"Kill!" The strong men in the divine prison who had taken refuge in the God rob Lei Zun were still waiting and didn't take action, which seemed to annoy the God rob Lei Zun. Three strong men fell because they hesitated, and they were also killed here, which made them panic, and then began to clean up the strong men on the whole battlefield!

"I advise you to stop. Do you know what your end will be?" Yang Tiance glanced at Niu Kui.

"You'll die if you do this. He wants to become a quasi God. His plan is like this... In short, in the end, all the strong will devour his innate artifact, and we will all become his nourishment. Who is Lei Zun in the divine world? In ancient times, he devoured countless innate sanctities and countless strong people, even if you took refuge in the God to rob Lei Zun, When others die, you will die! " Niu Kui said God's plan to rob Lei Zun!

After hearing Niu Kui's words, the strong people here turned pale at this moment. Niu Kui's words are too real. They really can't be true anymore. There's no falsehood at all. They're not fools. At the moment, they also obviously found that the whole thing is wrong. If things really develop like this, all things will turn into reality in the end!

"Damn, what should I do now?" Their faces have changed!

"Don't listen to them. All these are lies. Kill him and I'll help you get rid of the divine text afterwards!" The voice of God robbing thunder Zun came out. At the moment, the voice of God robbing thunder Zun has become devoid of any emotion. No one knows what God robbing thunder Zun thinks in the end. Maybe God robbing thunder Zun is really not afraid of the rebellion of the strong at the moment!

"Anyway, break this thing similar to heaven and earth oven first!" There are strong people shouting at this moment, so they won't choose to continue to help God rob Lei Zun. They are not fools, and then the strong people of this respect begin to attack heaven and earth at this moment!


The terrible roar constantly sounded in the heaven and earth. They were all fighting hard, but the next thing that made them desperate happened at this moment. They could indeed make powerful attacks. These attacks fell on the oven of heaven and earth. It seems that they did burst out extremely terrible power, but the power in the oven of heaven and earth is more powerful, A strong man not only did not make contributions, but was seriously injured by the earthquake!

"Well, since it's all like this, you'll all die!" God robbed Lei Zun's words without any emotion rang out between heaven and earth. He regarded many strong people as pigs and dogs, "as for you, I'll deal with you when I kill them!"

The thunder prison where God robbed Lei Zun began to indiscriminately attack any living creature here. It was far from such a powerful power, but the help brought by the oven of heaven and earth was really too powerful. Even people couldn't help thinking that at the moment, even a Heavenly God shouldn't have such a huge power?


The strong are fighting back. With the innate God thunder power, Guo Yuqing is powerful. They are not opponents at all. The strong are constantly downsizing whether they are demon gods or divine prisons.

"It can't go on like this. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid something will really happen!" Yang Tiance's partners all looked at Yang Tiance at this time. The power of robbing thunder was very strong, but they really couldn't help Yang Tiance. Even if Yang Tiance didn't use any congenital artifact, his body was more terrible than many congenital artifact, but this thing couldn't really make God robbing thunder Zun develop like this, Let God rob Lei Zun develop like this. I'm afraid the power of baking in this world will be incredible!

That's the real trouble then!

Yang Tiance's giant nodded directly, and then a burst of light appeared on Yang Tiance's body. Big mouth, Ao Yun, cangyun city master, southern demon, Tianhuang and Niu Kui all turned into light and flew into this huge body. Yang Tiance raised his hand and grabbed it fiercely in the void, and then a huge tripod directly appeared in Yang Tiance's hand!


Yang Tiance slapped on the chaos tripod, and countless divine thunders were scattered by the shock of the chaos tripod. Finally, the chaos tripod turned into a big tripod that seemed to cover the sky and block out the sun, and blasted it towards the thunder prison above. After God rob Lei Zun found Yang Tiance's action, countless divine thunders blasted it, and the violent and terrible attacks collided with each other, Then, the violent force constantly explodes towards the heaven and earth, the heaven and earth are constantly shaking, and the huge oven of heaven and earth are also rumbling and trembling!

