Xuanwu didn't know that these guys were Yang Tiance before they were exposed? This is really questionable. Secondly, Yang Tiance's strength has been greatly improved after they were captured by Xuanwu. Yes, Yang Tiance's strength has been greatly improved before they have the huge casualties. If it wasn't for this, they would have such huge casualties!

Then what did Yang Tiance rely on to cross the wall of eternity?

It is absolutely something in the hands of the Xuanwu people. At the end, the eternal gun is really strange. What is the eternal wall? It is used by the God Emperor to cast the eternal wall. The eternal wall is indestructible. Even if the eternal wall is opened, it is absolutely impossible to cause any impact. But cheating Yang Tiance, the eternal gun appears in his hand!

"Go to find it. If you don't make it clear at this time, you can't pass Xuanwu, even if it's the first one under heaven!" Zhu Fen said in his heart. But it also knows one thing. If it wants to really deal with Xuanwu, even if it's impossible, it's impossible to fight. But it has to find the trouble of Xuanwu. Even if it doesn't play a big role, it has to go. It has to take a bad breath in its heart!

Yang Tiance doesn't know what will happen to the Xuanwu clan, but he can imagine that the Xuanwu clan will have some trouble next. However, Yang Tiance believes in Xuanwu very much, and it's really not a big problem to deal with what things they want to deal with with with the strength of Xuanwu!

At this time, Yang Tiance and his family have been far away and come to a world full of exotic customs.

"Where is this?" People were slightly surprised when they came here, but Yang Tiance's mind was beating violently. It was

This celestial domain is very special. To what extent is it special? Among the many celestial domains in the divine world, this celestial domain is definitely a very good one. It has abundant spirit, large area, strange terrain, and is very magnificent. When Yang Tiance and Yang Tiance come here, they can see a lot of magnificent architectural relics, which can be imagined How prosperous and powerful the universe was before, but it was all before!

And in the heaven that Yang Tiance and his family are in front of, the air between heaven and earth is abundant, but if you feel it carefully, you can find that the air between heaven and earth seems to be full of something unknown. The abundant air here is poisonous, and the air here is more abundant than most of the air in the heaven Yu, in a trance, there are layers of thick fog between heaven and earth, which is not rich, but mysterious.

"Where is this place? There's so much mysterious Qi, but There's something wrong here. The mysterious spirit here is poisonous! " South demon is also very surprised, in such a place can produce a lot of strong, and here Shenxuan gas abundant to the present such a strength, because the absorption of less, mainly Shenxuan gas can't use!

"Toxic?" Apart from Yang Tiance, there are also two indigenous people in the divine world, Dugu AO and beijingxue. Other people don't know where this place is at all. Nanyao's age is older, so it doesn't know where this place is. When they hear that Nanyao is poisonous, Dazui and Aoyun are very surprised.

"There's no mistake. The Shenxuan Qi here has been poisoned by heaven and earth. At first, there won't be anything, but we should absorb the Shenxuan Qi here to practice, Once the cultivation reaches a certain level, it will be assimilated by the rules of heaven and earth, and then die. This is the poison of heaven and earth. I don't know what great power is so cruel that it has done such a thing in this heaven. "

South demon said: "want to do such a thing, only Tianzun can, and I'm afraid it's not just a Tianzun!"

"Let's go!" Yang Tiance took a deep breath without expression and said this. They walked forward and soon came to a place where the ruins were. Many years ago, it was supposed to be a huge city. Its style was very different from that of most of the celestial buildings in the divine world. The style of this huge city gives people a feeling of arrogance, evil charm and invincibility. But it is not a kind of evil, but a kind of grand hegemony, evil, uninhibited.

For example, there is an ancient statue. Now the statue seems to be weathering, but he points to the sky with a middle finger. His eyes are contemptuous and seem to provoke everyone.

Even a random building has a strong unique style, but these styles are close to a certain kind of arrogant evil, or that is not really evil, but a style that does not dissolve in the divine world, which is called evil.

Random, arbitrary, this is the attitude of the whole universe!

But at present, in this huge city of ruins, there are almost no human beings. Some of them are just some supernatural beasts, and their strength has not reached the limitless realm. Guiyuan realm seems to be the final destination of the creatures here, and these supernatural beasts don't have much sense.

One of the most powerful Shenxuan beasts saw them, then took them as prey, rushed to them and wanted to eat them. This one had a lion like body, a bird's head, and a pair of wings. It was ferocious and domineering. It flew at Yang Tiance with a kind of madness in its eyes.

It is unconscious, and its strength has been promoted to an extreme. This is not its real extreme, but it has reached the extreme of this heaven. Almost half of its body has been completely emptied, and its body will be decomposed into mysterious Qi, and its cultivation rules will be scattered in the whole heaven and earth, and become the poison of heaven and earth!"How dare you come to our trouble!" Big mouth saw the beast in front of him, and there was a strange color in his eyes. Then he burst into a rage. Big mouth was surprised to find that this mysterious beast might not be too strong, but the blood in his body was very domineering, almost equal to the combination of several kinds of blood. It turned out to be a kind of god beast cultivated by people.

"The beast of heaven!" Yang Tiance said this!

"What kind of beast in the end of the world, if I don't beat out all its excrement and dare to challenge us, I'm looking for death!" Big mouth is ferocious, a smile will go up to accompany the wild animal to play.

