
However, at the moment, they didn't panic too much. After all, most of the attack forces can't touch the realm of quasi heaven. Of course, so many terrorist forces are absolutely not joking, so they all use their own power!

At this time, Qingteng used an artifact, an artifact that Yang Tiance had never seen before. It looked like a pagoda, full of gold, and had infinite power. At this time, Qingteng madly instilled its own power into the pagoda, and countless golden lights filled out. They almost looked like the essence, showing a golden sand Like the last diffuse, like a mountain in general to protect them!

At the same time, sinomeni reflected its inner world at this time, but it was also not enough. The so-called Pro guards also moved one after another. They took Guangmu Shaojun and sinomeni as the center, raised their heads and looked at the sky one after another. Among their eyes, there was a unique force shooting towards the sky, and then spread to form a border to guard him People.


Finally, the powerful and terrible force, overwhelming impact on their prepared defense, suddenly issued a terrible roar, When the powerful power diffuses, everything completely turns into powder at this time. The void is broken, and there are huge and terrible cracks in the vibration of heaven and earth. The extremely terrible power is like the strong impact of tides on the defense prepared by ivy vine!

There is no need to say more about Guangmu Shaojun's means. It's terrible to directly crush those Pro guard forces and the strength of sinomeni. It's really terrible. Sinomeni has the power to change the rules of heaven and earth. Those Pro guard forces are more weird forces. How can we say that many creatures are breaking up automatically when they fight against the power released by Pro guard Scattered, their power, terror to what extent.

The strength of these guys even started to automatically analyze the opponent's strength attributes when they shot, and then started to make breakthroughs from the targeted aspects. This is really terrible!

In a word, this is absolutely not what ordinary creatures can do!

But it's a pity that no matter what kind of power is useless under the joint attack of so many good hands. When the real power burst out, led by Qingteng, Guangmu Shaojun and many pro guards suffered unprecedented situation at the first time. All their defenses were destroyed in an instant, and they all spewed blood together. At the critical moment, they all hid In the pagoda, if it wasn't for that, they would be blasted here in an instant!

"Really fierce!"


All kinds of powerful and terrible forces are pounding at their area, and everything is collapsing rapidly. All these forces are really powerful and terrible. In fact, from the summary of divine power, no one in the whole divine world alone can have such great power. Of course, those that Yang Tiance can't touch are not counted, anyway There is no living creature that Yang Tiance can touch so far.

Once the power of so many powerful people can be gathered together, it will be a force that makes the whole divine world turn pale.

Therefore, it is very important to have a strong force, but those who are not so powerful can not be ignored. Of course, there are differences between the strong and the weak. For example, at this moment, although many of the methods prepared by sinomeni and others have collapsed one after another, it seems that they have suffered a heavy blow. However, under the current situation, it is impossible to wipe them out. The incomparable magic of that golden pagoda, coupled with the output of the power of sinomeni and others, is like gold sand in the sky Diffuse out, defend yourself!

The roar of the sound between heaven and earth, countless strong attacks like waves, crazy impact those gold sand, gold sand began to collapse, but unfortunately, this gold sand is absolutely not ordinary things, indestructible, but also can divide the forces of the outside world.

Finally formed a terrible force field!


When this wave of huge attack completely disappeared, the world was quiet, only the broken void was recovering rapidly. Under the protection of the gold sand, sinomeni and others did not have much problem. At most, the difference between the consumption of the gold sand was not much, and the gold pagoda also lost its magical light, and became very dark!

"It's blocked!" It's really amazing that sinomeni and others have blocked the attack, not only Yang Tiance but also Quan Hansong.

"Ha ha, good baby, it's really good baby. When my artifact was smashed, I was worried that I didn't have a suitable guy to use when I got out of the mountain. So I came here. I'm really a lucky son. Is there anyone more lucky than me in the world?" Quan Hansong looked at the golden pagoda, his eyes shining.

"Hahaha, the boss is right. Such a treasure has virtue. Is there anyone more virtuous than our boss in the world? No, no, none of them There are flatterers in the back constantly flattering!

"Damn it!" In the face of such words, Guangmu Shaojun needless to say, almost no gas burst his stomach, even the Ivy face has changed, this is what cattle and horses, even he can't suppress his anger at this time."You want to die!"

The green vine is completely angry. At this time, it has a golden pagoda on its head and directly transforms itself into its own body. At this time, there are countless branches flying towards the outside world. What's more, the most terrible thing is that these branches are holding artifacts in their hands!


If it's just like this, it's not terrible. But the next moment, sinomeni is not really cruel. But the really terrible thing happened at this moment. Sinomeni was really angry, so it used an extremely terrible power. A little Mars appeared from its trunk. The next moment, sinomeni's whole body seemed to be completely ignited by the fire It's burning like crazy.


When the flame appeared, except for Quan Hansong and the three most powerful kings, other creatures here subconsciously exclaimed. The power of the flame was extremely terrible. The white golden flame seemed to turn them into powder.

