

A roaring sound appeared at this moment, and then a huge figure as big as a mountain rushed out directly from the junction of the medicinal garden. Its body jumped high, and then it bit in the front. Only a touching sound that made people's hearts tremble at this moment appeared. Yang Tiance and they were surprised to find that the mysterious beast that came here first was actually pulled out from behind Now the huge shadow was bitten in the mouth, and the sound of bang was the sound of the giant teeth biting behind.

"This Yang Tiance also at this moment to see clearly the things behind!

It was a huge mysterious beast with a mountain in its body!

Its shape is like sheep body, human face, eyes under the armpit, tiger teeth, human claws, big head and big mouth!


Seeing the appearance of this huge thing, many people naturally recall the description of some kind of fierce beast, which is a kind of ancient fierce beast, swallowing heaven and earth, and eating nothing!

The huge beast that appeared before was just like a child in front of this guy. It was so vulnerable!

Yang Tiance felt a huge pressure and suppressed him directly. His cold sweat flowed out in this moment. It was not that he was afraid of this thing, but just by virtue of momentum, it was so powerful that it could be easily suppressed.

"What has eaten the precious medicine in the medicine garden? Now it is obvious that it has eaten the precious medicine in the medicine garden." Yang Tiance said in his heart.

Click! CLICK!

This guy's mouth is very big, just gently moved his mouth, that Xuan beast was completely swallowed by it at this moment.


Then, it looked down with its red eyes, all the creatures were in its eyes, and then an ugly voice came out of its mouth, only to see it open its mouth, a fierce inhalation.


Scream in this moment, there are a few students, and some Xuan beast was directly sucked into its mouth.

"Damn it, I'm afraid this guy has four grades." Yang Tiance said in his heart.

This sudden change basically made all the creatures here scared to be silly at this moment, and then at this time, all people reacted.

"Run away, what the hell is this monster? It's terrible!" Someone's mouth made such a sound, and then began to flee!

This guy destroyed the previously hot battlefield.

One student after another began to escape from here!

Have been scared to break the courage!

Fortunately, this guy's eyes are not only directed at the living people, but also on the students and Xuan beasts who have died here before. It opens its mouth, and then the corpses fly towards its mouth like a torrent.

"Lucky for you!" Yang Tiance knew that this was the end of the matter, and he did not intend to stay here. After calling several people in front of him, he turned his head and threw the powder in his hand at the big guy at this moment.


This is a big guy who can't refuse. Yang Tiance threw it out to prepare the enemy's powder, which was directly swallowed by him.


After swallowing Yang Tiance's powder, this guy had some changes. He actually stood in the same place and jumped for a while, and then a strange breath was released from his body. That feeling is really beyond description!

It's a mess here. Fortunately, there are not too many students who are still alive. Their goals are not very big. They are all like little bugs, and they run away in all directions crazily. In a flash, they disappear without a trace.

"Go They are like this, Yang Tiance is not stupid, he is also a body move quickly came to his partner's side, and then together with them, toward another direction crazy escape!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" As soon as Yang Tiance left, Li Shuo and others had no one to suppress them. Then they turned over one by one. They laughed with pride and thought that they had survived. One by one, they were very excited.

"Damn it, you son of a bitch, if you dare to bully us like this, you will surely look good in the future!" These people are in this moment secretly hate looking at the direction of Yang Tiance's departure, and then a secret way in their hearts.

"No, he has got our points and hasn't returned the token to us!" Li Shuo said in a hurry at this moment.

Here, everyone has his own token. The token of others is useless to the individual. When he gets the token, the token will make a mark on himself.

If there is no such operation, after the two powerful warriors fight, one of them is defeated and the token is robbed. Wouldn't it be good if he took the token of the other weak one?

Originally, there is nothing like this, because it is respected by the strong, but the high-level also has their own consideration. Otherwise, the powerful group of people unite together and grab the token of the weak one crazily without the token, and the weak person will be eliminated soon.Although the current practice can not guarantee that the weak can get the place, after all, there is a little more chance. After some strong people's tokens are robbed, they are not the opponents of advanced students and can only eliminate themselves.

In this way, occasionally there will be a few fish who miss the net and become martial artists of the seven colleges!

As for why we should do this, I think it's just to give level 9 warriors a hope and let them participate in more. Otherwise, only two or three kittens and puppies participated in a communication meeting in the eastern part of the Empire. How shameless!

"Chase, catch up. If we don't have a token, we will be eliminated. We can't let him go, even if we die." These six people all looked at each other at this moment, and then a series of chasing after Yang Tiance.

At the same time, it is the same with the martial arts of Tianyi college. They know that under such circumstances, they can only follow the strong ones, otherwise they will be eliminated at any time.

Yang Tiance slipped away. Six bastards chased Yang Tiance. Then some students saw that the people of Tianyi college all chased after him. They also followed him.

As for some other mysterious beasts, they are scattered and dead. There are some here. Seeing that human warriors have run away, they also subconsciously chase after them.

"Go, go, go, go!" Yang Tiance put out his rainbow step with great speed, and soon came to Lin Lin's side and called out to them.

"Tiance, you!" When they saw the situation before, they were ready to escape at any time. But now that Yang Tiance came, they changed their complexion, and then pointed to the rear, some of them could not speak.

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