Then he said thanks to Yang Tiance: "thank you so much this time. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what to do. I can't live or die. Now I know you are master Chen Ling, and only you can save a little girl like me

"Chen Ling, you and Jinchan's gratitude and resentment have been solved. Now is it time to solve the enmity between us?" We thought that the Golden Toad was dead. We would calm down for a while, but we didn't expect that someone would make trouble to Yang Tiance!

Chen Ling, whose pseudonym is Yang Tiance, is not a good thing for the vast majority of Tianzun's descendants. First of all, Yang Tiance is their competitor and still has the upper hand in the struggle with them. This is absolutely unbearable. They are all Tianzun Hubei. Do they want face?

Secondly, the pagoda of gods was broken, which involved countless disputes of interests. Let alone them. Even the elders behind them can't ignore some things. Now this matter has not spread out, but once it spreads out, it will cause a big earthquake in the whole divine world. It involves so many things, Chen Ling is dead. There is no doubt about it, no matter who it is I can't save Chen Ling!

Of course, that is the future, and Chen Ling is afraid that there will be no future. So many things have been doomed to Chen Ling's death. There is another thing that can't be forgiven. Chen Ling is even more powerful than them. Chen Ling can beat them all. Of course, thanks to the God tower, this is unforgivable. What's more, their previous misery is unforgivable Chen Ling gave them all. In the explosion of the Pantheon tower, some descendants of Tianzun died there!

Blood feud must be avenged!

"Settle the grudge between us?" Hearing this, Yang Tiance directly laughed: "if you want to fight with me, you can come directly. You don't have to deal with those empty heads and brains. You think Ao Xin is right to want my hard-earned treasure. We were chased to the vicinity of the Pantheon by him. It's all us who are wrong?"

"I didn't mean to fight against you. You forced me to accept all these things. It has nothing to do with me whether you accept the pagoda of gods. Seriously speaking, it's AoXin who made you fail. I can't arrest you with my hands!"

"In the end, I did cause the collapse of the pagoda, but what's the problem? Don't you know that under the fair fight, you gathered so many strong people to want our lives with the power of the six gods Tianxin bamboo, so you made the collapse of the pagoda by yourself."

Yang Tiance's words were directly transmitted to Tianjiao's ears after they were spread. They all knew what happened to the pagoda of gods. Some of them had seen it afterwards. After an place, it became extremely terrifying, and the whole sky was completely eroded. Now, there is a strong air current sweeping through everything. It is conceivable that how the situation was at that time Terror, but the most let them eat melon or, Chen Ling is the guy in front of them!

He even defeated these Tianzun descendants, and he did such a thing when they gathered all the descendants of Tianzun. Do you think it's exaggerative to play like this? Is it necessary to be so powerful?

Of course, Chen Ling is tricky, they believe in such things, but even if it is clever and very great, after all, there are descendants of Tianzun!

"I don't care how sharp you are. You're going to die when you die. There's no doubt about it!" Such words come out of their mouths!

Yang Tiance said these things to make them more angry, all this is to untie the scars in their hearts!

"In fact, I think the best way to do this is to sit down and talk about it. This place is not very safe. If something happens, is it really bad? The real dangerous side of Tianxu secret place has not been let us know! Chen Ling's strength is not bad, and his accomplishments on the array are amazing. Ordinary people really can't compare with each other, so... " There is a sound, it is red lotus!

"Hum, Terran Chilian, do you know that you have been on the list of my must kill, and now you dare to talk like crazy, really when we have no one?" Ao Xin's attitude toward the red lotus road is frantic.

Chi Lian doesn't look angry at all, but she can't help scolding at her. These dogs just don't know good people. He kindly reminds these guys that Chen Ling is very powerful, but now she has been treated like this, she is damned!

"Chilian, you'd better settle down. Although you are human, I will kill you if you have done so many things!" Dugu Ao said this to Chilian with cold words!

"Chen Ling, let's go. This time we have to distinguish between life and death." Jin Sheng also said coldly.

"In fact, I think there is something wrong with Chilian's statement, but now is really not a good time to fight. There are so many treasures in this place, so it's not good to collect the treasures first. Besides, it's really dangerous here. In case something happens, what should we do? After all, this place is not the only one!"

"Yes, it's better to go to the back to fight. It's not a good time."

"Why don't you settle down and talk about it first?" Seeing that a great war is about to start, there are some harsh sounds that the descendants of Tianzun can hear!"What's the matter? Do you want to die?" There was a dragon with a hot temper to the extreme. It made a thunderous sound in its mouth, and then swept the whole scene with a pair of eyes. The momentum was amazing!

"Oh, dragon? Yes? Who do you want to frighten? You are the descendants of Tianzun, who are very high. But not everyone regards you as a real treasure. With your strength, you can't ignore the whole audience. Maybe the God behind you can, but it's Tianzun, you can't! " There is a very strong person to say this!

"Yes, in fact, I still want to see how powerful the descendants of Tianzun have. They have been defeated one after another. Now they are so arrogant that they hardly pay attention to us!" I don't know who said it. It's bullshit!

"I'm afraid your descendants are used to bullying. I didn't want to take care of these things. However, what major changes have you caused here? This is related to us. We will never allow such things to happen!"

