Time flies, and more than half a month has passed. The atmosphere between heaven and earth has become more dignified. If not expected, now the God devil war has begun, and Yang Tiance are still in this place. Before the God tower Tianxing has no clear instructions, Yang Tiance can only stay, and they can't do anything.

Many years ago, Yang Tiance began to prepare for the God devil war. He knew that the scale of this God devil war must be greater than ever before. Originally, he felt that his cultivation had reached a certain level, so he could control everything and gather those familiar with him around him. There must be no problem to participate in the war in this way, In any case, he did not expect that the God devil war would be launched in this way in front of him. All this caught Yang Tiance unprepared. He never thought that things would be like this.

The war between gods and Demons has begun. Yang Tiance's heart is also more and more worried. He knows what's going on with him. With his strong strength, Yang Tiance doesn't think anything will happen to him, but he really has too many people he cares about!

On this day, the God tower star over the city finally moved at this moment. His body shook slightly, and suddenly there was a terrible roar between heaven and earth. In an instant, the strong people in the whole place woke up at this moment, and then flew out one after another to look at the God tower star over the city.

"There's something going on at last. Shit, I've been worried all these days. Now there's a response. If there's no response, I have to doubt whether they're ready to be bad for us." The heavenly star of the divine tower moved, and most of the strong below became slightly excited at this moment!

It's definitely hard for them to live these days. No one knows what the divine court wants them to do. In fact, if they really participate in the war, it's OK. Their strength is very strong, so they don't worry too much. But these days, they see countless creatures leave the divine court and join the war, but they haven't moved, They understand that they really want to go to war, not in the way of gods!

This makes them constantly suspicious and even worried. They are really very worried. If something bad really happens, what can they do to face it.

"No matter how, no one will harm me, anyone, who wants my life, then I will kill him before he wants my life!" There is a strange light in the eyes of the strong. Don't think that these strong people haven't made any preparations in these days. They were very weak when they first came out of the divine prison, so there is no good way. They still need to bow their heads in the face of the real strong people, but now they have recovered a lot of strength, even if they have divine words on their heads, The same strong person is extremely confident!

Even if it is the divine script planted by the divine emperor, there are so many powerful people here and countless means. Who is sure that they can't break the divine script?

"God tower, time has passed for so many days. What task are we going to do? Should you talk?" God robbed Lei Zun's body automatically flew up to the sky to confront the opposite God tower sky star. At the moment, his momentum is not inferior to the opposite God tower sky star!

"Your task... Is to enter the space channel we have prepared for you!" The God tower heavenly star said faintly, and then he stopped talking.

"Where does the space passage lead?" God rob Lei Zun asked expressionless, and a large number of creatures below are not calm at the moment. The atmosphere below is gradually becoming something wrong. God tower Tianxing directly ignores all this, "I can't control anything else. All I have to do is see you enter the space channel. Whether you go or not is completely beyond my consideration!"


Then the God tower heavenly star stopped talking and delegated it to the strong people with hot temper. At this moment, they almost couldn't help it. Even if they didn't dare to do it, it was impossible for them to swallow it at the moment. However, before they did anything, three powerful divine power fluctuations suddenly appeared beside the God tower heavenly star, Then the three creatures came out from the inside. They all wore different robes. They could not see their faces clearly and did not know what kind of creatures they were. However, after they appeared here, they brought an extremely terrible sense of oppression to the bottom.

These are three very powerful strong men. They are wearing gilt robes. They are members of the Presbyterian group, the strongest admirer of the God Emperor and the most loyal running dog of the God Emperor.

"Buzz!" After the strong men of the three Presbyterian groups appeared, they didn't do anything else. They raised their hands at this moment, and then the endless and huge power directly pointed to the sky. A huge vortex suddenly emerged between heaven and earth, leading to the unknown depths!

"Where does the passage lead?" God robbed Lei Zun and shouted!

"Come on, where does this passage lead? If it's any bad place, we can't go in. Hum, no matter how strong you are at the moment, you're just four quasi gods. It really annoys us. Now we'll fight with you! " There are strong people who shout at this moment!

"If you don't want to go, you can't go!" God tower star smiled coldly, "where you go has nothing to do with me, but if you don't go, it has something to do with me!"

