The next thing became very simple. Yang Tiance didn't take care of other things. The third body could never be taken out. Of course, it was impossible to cultivate successfully. However, the dragon ball was also a huge harvest, which was much greater than the harvest of congenital artifact. The huge life essence was enough to enhance the strength of all of them to the extreme The Dragon Ball Yang Tiance promised to absorb almost all the essence of life, and let Aoyun integrate the dragon ball with himself. This will make Ao Yun's own heel rise to an extremely terrible level. Even if Aoyun can't compare with the congenital holiness, it's almost as much!

"You son of a bitch, you have finally found your own road to heaven!" In addition to Yang Tiance, the rest of them look at Ao Yun with an envious look!

There is nothing wrong with extravagant desire to become a Heavenly Master and a stronger one, but it is basically impossible. Therefore, it is the common pursuit of every living creature to be able to reach the level of congenital holiness and quasi Tianzun. If Ao Yun wants to be a strong man in this level, there is no problem at all!

Thank you very much Ao Yun seriously to Yang Tiance came to such a sentence. This sentence Ao Yun said very seriously, Yang Tiance helped it too much, but never more thick than this, Ao Yun can give everything for Yang Tiance's help this time!

"We have gone through so much and so much along the way that we have been inseparable from each other for a long time. We are the best brothers. Why do we say that?" Yang Tiance road.

Hearing this, Ao Yun heavily nodded.

"Let's absorb the essence of life when we are free. If there is no accident, we will soon go to the West. Fengshen is afraid that he can't take it any more, so we should be careful. Moreover, the western land is no better than other places, and the creatures in the western land are also different from those in other places." Yang Tiance road.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, you don't have to worry about this. I'm a big family in the West. Even if our overall strength is not as good as that of the white tiger clan, it's not much worse. Just a little bit worse. Go and fight for a few ownerless small worlds. Once we get this small world, the white tigers will naturally retreat. What do you worry about?" The stone in the north is arrogant.

Hearing this, Yang Tiance and all of them laughed. If there were only a few small worlds, naturally it would be so. But Yang Tiance was not only concerned about the small world, but also more, and even the supreme treasure of the white tigers!

It can be said that Qinglong, Zhuque, white tiger, Xuanwu, several races, their strength in the divine world is second only to the power with heaven. If the Terrans can unite, they will not be afraid of them, but the Terrans will be scattered.

Terran this is very helpless, after the emperor does not care, there is not a strong figure to unite the whole Terran, so the Terran seems to be more and more vulnerable in general!

"What are you laughing at? It's difficult for me to win a few small worlds for the northern wolves?" The Northern Wilderness stone rage road.

"Yes, yes, yes, why not? There are so many resources in the world. If the northern wild wolves can be established in the west, they naturally have strong strength. I believe this very much!" Yang Tiance quickly said to the North barren stone!

In the next time, they are trying to improve their own strength, and the time is slowly passing. The Fengshen and others on the big ship are looking at them more and more poorly. If it were not for the consideration of some things, they would have been fighting for life and death. Now it is just like this, which is a very good thing!

Of course, Yang Tiance and his disciples are all practicing, but they are all on guard against these dogs. In a flash, about seven or eight days later, Yang Tiance suddenly opened his eyes. Naturally, Yang Tiance arranged a large number of arrays in their training place. Fengshen and others naturally did not want to see such things happen, but there was no good way Now it is very difficult to get close to him, but at this moment, Yang Tiance feels a strange wave coming out. His powerful array seems to be penetrated by something, and then a ray of light condenses out!

"Well?" The big mouth beside them also opened their eyes at this time. The light was really in a crazy condensation. When the last figure came out, they were all surprised to see her. It turned out to be a girl of Tianhe nationality!

No one should be surprised at the appearance of Yang Tiance. However, it turned out to be a girl of Tianhe nationality. They had to be surprised. Her name seems to be called River Spirit. She is still being watched by Fengshen. Fengshen will let her leave and still appear here!

What's more, the girl of Tianhe nationality is not as good as Fengshen and others. They can't come here and let Yang Tiance forcibly occupy a place on the ship. Can this girl penetrate Yang Tiance's array?

Another thing is, if she has such ability, why don't you leave? The Fengshen guys are very unfriendly to her!

"I've met elder martial brother Chen Ling. I've met you all!" After the girl appeared, there was a kind of extremely elegant posture, stepping on the lotus steps to Yang Tiance, and they made a salute in front of them!

