
Naturally, there was no big problem with big mouth on their side, but the battle on the other side was extremely hot. It should be said that when Yang Tiance took the initiative to stop other fierce beasts, the battle began to become violent. The two city leaders surrounded and killed the fierce beast king, but the fierce beast king was not vegetarian. When he touched, Their battle becomes extremely hot, especially the other party is still intelligent, so the battle is naturally impossible to be as simple as dealing with other fierce beasts. The void is broken, forming a huge and terrible chaotic land!

The fierce beast king is already scarred, and the two city masters don't look any better. After all, they haven't recovered from the injuries they suffered when they met the sea demon!


Once again, the two city masters were knocked upside down by powerful forces, and their mouths were still gushing blood. The fierce beast king on the opposite side could only roar repeatedly. At a glance, they were also seriously injured. It can be seen that none of the three guys was good.

"If this situation continues, let alone kill the fierce beast, he may be finished!" Yang Tiance secretly said that the strength of the fierce beast king is very unusual, and even said that the strength of the fierce beast king is a little too strong. The strength of the fierce beast king is not comparable to other fierce beasts. How to say, this guy's own strength is very strong, stronger than the general fierce beasts comparable to the level of quasi heaven, which makes this guy very difficult to deal with!

Yang Tiance didn't take the initiative to attack. The two city leaders can fight if they can. If they can't fight, die!

However, it is obvious that Yang Tiance did underestimate the two city masters. The two city masters roared and they launched the final attack. The sea clan city master summoned the towering waves at the moment, and it itself directly integrated into the towering waves. Countless waves swarmed and directly trapped the fierce beast king.

It unfolds its inner world at this moment.

The fierce beast king was suppressed. The fierce beast king roared, and a more powerful and terrible force was about to break out. The sea clan city master could not suppress the fierce beast king. If it could suppress it, the battle would have ended long ago, but at this moment, the dragon clan city master shot.


The dragon clan city leader directly incarnated himself. It was a white dragon. The Dragon looked down at the fierce beast king in front of him. Then a black token appeared on the dragon's head with dense dragon patterns. A beam of light shot at the fierce beast king from the token. With the faint sound of dragon singing, the fierce beast king was stunned and couldn't move, The sea clan city leader quickly launched an attack to suppress the fierce beast king.


Then the dragon city leader opened his mouth and spit out a terrible sword light. The power of the sword light was extremely terrible. Yang Tiance felt that his hair stood upright. When the sword light roared, the space was broken, and everything was cut by the sword light. The speed of the sword light was too fast. It fell directly from the sky and cut into the body of the fierce beast king, Then the sabre light power erupted towards the outside world!

In the roar, the power of law, the power of divine power, and a trace of terrible Tao rhyme swept through one after another, and instantly cut off all the vitality of the murderous beast king and the core origin of the murderer king. When the powerful divine power burst out, the murderer king was directly cut into countless copies.


The fierce beast king died, and the dragon and Sea city masters appeared at this moment. Then their bodies stumbled and almost couldn't stabilize their bodies. Killing the fierce beast king is definitely not a simple thing for them. Their own consumption is huge beyond ordinary people's imagination and almost didn't let them die.

After the murderer king died, they directly put away some things left behind by the murderer king, including two horns and scales. Yang Tiance couldn't help but have some greedy eyes. The things on the murderer king are really extraordinary!


At the moment when the fierce beast king died here, countless fierce beasts here sensed this one after another, and then these fierce beasts became completely crazy. They were almost crazy demons and wreaked havoc in the world, especially where Yang Tiance was located. At this moment, the four fierce beast kings burst out their terrible power and broke free from Yang Tiance's bondage, Then ran to kill Yang Tiance!


Yang Tiance suffered the first wave of raids from the four fierce beasts. The huge and terrible force fell on Yang Tiance. Yang Tiance's body rolled out. Depending on the situation, it was absolutely uncomfortable. A fierce beast bit Yang Tiance's body to swallow him.

Yang Tiance's body was twisted. At this moment, he kicked it on the head of the fierce beast and beat it out. The other three fierce beasts rushed to Yang Tiance at this moment. Yang Tiance was helpless to open up the inner world and fight against several fierce beasts.

At this time, Yang Tiance tried his best to suppress the four fierce beasts, but it's a pity that the current situation is not that he suppressed the four fierce beasts, but that the four fierce beasts suppressed him. Yes, there's nothing wrong. The power of the four fierce beasts is really powerful and directly suppressed Yang Tiance, Yang Tiance's situation at the moment seems to form a terrible balance with the four fierce beasts. It seems that no matter what he does, he can't get rid of the repression of the four fierce beasts, which makes Yang Tiance himself extremely uncomfortable at this moment!

Of course, if Yang Tiance is really upset, Yang Tiance will directly explode his powerful power at this moment and destroy these damn things. Many congenital artifacts will be released at this moment. Yang Tiance will not believe that they can resist Yang Tiance's attack!

"Hold on, we'll help you!"

There was a sound behind Yang Tiance. The two city leaders adjusted their breath and rushed towards Yang Tiance's direction. Yang Tiance saw that he was oppressed by several fierce beasts at the moment. The two city leaders were at the right time. In addition, the king of fierce beasts was dead, and all the other fierce beasts were crazy, Then the rest of the fierce beasts are really not afraid.


In fact, the two city masters are operating their own divine power at this time. One controls the towering waves, and the other controls countless scales to kill the fierce animals. At the moment, Yang Tiance's eyes are more direct. The attacks of the two city masters have covered him!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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