Cold, even the creatures here are strong, but now they also feel a terrible cold covering their bodies. The God tower Tianxing will deal with those who can't go there!

"Shenting, you can't threaten me. I won't go. I want me to die. Now I'll send you on the road!" A strong man shouted loudly. This is a strong man who looks bloody. He is also unpopular among the strong people, because this guy seems to have an abnormal brain, but his strength is very strong. He has a terrible separation. The separation is so powerful that it is difficult to be killed, His behavior at the moment seems to show that he doesn't care much about the divine script on his head!


But the next moment, something that frightened the strong here happened. Before the strong did anything, the strong of the three Presbyterian groups shot. At the same time, they stretched out their hands to the strong, and then a breath of fear suddenly broke out. Three streamers hit the strong at the same time, and he only had time to scream, Then the whole person turns into fly ash!

The smell!

The strong people here were shocked again. Yes, everyone was shocked to look at the scene in front of them. The strong was too strong, terrible, and strong beyond their imagination, and there was a different breath in their attack. When this breath appeared, the strong man was erased, all the vitality, cause and effect, and even its long river of destiny were directly cut off!

This is the breath of the divine emperor. It is something that can only be owned by strong people who have exceeded the level of heaven. The occurrence of this scene makes the current creatures completely frightened at this moment.

"There is evil Qi in the channel. Is it difficult that this channel is a channel linking the holy devil heaven?" A strong man made his own voice. He had been paying attention to the channel. At the beginning, they couldn't feel anything, but at this moment, they obviously felt that there was pure and Extreme Magic Qi in the channel, which was the opposite magic Qi of divine and mysterious Qi!

"Yes, the opposite is the holy devil heaven. Now you can choose to go or not. After you enter the holy devil heaven, and then return to the emperor pass, the divine text on your head will disappear. After participating in this God devil war, you will be completely forgiven by the God Emperor. Therefore, thank you, thank the God Emperor!" One of the elders in the Presbyterian group said this. His voice was very hoarse, which contained an indescribable enthusiasm.

"What should I do?" Now this large group of strong people who came out of the divine prison are at a loss. They absolutely don't want to go after knowing that the opposite is the holy devil heaven. The holy devil heaven is the most terrible place in the world. In the past, they basically had death and no life, but what should they do if they don't go now? Did you really spell it?

A large part of the strong put their eyes on the God robbed thunder statue, and the God robbed thunder statue took a deep look at the God Tower: "I will come back and I will come to you."

"You don't have to come to me, because I'll go to diguan!" God stepped on the sky star lightly. It seems that we can see the gap between the two. God robbed thunder Zun regards God tower sky star as the most important opponent, but God tower sky star doesn't seem to pay attention to God robbed thunder Zun.

"Go!" God robbed Lei Zun no longer hesitated at the moment. His body flashed directly towards the channel, and then there were the other four innate saints, and then there were many strong men, basically the best among the large group of criminals here.

When he left, God robbed Lei Zun looked at Yang Tiance. At the same time, Yang Tiance also knew that many strong people were also hinted by God robbed Lei Zun. Yang Tiance roughly counted that at least nearly 500 strong people gathered at God robbed Lei Zun at this moment. Yang Tiance nodded slightly, Then they also rose into the sky at this moment and directly shot into that huge vortex!

"This......" God robbed Lei Zun moved, at least taking away more than 500 strong people. These strong people either have long been subordinated to God robbed Lei Zun, or have aligned with God robbed Lei Zun. Many of the remaining strong people have changed color. A large part of them show disdain for God robbed Lei Zun, and some are too proud, They will never form an alliance with God Jielei Zun. God Jielei Zun is too strong. There is no difference between alliance and obedience to God Jielei Zun, so they resist to the extreme!

But now they are a little flustered. The power of Lei Zun in the divine world is a little too huge!

"Go, let's keep up!" However, these guys are not ordinary people. At the moment, after they looked at each other, they rushed directly into the channel at this moment. There is still a glimmer of vitality to go to the holy devil heaven. As for Lei Zun in the divine world, it's not good to guard against him. It's best not to provoke him. Just go to the holy devil heaven and separate directly!

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