Countless rays are converging madly. The speed is too fast. The light is shuttling through the sky and the earth. Then there are fluctuations between the sky and the earth, and changes have taken place. In the eyes of this group of intruders, they find that the sky and the earth have changed at this time, and they seem to be trapped in another space!

At the same time, there are countless fluctuations between heaven and earth at this time.

"Well, pretend to be a ghost!" Green Dragon disdains this, and then a quasi Tianzun level green dragon beside him makes a move at this time. This green dragon seems very old, its hair has become white, but its breath is strong, and its fluctuation is more powerful!


With a roar, countless supernatural powers converged, and then a huge green dragon appeared between heaven and earth. This green dragon suddenly burst out countless blue light to suppress the terrible fluctuations between heaven and earth. Its body was too huge. At a glance, it looked like a mountain that didn't know how long it was. The green dragon Dharma directly ran into the void and wanted to break the array by force!


The powerful force rushes into the void, but countless vortices emerge out of the void. The green dragon method collides on the vortices. The terrible power is even spread out by the whole array, and the divine power is absorbed by the vortices, so it is digested!

A vortex may not have much effect, but countless vortices, as long as the strength is not pure enough, not single enough, can not break the senlo formation!

"Every little array wants to trap us. I'm joking. Don't worry about anything else. Keep going and crush everything for me!" Qinglong is very want to break the front of the big array, but it suddenly found that other strong are looking at it, which makes Qinglong dissatisfied. Why do you want to see the play, let me help everything?

And Qinglong's words made countless creatures come back to their senses. To be honest, this place is still a powerful deterrent to them. They were all unprepared when the unexpected happened before. But now they come back to their senses. So many powerful people directly crush them, and nothing can trap them.


But they really think all these things are too simple. If all these things are really so simple, it will waste Yang Tiance's efforts!

After Yang Tiance came here, any big array they set up was not just to trap them and intimidate them, but to kill them. From the body to the soul, they completely destroyed them. Obviously, the big array Yang Tiance set up was even more powerful, It is also determined that it is impossible to destroy all these strong men here, but as long as it is to kill part of them, it is a great victory for Yang Tiance!

These guys intend to directly deal with countless small threats, and then a group of people crush them all the way to the edge of the formation. They are doomed to fail.

In fact, this big array is not natural, but controlled by people. Yes, there is no mistake. The big array is a real top big array, but the general kind of dead array is not flexible enough. In order to maximize the power of the big array, there is a living creature in the core of each small array.

Of course, they are not easy to expose now, so once something happens, they will disappear directly. But before the battle array is broken, they can bring more damage to the group of bastards in the opposite direction than most creatures can imagine!

With the sound of the hum between heaven and earth, different lights emerge. All kinds of forces come together and become a lot of strange things. There is a steady stream of power converging towards these lights, and the fluctuation becomes strong all of a sudden!

In the face of such things, some creatures are on guard, but more, even most of them don't see it in their eyes. Can you believe it? They are very afraid of this world, but they are arrogant when they feel these fluctuations. They are all strong. After they find that the fluctuations are not as strong as themselves, they are completely unscrupulous!

This is also a kind of sorrow. They are all part of the huge forces in the divine world. But it is precisely because the forces they came from are too huge and their realm is very high. However, in a sense, their experience with the enemy is not enough, so they are doomed to pay a heavy price!

"It's on!" The outside world, Yang Tiance, they looked at the huge array in front of them, and a sentence like this came out of their mouth.

What we see inside and outside of the array is totally different. The main reason is that we can only passively see the changes of the array inside, but what about outside? In fact, the whole array has already become an independent space, and this space has extremely terrifying attainments. It is like a glutton who does not know what to do or what to do. It crazily devours all kinds of forces between heaven and earth, which makes it expand.

It contains the power of fluctuations is constantly becoming powerful!

In particular, there are too many negative forces between the heaven and the earth, and the array is constantly devouring the evil spirit, the moon, the mysterious spirit, and even the power. After it has been activated to a certain extent, there seems to be a huge hole in the sky.

The location of the holy city seems to be covered by the great array of the great evil god. The real power of the sun is rarely used, but now there are huge holes in the sky. The almost endless fire of the sun is constantly pouring down, and the mysterious Qi such as gold, wood, water, fire and earth is gathering madly, At present, the fluctuation of the whole vast array of absolute gods shows a crazy increase of geometric multiples.

As long as the array doesn't reach the limit, all kinds of small arrays relying on the array are terrible, arrogant, and even with indestructible characteristics. Of course, some fluctuations of the array are not strong, but the array is arranged by the clock clutch. He never has any good feelings for these damned creatures!

From the point of view of Yang Tiance and Pang viewers, this formation is an expanding ball, and the fluctuation is more and more powerful and terrible.

Any power between heaven and earth is like a giant whale absorbing water, and it is growing savagely!

"What is this?" At the moment, the light suddenly appeared seemed to be completely condensed and formed. One of the green dragons looked at the front. Up to now, they didn't know what happened, but it's not hard to guess. They probably knew that the big formation was going to attack them, but they didn't care too much, With the gathering of power is about to take shape, this green dragon has the intention to try each other's power, it even takes the initiative to get close to this group of light!


But the next moment, the accident happened suddenly at this time, and the fluctuation of the light suddenly reached the extreme. It seemed that at this time, a python like thing appeared and rushed directly towards the green dragon. When the green dragon was stunned, the magic power in his body would surge out and crush the family in front of him.

However, the next moment, the light on the python suddenly flashed, and the blood light was surging. There was a terrible power in the blood light, and the green dragon was stunned. In a moment, it seemed to lose its consciousness. It was stunned and did not move. At the moment, all kinds of negative emotions in its body burst out directly, Let it want to incarnate as a fierce devil driven by desire!

And the python was suddenly scattered, and became a blood death wound around the green dragon. Just in a moment, the green dragon only had time to make a painful roar, and it turned into a mummy. All the strength in the body was extracted, and the life machine was completely wiped out!


After drawing all the power of the dragon, the blood of the python directly leaves the body of the dragon, and then the body of the Dragon turns into ashes at this time.

It must be said here that the area where the holy city is located has long been set up a terrible array by the great evil Lord. When the war broke out, the disciples of the great evil Lord started the array, and then the array never closed down. So if you die here, there is no chance of Resurrection!

Once the vitality in your body is destroyed, you will die immediately. That's why the war here was so fierce in those years. In other words, you can't communicate with the origin in the heaven and earth. If you die, you will die!

Qinglong is just one of these things. At the same time, in this big array with a radius of one million Li, I don't know how many of the same things happened. Except for those who are more cautious and have stronger cultivation, they all suffered a surprise attack at this time!

There are at least tens of thousands of small formations in the vast array of absolute gods, but they all have the power of some evil gods, so most of them are successful. A phoenix is pulled into a sword array, and it is stunned after entering it, and then countless sword Qi burst out, and it is directly killed!

At the same time, several birds found that their body area had changed. They were pulled into an area that looked like a swamp. What kind of swamp was there? It was a man eating magic pool. In a moment, these birds were swallowed up!

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