Old white tiger has already felt the sense of life and death crisis In a word, if you want to make people perish, you must first make people crazy, and the old white tiger will have a feeling of going crazy. Under the current situation, it is a deep expression of his deep mind to say that the old white tiger can still maintain the current state. If other members of the white tiger clan were here, I'm afraid they would not have known what they would become!

In fact, most of the things are still very good to say, but one thing is that the old white tiger is almost hard to accept now. The Terran is the weakest race in the western territory. Even because of some things, the human race is driven away by the western white tiger race, and the pursuit is almost complete. Such a weak race can force it to the present What a degree!

It has gone through a long time, many long memories have appeared blurred, but in fact, these are not too important things, the real important thing is that it looks down on the Terran, but I don't know how many times the strength of the Terran is stronger than the white tiger clan in these years. Of course, these are the old white tiger's place which can hardly go out of the West I don't know!

Being forced to such a point by the Terrans who have always regarded them as ants, it is hard for them to spit out a mouthful of old blood. Even if it is forced to such a degree by Fengshen or other creatures, it is nothing, but now?

If you just can't win the other party, It won't be so hard, but now it has a feeling, that is, if you are not careful, you may lose in the hands of the other party, which makes it a tight heart. The instinct of countless years tells it that it should now make a quick decision, fight with this guy with the fastest speed, and can't let all of its cards be exposed, and if it really waits for it to own all The cards are exposed, then it is not far away from death!

"Either you die or I die!" Yang Tiance repeated such a sentence, he really didn't want to fight the old white tiger, but he still had such a consciousness. To know that the stronger the strength is, the more time he wants to win or lose is not a little bit. Unless the strength gap between the two sides is huge, does the white tiger feel anything?

Yang Tiance is thinking that the old white tiger on the opposite side has already made up his mind. At this time, the white light on the old white tiger is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, taking itself as the center, six white tigers and fierce tigers appear in all directions at the same time!

each one is as like as two peas before the eyes. They all seem to have survived all the time. Generally, there are different waves of divine power. Especially the old white tiger's body is giving people a terrible feeling of extreme. How can we say that the huge body of this old tiger has recovered at this moment, it is very old, but its body is more and more strong. After the old white tiger even recovered young, its state also came to the peak period!

"Terran, I have to say that you have forced me to the present level. You have already been very good, but all this has come to an end. You can have a good look at the magic power of the white tiger people. If you fight with me alone, you may win, but now..." The old white tiger's body was shocked!


At the same time, there are powerful and terrible waves on the other white tigers' virtual shadows. Each white tiger has a terrible artifact. At the same time, they display the six most terrible magical powers of the white tiger family, aiming at Yang Tiance!

Tiger roaring mountain forest, tiger down the mountain, white tiger coming into the world, storm, and so on, all kinds of the most terrible magical powers of the white tiger clan, the white tiger clan these magic powers are greatly famous in the divine world, some are cultivated, some are the exclusive magic power of the white tiger family, anyway, the power is terrible, it is really frightening the world and crying ghost effect!

I dare not say anything else. The most intuitive thing is that after the white tiger condensed its power to the extreme, they all rushed to kill Yang Tiance at the same time, including the body of the old white tiger. It was determined to pay attention to it, and he was determined to kill Yang Tiance here. For this matter, the old white tiger did not have any hesitation!


I don't know what Yang Tiance drives Tianhe boat. The position of Tianhe boat has completely changed. The white tiger revolves around Yang Tiance crazily and encircles them in the center!


The sound of the extreme explosion was heard in an instant, and then the old white tiger's magic power broke out directly at this time, and he killed Yang Tiance in the past. The old white tiger himself urged his powerful inborn artifact to kill Yang Tiance!

The sound of tiger roaring spread all over the spot. Yang Tiance's position was completely submerged by the white light, and there was black light in the white light. It was a sign that the space was broken at this time. This white tiger used its most terrible power!

In the face of such a powerful attack, Yang Tiance's previous series of means seem to have no use. Even if the power of Tianhe boat is extremely powerful and terrifying, it is of no use. If Yang Tiance can not resist the attack, the old white tiger can directly crush the void and send Yang Tiance and them into the turbulent flow of space.

Even if Yang Tiance were a little weak, they would die directly!At such a moment, to be honest, the old white tiger really can't think of any other means for Yang Tiance to deal with it. It has already occupied the absolute upper hand. It is very important to have a super powerful treasure, which can also enhance people's strength to an extreme. However, if you want to rely on a treasure, it is absolutely impossible. Laobai hu wants to do it now Tell this little Terran, such an iron fact!

