his true face. The other is not other people, but Ji Ming of the Ji family. At this time, there is a long sword swimming away from Ji Ming's body. A huge wolf toothed stick is being resisted by him on his shoulder. He looks at Yang Tiance and them!

On the surface, this guy's strength and big mouth are all in the same level, but the three supernatural beasts did not hurt each other, which is surprising!

"Brother, don't you? I just want to say hello to you. You're going to fight me now. If I'm weaker, maybe I'll die in your hands!" The voice of Ji Ming's appearance tells Yang Tiance.

"Leave immediately. We have nothing to do with you. If you don't, don't blame our people for being ruthless." Yang Tiance said in a cold voice directly. At this time, he and Xue Yun looked at each other. They all felt that the feeling of being watched by people was getting stronger and stronger!

"As for it, I came to you just to have another deal with you in private." Jiming road.

"Leave him alone, let's go straight!" Yang Tiance said, and then their bodies directly disappeared. When they reappeared, they had already appeared thousands of miles away. When they appeared, Ji Ming was waiting for them in front of them.

"Brother, you really don't have to be so wary of me. Shall we sit down and have a drink somewhere?" Ji Ming smiles.

"Boom Yang Tiance winked at several other guys, and then they shot at the same time. The powerful force suddenly broke out to freeze the void. At the same time, they all shot to kill Ji Ming. Yang Tiance did not hesitate to hit the front!

"Ha ha!" Ji Ming smiles at this moment when he sees the situation. Then he rushes over with a mace and blows. The powerful forces of both sides collide with each other and the sky breaks. Ji Ming is beaten out. The powerful force wants to kill Ji Ming, but the sword outside Ji Ming's body swims around and turns into a circle to protect his body. Yang Tiance only takes Ji Ming as an example Ming got hit upside down and went out!

"Come to the sky and sky, or don't leave, Yang Tiance!" A cold voice appeared behind Yang Tiance, and then a strong man appeared behind them!

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