"This power is similar to the power of the great light Sutra of tomorrow!" Yang Tiance and his friends are all aware of the power of the Daguang Sutra. At this time, the fire made by the ivy vine is similar to the Daguang Sutra. It seems that it is specially used to deal with the evil spirits. Even if the creatures here and now are not the evil spirits, the fire can not be ignored The threat to them is enormous!


The green vines are out of hand, and countless vines holding the artifact fight against the creatures here, and there are terrible flames spreading in the world!

"Be careful!" Before that, Quan Hansong looked down upon sinomeni and others at all, but now it's different. Quan Hansong gave a sharp drink. He and the two kings were not afraid of this power. He easily said that the attack of sinomeni was reversed!

But every spark splashed out, and the aftereffect of powerful divine power spread to the nearby creatures who were not strong enough. At this time, they immediately uttered a cry of pain. At last, their bodies directly became nothingness and were melted away. Finally, there was a ball of origin floating in the sky and earth!

"Back off, all of you. You're going to die!" Quan Hansong gives a sharp drink. At this time, Quan Hansong's body disappears from the original place in a flash, and goes straight to the green vine to kill the past. All the creatures under his command are of great use in the future. Now they have not evolved into a whole, and they die here. This is the most loss, so he takes the initiative to attack!

Quan Hansong shot, the other two kings also shot at this time.

"Kill Facing Quan Hansong who rushed to him, the green vine directly beat the sky full of vines to Quan Hansong. At the same time, the boundless flame began to spread, which enveloped Quan Hansong. The artifact wrapped by the vines kept glowing at this time, and great power began to explode!


Sinomeni is absolutely strong at this time. Of course, in fact, according to the truth, sinomeni's strength is not very strong, but this guy is very restrained. Quan Hansong fights with him, and no one thinks Quan Hansong can beat sinomeni. However, Quan Hansong's performance is also dazzling. In fact, Quan Hansong is not fighting with sinomeni at the peak Is to suffer a loss, but at this time is the right Hansong really tough, when a force from its body towards the outside world swept out, rolling powerful and terrible power completely burst!

This guy's cultivation is definitely not the orthodox skill of the divine world. When he takes his hand seriously, the blood red divine power suddenly sweeps out, the powerful power rises up, and all kinds of terrible visions also show at the same time. It seems that there are a series of shrill wails around his body.

Quan Hansong's mouth roared. As soon as he stepped out, his body mutated. When the blood color divine power vibrated on him, his body changed. The whole person seemed to become a monster. It became half human and half beast, with two blood red horns on its head, just like a sword. His body was covered with scales, a thick tail, and his eyes were burning with blood The color of the flame.

When Quan Hansong becomes the state at the moment, the terrible white golden flame no longer threatens Quan Hansong. Instead, it automatically avoids Quan Hansong, and seems to surrender to him.

what is really frightening is Quan Hansong's eyes at this time. The burning blood flame in Quan Hansong's eyes is the most frightening The flame in the eyes disturbs people's mind and can make the emotions of the living beings fluctuate. Even it seems that it can plant a seed in the heart of the enemy. When this seed takes root thoroughly, the enemy becomes a part of Quan Hansong!

"Nine changes of evil spirits!" Yang Tiance heart * * now such four words, and the opposite Ivy also at this time issued a fierce drink, "who are you in the end!"

The nine changes of the evil god is the skill handed down by the great evil god. The inheritance of the great evil god comes from the ancient demons. It's a serious evil skill, which can be regarded as the unique skill of the great evil god. Naturally, it's impossible for the great evil god to pass down his power without reservation, so there is a weakened version of the nine changes of the evil god!

In fact, it's not a weakened version, because Da Xie Zun robbed countless magical powers in the divine world in his later period. He combined these powers with Xie Zun's magical powers, and then there were nine changes of immortals.According to the assumption of Da Xie Zun, when the evil god practices nine changes and reaches the ninth change, he can fight against Tian Zun. Moreover, this skill is extremely overbearing. To what extent is the specific overbearing level, it is almost equal to being invincible at the same level. Da Xie Zun is never a mean person. He has passed down a lot of skills to the people he trusts.

For example, the Daguang Sutra of tomorrow, such as Tiandi boxing, such as Bati jinshenjue, all have their own successors. Of course, almost all the other major races have passed on their skills after they were obtained by Da Xie Zun, which is also the reason why Da Xie Zun is hated!

However, many skills and supernatural powers are not so easy to cultivate. Only the nine changes of the evil god is the long skill practiced by the creatures who are trusted by the great evil god. It is also the most powerful and domineering skill. It is also very famous!

But how can the nine changes of evil spirits used by ordinary creatures be compared with Quan Hansong's nine changes of evil spirits? At this time, the nine changes of evil spirits are fully open, and the ivy vine suddenly feels its heart and spirit jump wildly.

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