"Very strong, you are really strong, but no matter how strong you are, it will have no effect. The final winner must be me. No strong person can defeat my God to rob Lei Zun!" The voice of God robbing Lei Zun sounded from the sky. It never paid attention to any creature except the God tower Tianxing, but now there is another Yang Tiance: "you can't leave here, so you must die in the end!"

"I'm afraid you've forgotten that you said you wanted three moves to take me. No, you said I couldn't leave here, so now I'll break your congenital artifact!" Yang Tiance shouted directly. Then he held the chaos tripod. Any attack from God robbed Lei Zun fell on the chaos tripod and was blocked by the chaos tripod!

Then, a bright light appeared on Yang Tiance's hand. The light was indeed bright to the extreme. It looked like a white light. I couldn't see what it was, but a terrible smell spread all over the battlefield in an instant!

"What artifact is this?" The voice of God robbing Lei Zun completely changed. He felt the breath of things in Yang Tiance's hand. Even when he saw the chaotic tripod, he was not so surprised, but at this moment, he was thrilled to the extreme. His innate artifact was already the strongest artifact, second only to the nine top innate artifact, but what appeared in Yang Tiance's hand at the moment, It made him thrilled at this moment!


Yang Tiance was too lazy to answer any words of God robbing Lei Zun at the moment. The space spirit boat turned into a white tiger split empty thorn in his hand. Holding the artifact, Yang Tiance instilled their divine power and big mouth into the artifact at the moment, and then stabbed it fiercely against the thunder wall at this moment!

The white light broke everything, and nothing could resist the white light at this moment. The countless divine thunder from God robbed Lei Zun cleaved at Yang Tiance, but Yang Tiance directly ignored everything. It panicked and completely panicked, so he quickly manipulated the innate artifact at this moment to resist Yang Tiance's attack!

At the moment, the power of his innate artifact is indeed beyond Yang Tiance's imagination. It can even be said that the power it can control at the moment has broken through the extreme that Yang Tiance can achieve, but all this is useless in the face of the space spirit boat, because Yang Tiance is also very powerful at the moment!

The reason why purgatory can trap Yang Tiance is that there are things of God Emperor in purgatory. What is there here? There is nothing. Lei Bi is like this. How can he stop Yang Tiance's attack?


It's like cutting into tofu with a sharp blade, or stabbing a bamboo stick into a radish. The space spirit boat directly tore open the thunder wall, making a crack in the originally indestructible thunder wall. Yang Tiance held the space spirit boat fiercely at this moment, and the terrible roar sounded at this moment.


The huge and terrible power seems to have caused a chain reaction at this moment. The power accumulated in the oven of the whole heaven and earth has been so powerful that it is incredible. It is like an inflated balloon, because a point is broken, and then it explodes directly at this moment.

Yang Tiance, they all felt the dazzling light and surging waves burst at this moment, and the powerful and unparalleled power shook fiercely between heaven and earth. The strong in the oven, whether the strong in the divine prison or the demon God, were torn to pieces by the terrible power at the first time!

God robbed Lei Zun and several congenital sacred thunder prisons were also torn apart at the first time!

Heaven and earth oven, no, that is, the artifact owned by God Jielei Zun suddenly exploded towards the outside world at this moment. The terrible power storm swept everything between heaven and earth. Everything collapsed at this moment, and the violent power completely swept away in the holy devil heaven!

Compared with the damage caused by this battle, the damage caused by the previous battle can be said to be insignificant. This time, the violent power erupted towards the external storm. At least an almost ordinary area of the whole holy devil heaven was affected by the extreme power of the rage, and was completely turned into powder. Countless creatures were killed here!

"This..." even if the violent power is powerful, it can't kill Yang Tiance. They avoided the most violent power center, and then looked at the terrible scene they caused. They couldn't say a word at a time, but at this time, there were terrible fluctuations in the world!

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