Yang Tiance, they came to a unique space.

This is an underground space, which is very vast. They look up at the sky, and there are lights above, which are like ribbons. They shine from the sky and illuminate the whole underground space. Yang Tiance discovered that in a sense, the underground space is actually a huge cave!

And the sky that a strip of light contains extremely terrible power, colorful, it seems that the color can be imagined are displayed on it, Yang Tiance's face slightly changed, the different ribbons above represent the power of different formations!

And these different forces combined to form a terrible array!

In other words, the continuous flow of ribbons above is also a big array. The final destination of these ribbons is in one direction, which is the center of the whole underground space.

"There doesn't seem to be any danger here!" Other people looked at the place, and AO Yun said this. It's just that this place suppresses people's perception and makes their perception lose its role. They can only see things with their naked eyes, and the realization is also suppressed to a very short range!

The underground space should be hundreds of feet in size. For ordinary people, the scope is very large. But for Yang Tiance, what is the scope? Also did not think much, straight toward the center of underground space in the past, they are not slow, in the twinkling of an eye came to the center of space!

Then they were speechless.

There is nothing else in the center of this underground space, only a huge column. It seems to stand upright in the center of this underground space. The column is colored, which is a huge colored column formed by melting numerous ribbons above.

Looking at a pillar from a distance, it looks like a stick, but when you walk into it, you can see that it is a huge pillar thousands of feet high. There is an extremely terrible fluctuation on this pillar. As far as the fluctuation of this pillar is concerned, the terrible fluctuation on it makes people understand that this pillar is not accessible to ordinary people at all!

The strong of quasi heaven level did not touch this pillar at all.

"What great power has this pillar gathered? Why do I have a terrible feeling that my body will be crushed when I get close to it? " South demon asks a way, he felt extremely terrible thing on this pillar.

There are colorful lights on the pillars, each of which represents a different power. Once contacted with the pillars, every different power represented by the pillars will roll over you in turn, and the quasi Heavenly God will be turned into powder easily!

"Is it energy or matter?"

This is another question. If there is energy in its material, refining it into an artifact will be no less powerful than Yang Tiance's several congenital artifact, whether it is Xuanwu shield, space spirit boat or wheel of time.

The spirit boat of space has the ability to break the boundary, and the road of time is able to fix the time. As for the defense power of the Xuanwu shield, Yang Tiance can't help sighing when it comes to the Xuanwu shield. There is no doubt about the strength of the Xuanwu shield, but some aspect of the Xuanwu shield also makes Yang Tiance speechless. At the beginning, when Yang Tiance just refined the Xuanwu shield, the power he could explode was not too strong, so he didn't feel much. However, as his strength became stronger, the power that Xuanwu shield could explode also became stronger. Yang Tiance found another side of Xuanwu shield!

Xuanwu shield, the more power it can stimulate, the heavier the Xuanwu shield will be. If Yang Tiance urges more than 30% of the Xuanwu shield's power, the Xuanwu shield will use a large part of gravity on Yang Tiance. It can protect Yang Tiance, but Xuanwu shield also binds Yang Tiance!

So Yang Tiance is not very willing to use Xuanwu shield!

But in front of this pillar, its power seems to be comparable to those congenital artifact of Yang Tiance, which makes people feel terrible!

"There's a man hanging on it!"

Yang Tiance and his family slowly revolved around the pillar and came to the other side of the pillar. Then they breathed out with a big mouth. In this place, their perception was suppressed to the extreme. It can even be said that the perception pressure was not easy to use. They could only see things with their eyes, but the distance they could see was not too far. So they revolved around the pillar, At this time, they all looked at a figure hanging above the pillar!

This is a man who looks a little thin. His hair is disheveled and he can't see the specific face clearly. He just thinks that he is thin and haggard. He was hung on the post. There are two hooks at his clavicle that pierce his body and hang him!

At the same time, there was no anger on him, as if he had died. He had been in this position for many years.

"Clock clutch?" Yang Tiance in their hearts all appeared such a sentence, is it not that this is Zhong Li He Tianzun? The second apprentice of Da Xie Zun? If you look carefully, the clothes he is wearing are not popular in the divine world, with the breath of time, with a trace of vicissitudes and decay.

And it has a faint breath of death, people can't help suspecting that he has died, but even at this point, Yang Tiance and they can feel a force of breath and fluctuations from the body of Zhong Lihe. The dead giant is also inviolable to mole ants!

"Is he really dead?" There is no other thing in the whole underground space, and there is no sign of any living thing. The only thing is a human figure, which is the existence of the seemingly clock clutch in front of us, and it has no vitality.


All of a sudden, Yang Tiance felt a wave. The pillar in front of them was shining, and then a terrible wave of power swept out from the pillar to the outside world. Yang Tiance's face changed. This power was as powerful as Tianzun's at this time, and it had a very terrible and destructive atmosphere. It was still irresistible, The outbreak is too fast, too much storage. It's a terrible force entangled by countless forces. If Yang Tiance and Yang Tiance are attacked, their bodies will be directly smashed and all their vitality will be destroyed. Who would have thought that they would encounter such a situation here?

Sudden situation, just this sudden situation is too sudden!

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