The endless mighty force suddenly broke out. The force seemed to bombard the weakest place of the divine ship and the core of the divine ship, which was the most important place of the divine ship and the weakest place of the divine ship, but this place was not available to ordinary creatures at all, even among the three city masters, Only the dragon city leader can accurately find the core, but the core directly smashed under Yang Tiance's foot, the violent and powerful power instantly collapsed all the arrays on the divine ship!

The warship burst in an instant, and cracks appeared one after another. Everything began to crack. The divine ship became like a sticky porcelain vase, which was about to collapse at any time!


Then Yang Tiance waved his hand at this moment. All the human beings on the divine ship were shrouded in his palm, and everything else became unimportant at this moment. Therefore, at this moment, with the roar of the divine ship, the whole huge divine ship exploded directly, and strong waves swept through everything. Other creatures were involved and suffered heavy losses, The two city masters screamed at this moment!

Yang Tiance took a group of strong people and directly changed their positions. Then, a large array of lights went crazy from his hands to the outside world, enveloping all other creatures in it.

He asked the Lord of cangyun to stay here. He and the southern demon stood out at the moment. Now only he and the southern demon were not greedy by the fierce beast. Of course, even if there was, it would be no harm to Yang Tiance and the southern demon!


Yang Tiance moved quickly and directly to the place, but others are not necessarily. Yes, there is nothing wrong with Yang Tiance. But the two city masters and other creatures have no way. Yang Tiance just took away the Terran, and the others are still under the suppression of the two city masters.

Even if the two city masters don't want to take care of too much, they still have no way now, because the situation has changed greatly at the moment. Even if it is difficult, they have to stop the fierce beast and buy time for the dragon city master!

However, in the face of a very direct situation, without the obstruction of the divine ship, coupled with the sudden outbreak of Yang Tiance, the fierce animals have rushed to the rest of the creatures. When they rushed to the past, the screams rang out one after another!

One of the huge monsters flew to a higher place. It opened its mouth and sucked fiercely. Then many creatures were sucked into its belly like a torrent. In addition, other monsters also devoured all kinds of creatures at this time. In the twinkling of an eye, these creatures were swallowed up. There were too many creatures swallowed by the monsters, This makes their power soar to an extreme in an instant, and the sound of animal roar is shocking!

The next eyes of the seven fierce beast kings are all fixed on the two city masters. As long as they ignore the other creatures, including the Terrans who have been recruited before, everything has been completely isolated in Yang Tiance's array.

"Roar!" The seven fierce beast kings roared repeatedly. They were too fascinated by the two city masters. The fierce beast instinct prevailed. They are the most delicious food. Even if there is reason, the physical instinct will force them not to think about other things, but just want to devour the two city masters. This is the beast nature of the fierce beast.

"Boss, how long do you want?" The two city masters felt the great pressure. They seemed to be unable to withstand it. They shouted at the Dragon City Master who was still breaking the barrier!

"Hold on, this thing is really difficult to deal with. I've used the ten thousand dragon sting, but it's still difficult to break, but don't worry, you can take ten more breaths!" The dragon clan city leader shouted loudly!

"Ten breaths?" The two city masters could not help looking at each other at the moment.

"Don't worry, no one dares to provoke our dragon family, they dare not!" The dragon clan city leader knew what these two guys were worried about, so he said. In short, things have developed to this point, and everything else is no longer important. As long as Yang Tiance doesn't do it, they will certainly be able to complete the task of going out this time!

"Roar!" It was hard for the two city masters to think whether Yang Tiance would do it or not. When things developed to this point, there was no way back, and the fierce beasts also rushed at them. The two city masters found four fierce beasts respectively, and then the battle broke out!


With the terrible roar coming out at this moment, the two city masters began to fight with the fierce beasts. The fierce beasts had poor means of attack. They relied on the huge divine power and fierce flesh. They completely combined the law with the body. The attack power was terrible. They often fell apart and shook the world!

The two city masters face the fierce beasts. One artifact after another appears on their bodies. These artifact emit dazzling light on their bodies, and the magical powers and mysteries burst out from their hands one after another. In fact, the means they choose is similar to that used by Yang Tiance, that is, continuous long-range attack to limit the fierce beasts. They keep attacking one after another, There are at least hundreds of fights in a breath!


Where they fought, the space was completely torn apart, and the storm of the original divine power continued to sweep out towards the outside world. The sky over the whole island began to collapse at this moment. The violence was terrible to an unspeakable extreme, and the countless cracks spread to the outside world. The space storm was enough to easily devour any polar creatures.

"A fierce beast is a fierce beast after all!" Yang Tiance shook his head and fought with the fierce beast. Yang Tiance knew very well that if the two sides of the same level fought before the extreme state, the fierce beast actually occupied a lot of advantage, but once it reached the level of quasi God, it was not a level at all. The quasi God's control of the law was terrible!

The creatures in the extreme situation can't see what the battle is, but Yang Tiance can. Under his gaze, the battle has become more and more violent and fierce at this moment. Even the storm between heaven and earth is still shaking, which is like a paste!

But Yang Tiance and the southern demon can see clearly that these fierce beasts have been deeply involved in an unspeakable storm. Yes, it is still a very terrible storm. Under the powerful storm, they are deeply mired and can only struggle constantly.

Rules and regulations entangle the bodies of fierce animal kings!


Of course, it's not that the four fierce beast kings can't beat one of them. Their power is incomparably powerful. They can easily crush the attacks of the two city masters, but it's very uncomfortable that they can't really hurt the two city masters at the first time. After one attack, there is another attack, and countless rules of heaven and earth move and entangle them, This makes them uncomfortable to the extreme!

"These two guys don't have much strength, but their brains are still very easy to use!" The southern demon said such a sentence. Indeed, judging from the current situation, their practice is not wrong at all!

Yang Tiance was about to talk to the southern demon. Suddenly, a surprised look appeared on his face.

"Do you believe that these two city masters will be defeated soon?" Yang Tiance to the southern demon road.

"Not yet. It's certain that they are not opponents, but it's too early for you to say that they are going to lose!" The southern demon shook his head!

"Just watch!" Yang Tiance smiled.

He won't let several city masters really succeed. What is the dragon clan? It's awesome, but Yang Tiance is not necessarily so afraid of the dragon clan. In addition, if they can succeed, Yang Tiance really doesn't have to mix up. After all these years, if the fierce beast can't work, he will definitely fight, but judging from the current situation, he doesn't need him at all!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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