One word after another came from the strong people nearby. Tianzun's descendants are very domineering and fierce. However, they don't know how many Tianjiao here are. They want to challenge Tianzun's younger generation to see how much strength they have. Another is that these Tianzun descendants are too strong. If you don't attack their arrogance now, it's OK. I'm afraid they need treasures If they fall directly into their hands, there will be danger. If they are in a weak position, terrible things may happen!

These guys are smart!

"How can Chen Ling get so many people to help him talk?" The descendants of Tianzun are completely depressed. At the same time, they are all angry. This is not too irritating. Damn it. Since their invincible myth was broken, I don't know how many Tianjiao regard them as touchstones. It seems that if they are not defeated, they will never become a strong generation. This makes people angry!

"Chen Ling, you are lucky this time, but next you should be more careful!" The situation is better than people. In such a situation, they finally compromise. If it is not compromised, it is really not a smart move for them!

"Ha ha!" Yang Tiance smiles!

"Chen Ling is a good old man in the divine world. In the secret land of Tianxu, more people are needed. After all, such people are very kind-hearted. They don't have any information about the pagoda of gods. Instead, Chen Ling has spread these news. By comparison, we can make a high-level judgment." There is another voice that seems extremely out of group!

Then the Tianjiao people here began to discuss and discuss one after another at this moment, all of which were praise for Chen Ling and evil words to the descendants of Tianzun. Hearing these things, the descendants of Tianzun almost got mad, and Yang Tiance was also a little surprised. This is really


But at this time, there was a roar between heaven and earth. The roar came from the depths of the vortex. The sound was so loud that it seemed to shatter everything. It was just like opening the sky and chopping the earth. The substantive sound waves directly vibrated from the depths of the vortex to the outside. The Tianjiao people here seemed to have been attacked by sound waves How hard!

Those who are strong in the extreme state feel a pain in their eardrums and almost tear. It's needless to say that the strong people in other realms are shocked into blood mist by the strong voice. Those with stronger strength are also crying out in pain and suffering heavy damage at this time!

"What happened?" The sudden roar was so sudden that any strong man here was unprepared, and infinite doubts appeared in his heart. The next moment, the strong men here felt the vortex, as if they were beginning to stop at this moment.

But before they were really ready, a terrible wave broke out directly from the depth of the vortex toward the outside, accompanied by the wave was roaring, and the overwhelming streamer was shooting out from the wave!


There are a lot of terrible waves on it, such as the fluctuation of miraculous medicine and artifact, and the fluctuation of other kinds of genius treasure is countless. The most terrible one is the original wave at the beginning. This wave is really powerful and terrible. Generally, the strong people in the extreme can not resist it!


Strong power wave out, in the vortex above the strong one after another in this moment, they want to avoid the first wave of the explosion, are the strong, they have withdrawn from the vortex, and then they clearly see the countless treasures shot out from the cave!

It's too powerful. Any treasure that comes out of it seems to have extremely terrible power. Even if it's a artifact, it may be made of congenital materials. Even some creatures can see the existence of the innate artifact!

Some miraculous medicines are even more rare. Many treasures are shot out from them. The strong people who just quit the whirlpool can't calm down when they look at the treasures. Even the descendants of heaven here are occasionally like this. How can they bear to live with so many treasures in front of their eyes?

"Is this the secret of Tianxu?" Yang Tiance knows what he seems to know!There is no strong living creature in the root of Tianxu secret realm. The really powerful living beings are either in the so-called abyss or in the pagoda of gods. However, according to the truth, this is not supposed to be. Yes, this is not supposed to be. After all, this is the Tianxu secret realm. The spirit of the supernatural is even stronger than that of the divine world, and some of the things left over from the Tianxu secret realm are all Can create a large number of strong, but why there is no strong man in the whole Tianxu secret place!

According to the truth, Tianxu secret place has existed for so many years. It should have been ruled by the real strong. Even if there are external creatures coming here to experience every thousand years, there has never been a stronger one than the one they have experienced this time. Therefore, if there is no accident, there can be many strong people in Tianxu secret place !

But now why not, but also disappeared one after another!

Yang Tiance thought of a lot of things in a flash. Every time the Tianxu secret place was opened, a large number of talents came to this place. How many of them died in the Tianxu secret place, but who cares how they died? The focus of attention is the living creatures who live from the Tianxu secret place!


Yang Tiance knows that what he thinks is not wrong, because it is right or wrong. All these are not simple words that can be made clear. Seeing so many treasures shooting out from inside, there are always strong people who can't help but want to get the treasures. The strong ones have exhausted their own efforts. One of the strong ones has a rope in his hand, which directly snares one A congenital artifact wants to turn it into its own use, but a terrible thing happened at this moment. When this powerful man just put a rope around the congenital artifact, a terrible and terrible attack suddenly appeared. It was an imaginary attack. It seemed that a great power pointed out a finger to the front. Under this branch, the body of this extreme strong man was straight Then the city burst into a cloud of blood and was killed here by force!

Not only he, but also many other creatures want to obtain the treasures that are suddenly shot out. These belong to the kind of existence with weak mind. However, with the appearance of these attacks, a respected strong man is forcibly killed here!

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