"It's really strong. Even I'm almost scared." At this time, the other guys on the Tianhe boat were scared to the extreme by the old white tiger, because the old undead attack was really powerful and terrible. Ordinary strong people could hardly survive such an attack, but Yang Tiance actually showed a smile at such a moment!


However, facing such a terrible attack, Yang Tiance didn't have a look of fear on his face: "your attack is really strong, and it's really terrible, but it's not as terrible as you imagined. If I can reproduce the water of Tianhe here, can't I pull us into the Tianhe for a short time?"

With the fall of Yang Tiance's voice, their position has changed dramatically. It's just like changing the stars. They went to another place directly. They came back to the Tianhe!

Tianhe beautiful scene reappear!

"The Tianhe boat on the Tianhe river is the most terrifying existence. Now you can have a good experience of the Tianhe boat's terror!" Yang Tiance looked at the old white tiger and laughed at this moment!


Countless powerful attacks are still killing Yang Tiance, but at this time, countless rivers under the Tianhe boat are swallowed up by the Tianhe boat, and then the wisps of light condense on the Tianhe boat, and a total of seven rays of light are condensed. These are seven sharp swords!

is the seven sharp sword condensed from the weak water essence in Tianhe river. This is the strongest attack that Yang Tiance has gathered so far. It is also used to decide that this battle is the winner. The old white tiger has not used his real killing trick before, but Yang Tian CE has used it again. Even Yang Tiance can now even have 1/10 of his own means. It hasn't been used yet. Of course, some means are not as powerful as the attack from Tianhe boat!

However, many means can be used to deal with the old white tiger!


The attacks from both sides met directly at this moment.

The first time there was a dazzling light. It was like one of the nine hot suns in the divine world exploded. It was the divine sun that exploded, not the sun of other small worlds. These are two different concepts. The dazzling light can make a weak strong man lose sight directly.

The sky is powerful, and the terrible waves are sweeping out and roaring at this moment. Here is Tianhe. But there is a huge hole above the Tianhe. It seems that a star with a volume of more than a million miles fell into the Tianhe and smashed a huge hole. Even with the ability of Tianhe, it can't be recovered in a time!

There is chaos between heaven and earth. It seems that the whole heaven and earth will be restarted. It is terrible to the extreme. It is terrible to feel that the earth and the earth will overturn!

These are the feelings of other people, such as big mouth. This is not the case with Yang Tiance and Lao Bai Hu. Their encounter is really terrible, even to a point of earth shaking. However, the scope of their attack is not too broad in terms of their strength in this realm, at least at present Not too broad, because Tianhe devours all the power!

The attacks of both sides are extremely powerful. If the shadow of the white tiger condensed by the old white tiger is its real killing move, then the sword condensed by Yang Tiance is the real killing move. The two different killing moves fight against each other, and it is to distinguish a winner and loser.

The two of them saw at the same time that seven sharp swords had killed a white tiger.

For the first time, the fierce sword Qi swept through the sky. The terrible sword spirit directly broke the old white tiger's attack, and then stabbed the shadow of the white tiger with a crushing posture.


The explosion of Gengjin's divine power and countless swords made the world seem more chaotic. However, Yang Tiance was the better one. The power of the sharp sword was too terrible. The powerful and almost invincible sword stabbed the body of the white tiger's virtual shadow. Without penetrating, it stayed behind the body, and then exploded with a bang!

There are black holes in the sky!

Yang Tiance's attack is really incredible. This attack can only be fought by the great power of quasi Tianzun level, but now it is used by him. Naturally, old white tiger is not Yang Tiance's opponent, including its noumenon!

When the sword stabbed at the old white tiger's body, its treasures all stood up to resist, but it's a pity that its treasures were forced to open by the powerful force of Qi, and the sword directly penetrated into the old white tiger's body!

However, different from the situation over there, the sword didn't explode this time!

But it seems that Yang Tiance has won this time. However, don't be too happy. Just at the moment when the sword is so white tiger itself, Yang Tiance looks up to the sky with a mouthful of blood. All kinds of magic powers of old white tiger are not so easy to deal with. Even Tianhe boat can not completely protect him!Both sides did not have time to do other things, their position was a change, and then they saw that they had just returned from the Tianhe River to that unique space!

"How did you do it?"

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