
In this war, Yang Tiance's strength was really incredible. First, he defeated many students, and then suddenly burst out a strong attack force. Under the sneak attack, he also injured Liu Sheng.

Countless people are looking at the air conditioning. Many of the people who have left have deeply written Yang Tiance in their heart. They have completely taken Yang Tiance to heart. They have seen many talents, but such a genius is really rare!

"Tiance, why are you so powerful?" Gao Hu and their faces full of excitement came over, and then said to Yang Tiance.

"Tut Tut, I thought we had a breakthrough and could catch up with you, but you left us all far away." Liu long said that he had made a breakthrough in his cultivation, and was very excited. But seeing Yang Tiance's strength at this time, he was depressed.

"Well, we will allow you to break through and not allow Tiance to break through. If it wasn't for him, we would like to break through, and we don't know how much energy it would take." Lin Lin light voice way, she looks at Yang Tiance's eyes gentle good like water general, has the sentiment rippling.

"Thank you. We will never forget your kindness in this life." Xiao Kai and Shang yu'er both came to Yang Tiance at this moment, and then said seriously.

"Nothing, nothing!" Yang Tiance said so.

"Ha ha, it's all broken through, just break through!" Ling Yaru also laughed, and then the elders of the two trade unions spoke to them one by one. The atmosphere was full of harmony, and those injured in the previous battle have also been treated.


The people of Yuanwu college, looking at Yang Tiance at the moment, swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Before, when they knew that Yang Tiance had made a breakthrough, their hearts became extremely agitated, and then thought that it was not easy for others to break through. However, some of them broke through. In the original confusion, they still didn't understand.

However, now they clearly see that there are five people who have made a breakthrough. With Yang Tiance, that is six!

There are no warriors in Baiyang college. Now there are six. If they break through, this

Many people are not balanced in their minds. They are talented JiJi of Yuanwu college, Chen Dong, Qian Meixing, Qian Meiyue, Luo Ao, Mu Tian, etc., but each of them is a strong one. They used to oppress Baiyang college, but now.

"Well, it doesn't matter. It's just a piece of shit. It's nothing. We all came here with our own hard work. They are much worse than us. What's more, the opposite is just a sinister villain. In addition to all kinds of sinister tricks, what else can I do with it? " Many disciples of Yuanwu academy have been hit, but some people said it quietly.

"Well?" At this time, there were fewer people here. Although his voice was not loud, it also spread to Yang Tiance's ears. Originally, Yang Tiance didn't want to argue with these guys, but as soon as he said this, he was a little upset!

I didn't laugh at me all the time before, but now I come again. What a pity that Yang Tiance has no temper?

"What are you talking about? Who is the villain? " Yang Tiance did not speak, and his companion couldn't stand it at this moment. Gao Hu glared at the other side.

"What happened to you? What happened to Yang Tiance? Isn't he a mean person? It's not despicable to fight with Blackwater college and attack others by hiding cultivation. Originally, this is none of our business, but Yang Tiance's hidden cultivation has not been explained, especially when he contacted us. It's not that you want to suddenly break out of cultivation, and then hit us by surprise? " The man was so excited that he became angry.

It's very likely that the genius of Yuanwu college has changed his face. According to Yang Tiance's urination, it is very likely that they will not have any other hope for Yang Tiance.

"Before we mocked you, you were laughing in your heart. I didn't know you were such a person. It was disgusting. Want to play pig and eat tiger? After hitting us by surprise, look at our gaping faces? You... " Qian Meixing said.

"Ha ha!" Yang Tiance stood up and looked at the opposite: "how I think, it has nothing to do with you, I don't want to explain to you, but some things you said are still good. I hide my accomplishments, so what? You Yuan Wu College is so good, you still care about my accomplishments? "

"Don't you have seven warriors in Xuanmen? I'm proud to die. I don't see us in the eyes. But now? "

"The strength of each one is better than that of our Baiyang University, but we always do some things to help others. When we were no one in Baiyang University, we parted ways with us at the beginning, but it was not for the purpose of occupying resources? Now we're not catching up with you? By the way, because of this, I have to thank you. If you hadn't done the act of eating alone on purpose, I really couldn't get the treasure medicine of Xuan beast. How could I break through my cultivation? Thank you, thank you, thank you really

Speaking of this, Yang Tiance's face changed: "what have you said to me before? Don't I explain them one by one? Ridiculous. I really think I'm lawless if I have some skills, but in my opinion, it's just a dog's eye to see people, cut! "Yang Tiance's words have been finished. At this moment, the faces of the martial artists in Yuanwu academy have been distorted. Before that, they were complacent to the extreme. But now they see the prestige of Baiyang college, they are suddenly dumb, and then feel sad.

The face is also hot, as if someone with a big ear scraper crazy smoke some!

"Don't be too proud. We'll see." Chen Dong turned away with a cold hum, and then the resentment between the two colleges became more and more big.

"Well, we shouldn't talk to them so much. After all, they are all from Baiyang city. Let's go and see the northern wild wolf." Elder Ma said, his eyes shining.

All the people here rushed to the mountain for the northern wild wolf.

Hearing this, Yang Tiance felt a little tight in his heart, but sighed secretly. He was really a little upset: "OK, go and have a look. However, when tutor Xiao Wanli and the Dean arrive, we must evacuate here at the first time. I am very upset."

"Well?" As soon as this was said, everyone except Mr. Ma was upset.

But in any case, I always have to go to see the situation there. Many people have already passed by first, but we can't let people take the lead and walk towards the mountain.

"What do you mean by that?" Ling Yaru asked Yang Tiance.

Yang Tiance's partners also put their eyes on Yang Tiance.

"Come on, I'll talk to you slowly!" Yang Tiance Road, and then on the road, he quietly said his own guess out of some of the situation.

"No?" Hearing this, their brains were buzzing, and they felt incredible.

But before they had time to think about it, they came to the foot of the mountain, and then looked at the scene here, some speechless.

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