"Elder martial brother?" Yang Tiance laughed: "is this the name of ancient times?""Yes Tianhe girl nodded!

In ancient times, many appellations were used to address the living creatures of the same generation. For example, senior brother, at that time, the clan was rampant, and the pattern was not what it is now. When people from different sects saw people from another sect, the stronger one was the elder martial brother, and the weaker one was the younger martial brother or younger sister!

"Of course, some of my blood comes from Tianhe, but I can also be regarded as the inheritance of the human race. However, I don't have much experience in the human race. A lot of things are from the ancient books and records of our ancestors. If there is something wrong with my work, please forgive me, elder martial brother?" Tianhe girl road.

Yang Tiance waved his hand and didn't care. He still uses the name of this thing. How can I do it!

"Just, what are you doing? Can you come here, will you? And you... " Before Yang Tiance's words were finished, the girl of Tianhe nationality knew what Yang Tiance meant: "they are guarding me. I want to leave. It's basically impossible. This is a secret skill of mine. These days, their attention is on you, and their defense against me is becoming more and more lax. That's why I found the opportunity to meet you here. My body is not a real body, but a supernatural power

"It seems that your pulse is really extraordinary. Even if you have such a secret skill, I thought it was you who came here!" Yang Tiance exclaimed, the girl's body looks like a complete creature without any difference, he can't see the flaw!

"I came to see you to discuss something with you." The girl said.

"Please say it!" Yang Tiance didn't know the other party's intention, so he said.

"In fact, that big ship is actually the treasure of our Tianhe family. According to legend, the ship was given by a mysterious and great existence by chance of my ancestors, but it was robbed by the dragon family many years ago, so the treasure went to the dragon family. There is the life mark of Tianhe people on the big ship. If you want to exert all the power of the ship, you need the blood of Tianhe people. I was caught here because I can find the course on the Tianhe river. On the other hand, I have to feed the ship with my own blood at any time, otherwise it can exert one tenth of its strength at most! " The girl said.

Hearing this, Yang Tiance immediately understood that the birth of the Tianhe clan was related to that mysterious existence, or why there is only one Tianhe clan after so many years of thinking?

What Yang knows about the calendar!

"What do you mean?" Yang Tiance looks at her.

"I'm going to move on my blood. The ship can't give full play to its power. I want to kill Fengshen with your strength. It's not a sleepy thing. I want to cooperate with you." The girl said.

"What can I get?" Yang Tiance laughs. The story behind the Tianhe girl must be very sad. She is also weak. There is also human blood. According to the truth, Yang Tiance can help, but now he wants to see what chips the girl has?

But Fengshen and others are still very confident, but Yang Tiance has the message from the little tortoise. He is not afraid of everything else at this time. Fengshen can't help him, and Yang Tiance can at least use part of its power!

At this time, the God of wind was not seen by Yang Tiance, but Yang Tiance was too lazy to move them!

"Elder martial brother, you help me get my ancestral ship, and I can tell you a secret!" The girl was a little anxious.

"Talk about it!" Yang Tiance road.

"If you don't agree, I can't say it!" The girl said eagerly.

"You said, I'll see if I can agree. We are at least more friendly to you than Fengshen and others." Yang Tiance road.

The girl was completely entangled and angry, and she repeatedly walked around: "in fact, it is not a small world with no owner at all. If it is really a small world with no owner, and it is so close to the divine world, it has been discovered for a long time. How can we wait until now? In fact, the territory of my ancestors and the inheritance of Tianhe people. Fengshen and others have been looking for me for a long time. But I didn't run because of inheritance. After going to the small world, you will have a share of the benefits in it! "

"Ha ha ha ha, now that you have told us all this, are you still useful?" Yang Tiance smiles!

"Only the living creatures of Tianhe people can get there!" The girl looks white!

"Are you not in the hands of the wind gods now?" Yang Tiance's words suddenly made the girl despair. She had wanted to inherit it, but she didn't expect that things would eventually become such a situation. The Fengshen and their control over her were too strict, and now she was caught in a few words!

She is the Tianhe people, Tianhe people are all treasures, so they have been hiding in a secret place to live, she does not understand the intrigue of the divine world, it is too tender!

"Well, stop teasing you. I'll help you!" Yang Tiance added such a sentence after it!

As time goes by, the ship has been sailing on the Tianhe River, and finally they come to the west after a period of time!

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