"Wait!" Yang Tiance reaches out his hand to stop his big mouth. At this time, the beast has already appeared in front of Yang Tiance. He opens his mouth and bites them. But for Yang Tiance, this little beast is just like a cat. Yang Tiance presses it down with one hand, and then a terrible force waves out. Yang Tiance's big hand comes directly from the cat The sky is suppressed against the wild beast, and the wild beast is pressed on the ground by powerful force and can't move!

"Just kill such a weak guy. What are you doing?" Big mouth doesn't understand to ask a way!

"The wild beast is cultivated by the blood of the demon eagle, the wild lion, and the immortal snake, so his head is like an eagle, his body is like a lion, and he has a pair of wings on his back, and there are a lot of snake spirits on his body. It's not a god beast that should have existed in the divine world. It's said that the first wild animal was bred by human beings. The physical strength is terrible, and the speed is also unique. With the blood of the undead spirit snake, it can be reborn when it is the weakest. At the peak, it is almost immortal. Compared with the immortal immortal of the divine world, it is more magical because of the blood of the immortal spirit snake. When the undead snake dies, it will melt its own blood into the countless mysterious Qi in the divine world. As long as the spirit of Shenxuan is not completely destroyed, it will not die. Even after being killed on the spot, as long as there is a drop of blood in the distance, it can be reborn! "

Yang Tiance said lightly: "if it grows up, big mouth, compared with it, you are a younger brother. Although it has no idea how many generations of wild animals it is, the purity of its blood is not what you can imagine."

"Damn, you dare to belittle me, I killed him!" When Dazui heard Yang Tiance's words, he burst into a rage. He didn't know what Yang Tiance said was true, but he didn't accept it. His Dazui was not as good as this guy in front of him, and he didn't look at the strength between the two sides. He could crush each other with a finger,

"well, don't you want to know where this place is?" Yang Tiance walked to the beast of the end of the world: "next you will know!"

"Well?" Big mouth, they all have some doubts. At this time, Yang Tiance is too lazy to pay attention to the situation here. In fact, at this time, many divine beasts or Shenxuan beasts have found their positions. They all wanted to come to devour them or do something else. But a breath from Ao Yun's body comes out, and the unique dragon power can crush almost all the creatures here, Then the many creatures automatically fade away, only in front of the beast has been roaring, it is not afraid of everything!

"The first wild animal was your mount. How could its offspring become so weak?" Yang Tiance said this in his heart. At that time, Da xizun wanted to cultivate a unique mount for himself. No matter what kind of mount, he felt that it was not powerful enough, or the mount he cultivated was more powerful, so he had this first beast.

It should be the offspring of the first wild animal. The first wild animal is the existence of quasi heaven. Because of the help of Da Xie Zun all the year round, the strength of the first wild animal is no less than Zhu Fen and Peng Mo, but its offspring can't become the extreme now?

Inexplicable anger appeared in Yang Tiance's heart!

This is not any other place. This is the heaven where the great evil Lord once lived. It was the heaven where the great evil Lord was born. At that time, this heaven was at least among the many celestial realms in the divine world. Not only that, with the rise of the great evil Lord, the great evil Lord also made many great contributions to this heaven and earth, making this heaven and earth become a God at last The world's most blessed land is full of experts.

At the peak of the great evil Lord, there were dozens of quasi gods in the whole heaven. Even if the great evil Lord committed many evils in the divine world, there would be countless subordinates to help him with one order. The huge power made the whole divine world tremble.

But da Xie Zun was too arrogant. He was so arrogant that people couldn't believe him. When he faced the enemy, Da Xie Zun went out alone. Of course, in the last battle of Da Xie Zun, there were too many pits and too many traps, so Da Xie Zun was helpless.

Of course, Da Xie Zun also thinks that he doesn't need any help. He is confident that he can face any enemy, but the fact is not like what he imagined. Yang Tiance doesn't know if there is any plan behind Da Xie Zun's back. Maybe that battle is a part of his plan, but he still has an accident, which is certain, whether it is a part of the plan or not!

"Da Xie Zun did a lot of terrible things in the divine world, and he deserved it! But this heaven should not be like this Yang Tiance's secret way is that this is the hometown of Da Xie Zun. Although the whole heaven has become so unique and different in the divine world with the style of Da Xie Zun, it is true that there are ferocious people in the whole heaven, even those who deserve to die, but most of the creatures are still good and kind.But now what is the sky like?

Shenxuan's Qi is poisonous, and when the living beings are cultivated to a certain extent, they will be assimilated by the power of heaven and earth?

Yes, at present, the name of this heaven is called Saint heaven. Zun is the heaven's Zun, the great evil's Zun, and decadence is immortal. The great evil's dream is to become an immortal strong man, so it changed the name of the whole heaven to Saint heaven. Later, it didn't sound good enough, so it changed its name to immortal heaven!

The name of Saint heaven comes from the fact that there is a saint devil heaven in the divine world. The saint devil heaven is the domain of the devil, and the devil is the only Immortal King who can fight against the God Emperor. But the holy heaven is not enough for the great evil. It changes the name of the whole heaven into immortal heaven, so it has two names!

But now the immortal universe has become what it is now?

Even the frontier of the divine realm is not as good as the original Da Luo realm. I think the former Da Luo realm is better than the present immortal realm!

"Da Xie Zun, I don't know what you're planning, but you've really made too many people suffer from you!" Yang Tiance took a deep breath, and then he looked at the beast in front of him. He instilled a magical force into the beast. The beast's unreal body began to solidify!

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