However, at the moment, it's a counterattack. If it's not good, it's being forced to survive. Powerful and terrifying forces are spreading all over the world, which makes everything in heaven and earth vibrate. The powerful force penetrates the earth and tears Everything between heaven and earth. There are also many terrible and incredible miracles breaking out at this time, which makes everything in heaven and earth topple. Xuangui itself However, there is no ontological trick at all, but its own magical powers are all at this time, which makes a lot of creatures here in the vast sea, and then they are overturned!

"Broken!" With the roar of sinomeni, the terrible blue light overflowed from his body to the outside. It was terrible to the extreme, like a blue sun. The terrible power instantly broke through everything between heaven and earth. At this time, all kinds of terrible magical attacks by the Black Turtle were beaten and destroyed, Incredible power!

Ivy quasi Tianzun is worthy of being the Ivy quasi Tianzun. At this time, he was roaring with a roar, and the vines were sweeping out from his body to the outside, directly wiping out everything between heaven and earth. With the sound of roaring, he showed his own super magic power and directly destroyed everything between heaven and earth at this time.

This guy's strength is too strong, not only that, he even has the strength to protect Guangmu Shaojun, as for other people, he doesn't care so much.

The power of the quasi Heavenly Master is naturally able to withstand the strong storm here, so is the Lord of cangyun. At this time, the main purpose of the Lord of cangyun is to distort and send out luck to resist and reverse the storm between heaven and earth. However, the Lord of cangyun is also under the attack of xuangui. At this time, the Lord of cangyun bursts out a series of terrible lights outside his body The clouds twisted everything between heaven and earth, and even devoured many terrible magical attacks directly!


Of course, the tortoise's ability to attack heaven and earth is very powerful, but it is not the powerful power to attack them Empty, there is no other too much power, the end is terrible.

In fact, in a sense, Tianzun is the real nemesis of the congenital holiness. The greatest and strongest ability of the congenital sacredness is that they are the beloved of heaven and earth. They can control the rules of heaven and earth by nature. However, the cultivation of living beings is to turn the rules of heaven and earth into rules, which means that they are seizing the power of heaven and earth into their own.

Heaven's own laws are so powerful that they can modify the laws of heaven and earth. Any attack on xuangui is invalid and has no effect. The quasi Heavenly Master is not Tianzun. At most, it is qualified to lift shoes for Tianzun, but even if it makes them qualified to carry shoes, they can still resist the attack of a powerful congenital sacred Strike, of course, this is based on the premise that the innate holiness is not too powerful!


Tianzun's strength is terrible. However, other strong men are not the same. At this time, they can only use their magic power to protect themselves. On the other hand, Dugu Ao is holding the snow in the north in one hand, and the other hand is holding his congenital artifact sword at this moment However, when the boundless sword Qi broke out, the rolling and terrifying power instantly rippled between the heaven and the earth. The solitary and proud sword art had reached the point that all hands and feet were supernatural powers. With his gentle move, he suddenly created a huge picture in the sky and earth. In the painting, there was a lifeless, but extremely strong, holy mountain composed of infinite long swords That terrible magic has hit the picture!

The sky and the earth vibrated and made a puff sound. At first, the mysterious tortoise hit the sacred mountain, which made the heaven and earth tremble. But then, the wave broke out at this moment. The countless sword spirit in the painting scroll directly erupted hundreds of millions of swords, which directly tore everything between heaven and earth. Xuangui's magic power is certainly powerful But in front of the boundless sword spirit, he was still hanged!

This is Dugu Ao's most powerful means. After this attack, he looks pale to the extreme. One thing to know is that xuangui has no intelligence, and its attack is scattered to the extreme. According to the truth, its attack should not be of great use, but the scattered attack only makes Dugu Ao hurt so much. It is conceivable that this xuangui is a mysterious turtle How terrible is the strength of.

However, Dugu Ao was worthy of his reputation as a sword devil to block such an attack!

As for Yang Tiance's turn, they are also powerful. However, different from others, when facing the attack of the strong, Yang Tiance did not attack separately, but united together. Especially when the fierce force was overwhelming, Yang Tiance blocked in front of them, and others shot together, and one of them immediately The huge storm from them as the center, then to all directions burst, and finally a roar, directly shattered the Xuan turtle's attack!

"This guy..." Yang Tiance has been deeply watched by these guys. What they want to know is how much strength Yang Tiance has, but their idea finally failed. Yang Tiance's cultivation is very strong, and his teammates are not weak, so I'm afraid that the attack can't find out the depth of Yang Tiance!Boom!

Wanbao boy and the snake cave girl were a little embarrassed, but they were not damaged here. Otherwise, the mysterious turtle would be too terrible. Wanbao boy used dozens of terrible artifacts, all of which were surrounded by Wanbao boy. All of them were defensive artifact. When Wanbao boy's mouth made a sharp drink, the artifact converged into one At last, it directly turned into a huge sun, which also blocked the attack.

The snake cave girl is different. At this time, the snake cave girl shows her secret method, and there is a huge hole on her head. Countless attacks are actually decomposed into the most original mysterious Qi by the hole at this time. It is faintly seen that there are countless poisonous snakes born from the hole.

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